

solidarity! labor creates all wealth!


Where's Kshama Lama Ding Dong?


All I can say that driving through downtown Seattle this morning was a total breeze without the construction. I didn't think of that being the reason until I read this post. No games, no construction, no huge events, no cruise ships docked -- this place is pretty manageable still.


So, I take it you all aren't Guild members, then?


A current average of $40.42/hr., an offered 5.3%/yr. pay raise, and a 13% increase in health and pension, and these people are striking? That's crazy.

Unions used to be about fair pay and working conditions. Now it's just about gouging whatever you can because you can hold major building projects hostage as leverage.


These guys are being complete selfish jerks. They’re holding hostages other unions that will not benefit at all from their contract negotiations and they do not give one flying crap about it. What they’re asking for is soooooo totally ridiculous and what this article says they’ve been offered is more than reasonable. Meanwhile families will go without an income for lots knows how long but hey.....that’s okay coz these guys want more money. Ridiculous.


So-- for the record, the union workers agreed back in 2009, when the economy was bad, to take a wage freeze. And they were told that when the work picture picked back up, they'd have that freeze removed, and they would be brought back up to a competitive scale. That's why the percentages are being quoted as they are. Contractors have been obligated to make up for lost time and wages, they've already agreed to it, and now they're trying to back out.

The economy is booming. It is time to give what you promised back to the people you took it from.

AND--the strike is going on longer than necessary because the employers are deliberately trying to discourage the unions from striking again. I'll say it again: this strike is going on longer than necessary because AGC intends to cause pain to its workforce over obligations it really ought to be honoring. That's why local contractors are signing agreements with the union separately and sidestepping AGC altogether. It's not a mud slinging contest, it's a wage negotiation, and everyone just wants to get back to work except the ideologues that think they're entitled to take from people just trying to feed their families.

So if you want to know exactly WHO is taking money from your paychecks, and food from your tables, look at the two unreasonably angry mouthpieces above who think it's their right to sling entitled insults at folks trying to break the cycles of families living paycheck to paycheck. Can you say "lapdogs"?

Support the Unions. They've historically set the economic standards of the era they operate in. The author of the article was super cute when she stressed crossing a picket line so she could get to her office, huzzah--its not your industry, but when we raise your wages by proxy, youre welcome. Everyone deserves to take care of their families. Not just the dudes telling you that you're unreasonable and selfish for wanting to.


"Everyone deserves to take care of their families. Not just the dudes telling you that you're unreasonable and selfish for wanting to."

Thank you, Violetta!

Destroying the Unions, and the Middle Class, are what the far 'right' like to call "Making America Great!" -- and, as per usual, they have it exactly Backwards.

Gee, what a surprise.
Thanks, Violetta.
And Welcome to The Stranger.

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