


There is no line.


@ US law recognizes and codifies a legal right to request asylum. Taking an asylum seaker's child hostage in order to coerce them into giving up their asylum request is counter to the law and is also some straight up immoral nazi shit. Holding on to a child after court order for release and making it difficult for a parent to reunite with their child in that situation is simply twisted and evil.

The use of ICE personnel to carry out this end-run around US law and the taking of child hostages to enrich the private for-profit detention companies turns ICE from a law enforcement agency into a private army of thugs.

I've accepted now that it is a waste of time to argue with the people who love this evil racist shit, but we should and must argue with those who want to pretend its not happening. And we are not obliged to pretend out of some false definition of "civility" that it isn't fundamentally immoral and unAmerican.


@3- people ARE screaming kidnapping, you fucking idiot.



Are you one of them?


Taking babies from their parents and causing them long-term damage is not the answer either, no matter what the problem is.


Don't bring your spawn to the commission of a crime (entering USA illegally) if you don't want to lose it


And i know about the damage first hand. My kid was adopted from foster care as a baby, and years later we still deal with the insecurity of his first, early months.


I don't give one wet shit how someone enters this country. If all they are accused of is a misdemeanor there is no reason to separate them from their child. We are supposed to be better than the rest of the world. If this administration cared about immigrants taking American jobs they would crack down on the employers but they don't. Its clear the administration doesn't care about immigrants taking Americans jobs because he hires them at all of his businesses.
You can fuck right off with that "come to this country the right way bullshit" since we are discharging non-citizens from the military after we told them we would give them citizenship if they got shot at for us, they aren't even getting honorable discharges so if they got fucked up by an IED the VA doesn't have to take care of them.


@11 there we have the evil. I was waiting to see it.


Damn people, read the article!

"Padilla, 24, was one of 55 parents who arrived at the southern border seeking asylum only to be separated from their children and then transferred to Washington State."

SEEKING ASYLUM IS NOT A CRIME. So saying things like "Don't bring your spawn to the commission of a crime (entering USA illegally) if you don't want to lose it" is just ignorant and factually incorrect.



And taking parents away from a child for the purpose of making them sad is a crime against all decency.


@21: Shh! We don't talk about immigration between the years of 2008 and 2016. Everything was fine, there were no problems.


@22: Speak for yourself.


@21: that's fine. reject their claims. there's a legal process, let's follow it. but don't assert that the asylum claim itself is illegal, or a viable rationale for the treatment their kids are receiving. its unnecessary and inhumane. don't conflate asylum claims with illegal border crossing.

@22: more straw man bullshit.


@21 Seeking asylum is NOT the same as illegal immigration. Asking for asylum at the border (or other point of entry) is totally within the law. In fact it is specifically mentioned in the law as the proper way of doing it. The law allows a person to be here for up to a year before asking due to things like being here on a visa and things then happening back in their original country that makes going home extremely hazardous. Lots of Iranian students took advantage of that when the Shah of Iran was overthrown.

As for those Hondurans. A lot of them made it through the first interview which is known as the credible fear test. Most asylum seekers today are being denied at the first interview and NOT allowed a review of the finding. They are also being charged with being here illegally even tho the law states they are, in fact, doing it legally. Since they are following the law then separating them from their children is nothing more than kidnapping. Maybe asylum seekers should start filing kidnapping charges against individual ICE agents. Do it at the state level and they can't even get a federal pardon. Maybe even file extortion charges against someone who says they can have their kid back if they leave since that is extortion and therefor also against the law. They can't even defend themselves by saying they were just doing what they were told as that hasn't been a valid argument since Nuremberg.

And just for the record if they are charged with kidnapping and extortion at the federal level even a pardon means they lose their jobs. Accepting a pardon is the same as a guilty plea under law in some ways. You can get an innocence pardon but that is something that the President can not give. A pardon of innocence is a judicial remedy and requires a judge to actually state the person was wronged by the legal system. You are not going to get one of those when you are pardoned for a kidnapping that you did in fact do. Ask former sheriff Joe about that. Even if he wanted to still be a law officer he can't. He was pardoned for felony violations and therefor can not legal own a weapon OR be any sort of law officer.

@22 Not everything was fine and there were problems. We even discussed them. What there wasn't was a blatant disregard for US asylum law like there is now.


So I am trying to figure out if the people claiming "she broke the law by sneaking into the country" are really that stupid or if they are boots. I would really like it if the stranger would spot check a few.

Because of course as the article plainly says she presented herself at the border and requested asylum. That is not sneaking in.

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