

1000 grams of MDMA, 400 ecstasy pills, and 1200 Molly capsules?

I think someone at the SPD might be padding out their report a little bit.


"Notice how I didnā€™t tack on a ā€œtheā€ before I-5 this time?"

Oh dear. Yes you did: "The northbound I-5..." Try "Northbound I-5..."

For shame.


Unless, of course, you were tempted to write "The northbound the I-5..." and if so, kudos? I guess? For not doing so?


"Defeating our foes since 1775".

Well, sure, if you don't count:

The War of 1812 - tie
The Formosa Expedition (AKA "The Paiwan War"), 1867 - Retreat
The Second Samoan War, 1888-1889 - Retreat
The Russian Civil War, 1918 - Withdrawal
The Korean "Police Action", 1950-1953 - tie
The Vietnam War, 1955-1975 - Withdrawal

For the sake of expediency, we won't count relatively minor conflicts, such as:

The Powder River Indian War, 1876
Red Cloud's War, 1866-1868
The Bay of Pigs Invasion, 1961

OTOH, we're STILL trying to win The Afghan War, 1999-Curr.


Give Nathalie a break. This quibbling about preceding freeway names with articles is without merit.


" Residents and business owners alike are pissed about it because it will take away their street parking. So pissed that someone planted fireworks in the construction equipment being used for the project."

Probably the "Safe" 35th people trying to discredit the Save35th ones.


@1 Ohhh, good one. Your idea of a good time is to take a bunch of drugs somewhere for a weekend of raping. That's hilarious, do you do open mics?


betsy devos is worth 5.1 billion dollars.

lebron james is worth about 450 million dollars.

if i were lebron, i'd ditch the NBA and take that education secretary job - it seems like it's a quick path to obscene wealth.


Did the nightclub in question advertise with The Stranger?


I didn't realize that the U-District and Ravenna were the "suburbs" of Seattle.


@9: really? agent provocateurs? in Wedgwood?

the Save 35th people do a great job of discrediting themselves without help.


@14: There's no such thing as a group of people self-discreding themselves based only on the subjective opinion by an outside observer.



Is this some Seattle version of the Judean People's Front versus People's Front of Judea thing?


I'll grant, normally Mr. Mehlman can be quite the donkey's posterior, but in this case at least he may have been attempting to be a bit facetious, given his use of a quote from "Doctor Strangelove" at the end there.


One of the best scenes in that film (that has a lot of great scenes)!


@7 I would've, but she brought it up!

@11 I think she might've had that money before she got the job...


I am imagining some sort of t-shirt-cannon-like device launching salmon over the Grand Coulee Dam.


Many people think the northeast area of Seattle is a suburb because it does not have the density or nightlife of neighborhoods like Capitol Hill. Basically they think anything outside The Whisper Network is a suburb.


21 So theyā€™re being New Yorkers, but even more backwater?

How fucking pimpin.

As for me, my American pride will never let go of our victory in the Barbary Wars.


@7 you meant to say "give THE Nathalie a break"



Huh, and here I thought Northeast Seattle was a suburb because it was full of strip malls, two-car garages, white people, and complaints about the commute.

I've been doing it wrong this whole time?


Lake City?


Re; the Orcas
Currently Jay Inslee is considering breaching the dams to restore the salmon and save the orcas.

Please call Jay Insleeā€™s office 360-902-4111 and tell him to breach the dams. The studies have been done. The road to salmon recovery can be swift. He is considering immediate breaching, our calls are working, do it for her. #Tahlequah



Those 4 Snake River dams are federal property, not state. Jay Inslee is a state governor, not a member of the US congress. He has no say in the operation of the dams, and no vote on any US House bill that could effect their removal.

If you want to make a difference on this issue, call your US House representative, not your governor.


@10 GHB is regularly used recreationally it's not just for assaulting people..



Two of the lower four Snake River dams are currently being electrically upgraded by the Feds and several private contractors, to extend their design life for another 50 years. They are not going anywhere anytime soon. Also, Jay is not considering "immediate breaching", as 1) The "studies" have not been done by FERC, and 2) Jay does not have the authority to authorize removal of dams that fall under FERC jurisdiction.



Just like handguns!


@24: There aren't but a few two-car garages in NE Seattle, no more strip malls than anywhere else, and as white as anywhere else in Seattle.

I know, it's embarrassing when your narrative doesn't correlate with the facts.


@16: maybe, but I'm on the INSIDE, brah.



Did you have to learn Humor in a remedial High School course, or something?


The schizophrenic mention was a great way to wrap it up. And no pants, please! Photos are always nice--no pressure. Just . . I'll stop now.


@33: Yeah, I realized that later. Mea culpa.



No shit. Horrifying.

Also.. The US Military's propaganda for kids is disgusting. And yes. I know it's been going on for decades (especially via the video game industry), but it's repulsive.


@36 - the propagandizing of kids is a big reason why I don't like the Blue Angels for Seafair, but I'm told to shut my hole. And will be told again, surely. sniff sniff cry


Funny, no arms nor legs were blown off in that Pro-military vid ... No mention, either of how Awesome the Veterans Hospitals are for getting you back into the swing .... Nor the ginormous Suicide Rate for Vets coming home from War.

Is it all merely Fun 'n Games (plus, killing Foreigners!) with a pulsing, hard rock soundtrack for those people?


/\ those people = military (madness) recruiters /\


I've always wondered how someone buys Roofies without having to internally admit that they're a straight up bad person. Like "I'd like 2 roofies please" is like, you must have given up on yourself at that point, it humiliating. Always wondered this about gang rape too. Like, OK, I kind of understand the basic logic of wanting to have sex with someone, but to then tell someone else, "hey you want in on this too?" Like damn that's next level scumbag


@24 anywhere that has decent public transit is not a suburb. Suburbs hate public transit because it lets in the urbans.

So, yeah, a lot of North Seattle is pretty suburb. Not all though.


Matador Network is dope. Itā€™s better than most travel web magazines. Iā€™ve liked it for over a decade.

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