

They know Hader is going to come in fourth, so yeah this is just their way of appearing balanced while endorsing Rossi


The Slimes shat away their credibility and respectability over a decade ago, so it seems pointless to even critique their shameless, intelligence-insulting “endorsements,” however has ANYONE been able to pin down any of Ro$$i’s bullshit policy positions, other that French-kissing Prezinazi AntiChrist’s double wide, septuagenarian, orange a$$?


It's a pretty sad state of affairs when what is supposed to be an "Alternative Newspaper" becomes the only legitimate news paper in the city.


"Hader and Rossi promise best contest in the 8th Congressional District."

What the Seattle Times Editorial Board really means is that Hader making it through the Primary gives Rossi the best chance of winning in November.


Maybe they're just sick and tired of covering Rossi losing every time.


Is there even a sliver of doubt that the Seattle Times will endorse Rossi in the general election? They may talk like a never-Trumper, but the S.T. editorial board is slavishly beholden to the Republican Party, and has been for decades. It is bizarre that the biggest mainstream paper in one of the most liberal cities in the country has such a relentlessly conservative editorial board. Their endorsements should be ignored, if not mocked.


@ 6,

It’s really a shame. Their local news, business, and home/lifestyle sections actually are quite good, but the Blethen family’s greedy, obsessive, anti-tax, anti-transit, anti-everything nihilism has ruined that paper for me. I’ll never pay for it, and I sure won’t pout if they go under in the next recession; I feel such loathing and contempt for their editorial board.


Why all this angst about editorial decisions? Enjoy the diversity of opinions, as doing so also celebrates yours.


@2 & @7 Original Andrew: I am just sickened that Blethens and editorial staff would endorse three-timer lo$er Dino Ro$$i. Fuck the Blethens and their greed!--and I really have enjoyed the comics, horoscopes, and puzzles in The Seattle Times. No more.
@9 Have another cinnamon roll, sugarlips.


The Times whines about how important they are, and how they don't have any money, and how subscriptions are down, yet the solution is so simple. Get rid of the editorial board. It's no longer 1930. No one cares what the editorial page of the Times thinks.


Is Saul Spady on their board too?


No one cares what Frank Blethen thinks. No one cares what his various collegues-- Joni Balter, Nicole Broduer, Danny Westneat-- think. No one cares what their establishment media co-religionists like Joel Connelly and Robert Mak think, either. No one not a complete dolt or psychopath will ever be influenced by the opinions of any of these self-important mediocrities.


Wow! I don't pretend to be the expert; however, what total misinformation. Please learn to be a "reporter" and not write hateful opinion pieces disguised as reporting.


Somebody needs to ask Dino Nazzi loudly and often if he'll raise taxes and when the questioner gets the anticipated robotic response, ask about "fees"-Nazzi's trick to gouge Washingtonians when he was Senate leader.

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