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I'll respond to the love it leave it meme the same way we did in the 70s. America: change it or lose it.


No mention of the gigantic military and our imperialistic use of it?


You can not love it and not leave. Lots of people think their countries suck. Americans for some reason seem to think that if you don't love America you have to leave. We like to believe we are about freedom, but really, we are quite authoritarian from every direction (right, left etc.).


Pretty solid list up until about Twitter, where we start to veer off a bit into things that are awful everywhere on the whole planet.

I've heard there are some nice beaches out there, too.


As an American that has lived abroad, Americans suck. But, on the plus side is hot sauce and Mexican food. Omg, all Americans seek Mexican food like a homing missle when we’re overseas. It’s the one thing that unites us.

Ironic, given the current times...


I've never understood the Mexican food thing. It must be what you get used to growing up, because I grew up in Britain so my homing missile comfort food is Chinese/Indian. I can't stand Mexican food, mostly because it's too meat-centric.


In fairness, you're going to hit some of those no matter where you go.


@9: Tex-Mex food is to us gringos what Indian food is to you Brits, and what Chinese food is to everyone: no matter where you go, there is a restaurant of that type, and the food is always the same.


The Patriot Act. Get rid of it. This would help stop the horrific attacks on migrants for one.


This leftist liberal self-nation-depreication goes back decades.



Better than the Rightist dumb-as-fuck racist I'd-marry-my-sister/daughter/cousin-if'n-they'd-let-me braggadocio any day of the week...


French bulldogs are ugly motherfucking idiots, but to be fair they are French.


America good: BBQ
America bad: fat assholes eating frozen poison out of cardboard boxes.



The left is anti-ice-cream now?


if you get out of modern major metropolitan areas (i.e. move to someplace not full of millions of people with suburb-cities extending for dozens of miles) all of this dumb shit seems a lot less important. Big cities are toxic to collective mental health.


@17 oh ice cream is good! I meant processed frozen meal foods such as one might eat at a Dave and Busters or while watching Prison Break.


Also you called me the left! I'm blushing



If you've never been called The Left before, then you must have unusually pleasant holiday gatherings with your various dispersed relatives. Not everyone is so pleasantly sheltered...


and yet America remains the destination of choice for so many people.


@22 try not to be so hard on yourself ;-)



Only because most conflict-ravaged Central American and Middle Eastern countries don't broadcast FOX News...


@24 - They don’t have a free press either.


That’s uniquely American?
Get a grip, Katie


@29: I suggest that blip's comment be the last word.


Since Phoebe made sure Blip's comment wouldn't be the last word, I figure I'll see to it that her comment isn't the last word, either.


America: The country so great that people who hate it will never consider leaving.


Well, at least we give the rest of the world something to gawk at. As The Devil Makes Three once put it, if you're gonna do wrong, buddy, do wrong right.


I already moved to Canada bitches. Get with the program!

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