

Pushing someone off a bridge or a cliff is no small matter. Iā€™ve seen the video of this girl verbally harrassing this kid to jump. Itā€™s horrifying and then she doesnā€™t just push her, itā€™s more of a shove. Jumping recreationally (I know itā€™s illegal) from such heights is so dangerous and you need to go in feet first with your arms held close to your body. Ya. I know. Iā€™m preaching to the choir, but seriously. Yikes. She wouldnā€™t be my friend after that...nevermind all the injuries. I wonder what the authorities will decide. No means no, especially on a bridge.


Kshama was the only one not invited for behind the scene talks huh. Thank goodness for that. That repeal was epic, and necessary.


Yea, he shot an iPhone, but it was only a 7.


@2 Shiftless-- yeah, that's one way to read it.
Another way would be, Kashama'll STILL be there
after the rest are down the Road.

Re: For PROFITS 'healthcare': "Like, I dunno,
donā€™t you think having cancer should be an okay excuse
to waive the sick day limit?"

'Thinking' and 'morality' have Nothing to do with it!
C'mon, don't you get it -- it's fucking Capitalism?!
It has its OWN Rules.

So just shut the fuck UP and play along.
And don't forget -- vote Republicam!


Parade not just delayed (by Pentagon) but actually canceled (by President Cheeseburger). He blamed Dems, because of course he did.


And yet Elon Musk still somehow found the time to donate shitloads of munnie to the Republinazi party for the expressed goal of maintaining their jack boots on our necks and acting as accomplices to Prezinazi AntiChrist in betraying our country with Ru$$ia.

Christ, whattan a$$hole.


"... Musk has the emotional development of a 14-year-old..."

That's okay, we let Anyone become a Billionaire, regardless of emotional maturity, far-alt-rightwing Ideology, whaterverthefuck -- if you're a Genius at working the System, there's no Limits on how YOU might inflict the rest of us with your Madness -- it's Winner TAKE ALL.

So -- get OVER it.

(Say, have you thought about how YOU're
gonna spend YOUR Powerball Monies?)
(Give it some thought!)


@6 YAWN That ole chestnut. Steeped in Leftist Nihilism much?

@4 We won't know what happens to Kshama's political future until November 2019. It's a different landscape her sin District 3. Kshama's commie style Socialism is losing its luster. Excited to see what happens next year.

Sure rapist enabling Savage, and racist Mudede will be grasping at their pearls come next year if things don't work out on the Communist front the way they wanted it to.


between those two kinda messed-up videos and the cat picture, you seem to be in a dark place today Nathalie.
Take the afternoon off, go pick some blueberries, make a pie. might be your last chance for the year.
my advice.


It's really kind of sad that a stock scared-kitty pic would come in handy like that.


Stop killing cats, motherfucker. Kill yourself instead.


I half expected that man to exit, chased by a bear.


For what itā€™s worth, IBMā€™s name was also chosen to one-up another company: Their main competitor at the time was NCR (ā€œNational Cash Registerā€), so they renamed themselves to ā€œInternational Business Machines.ā€


it's a summer story, not a winter's tale.


HAL Laboratories basically ripped off the name of Kubrick and Clarke's HAL 9000 computer from "2001: A Space Odyssey" (created, according to dialog in the film, at the "HAL Laboratories in Urbana, Illinois"), and which at the time was rumored to have been a one-letter play on IBM, although Clarke, who came up with the acronym, vehemently denied this, claiming the letters stood for "Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic" computer.


Tech Bro's: lots of iPhone clone dev job openings in Turkey right now. Just. Go. And. Don't. Come. Back. OK?

If the dumbshit in the bear video wasn't caught on camera, is he still a dumbshit? Or would his rotting carcass have to be found to prove that?


It doesn't appear that he put himself in too much danger by getting in for a closer shot, as the bears were preoccupied.



Thank you!!


@8 What drugs are you taking?


@11 Bless you. I couldnā€™t agree more.


ā€œThis violates the stateā€™s Open Public Meetings Act.ā€œ

No, actually, it does not, at least according to your own source material. That claim needs to be proven in court; you canā€™t just simply assume the truth of it, no matter how much that assumption soothes the chronic raging butthurt we citizens laid upon you when we obtained repeal of your precious re-branded EHT.

Shorter version: you lost. Quit whining.




As petulant and loony as Elon Musk has been acting lately, it does still seem pretty shitty to be laughing at his fears of his life slipping away as he desperately tries to keep his company afloat. I wouldn't feel the same if it were one of the Koch brothers, but I don't consider Elon Musk to be on that same level of sociopathic evil.

Regarding the HAL thing, I believe that was also the same method used to come up with the name of the antagonistic computer in 2001: A Space Odyssey.


Rot in hell, serial cat killer! I hope you get it back in spades.
@11 seatackled: Thank you.


@20 Ivy R. Nightscales: Agreed. I second it.


@4- comprehension is not your forte, is it? The SCHOOL he works for limited his sick days.


Oh, thank you, Frances!
It ain't Capitalism -- it's the SCHOOL, emulating Capitalism!

What a dif!


@28- I know, mustn't let those pesky facts get in the way of a good soy-milk fueled rant against the kkkorporate kkkill kkkomplex.


No, precisely, @7, when it comes to
Repression, Facts is all's we Need.

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