

Could you do an in-depth analysis on whether water is wet or dry, please?


we're coming to the crux.


@2 is 2a; 2b was some Nazi incel.


Nah, not Woody Allen. Trump is too belligerent and thick-headed for Woody Allen to have been his cinematic speech therapist. Uwe Boll, maybe.



More like early 20th Century D.W. Griffith, although I wouldn't rule out a bad translation from something by Leni Riefenstahl.


When will this nightmare end?


@9: 2021, one would hope. 2025, otherwise. and maybe not then. so basically it won't.

but cheer up, the show trials haven't started yet!


@10 You're not offering me much in consolation, Max. Especially when I didn't even vote for that noxious dipshit.


Anyone with two brain cells to rub together lost trust in the media a long time ago - around the rise of the internet. Nothing nefarious to see here, just the unglamorous, mundane issue of too many voices after too few eyeballs and ears, nobody reads anymore, and the need to fill the 24/7 digital news beast. The Stranger contributes to the demise with click-bait articles titles like this. I'll bet that simply putting "Nazi" in any headline brings those clicks, along with the ability to sell the ad space the publication relies on.

The Stranger's articles are an old capitalist tactic to get more advertising dollars.


Wait a second....
"electoral college is almost impossible for a Republican to win. Very hard."

Indeed. They've only done it three times in the past 20 years, and in two of those cases they still managed to lose the popular vote."

"Only" done it 3 times? Well the Dems have "only" done it 2 times in that same period, with the same guy too. Which is "only" less times.

So in the last 20 years? From 1998-2018: R's 3 elections, compared to the D's 2 elections.
Or if you prefer: From 1996-2016: R's 3 elections, D's 3.
Going back farther: 1980-2018: R's 6 elections, D's 4 ... noting additionally that the R's held the presidency for a solid DECADE from 1980-1993.

So the R's have had definitively more presidents than the D's since the Golden Age of Capitalism came to an end.

"Almost impossible," my ass.


@11: "we" don't have any power other than the filibuster and, decreasingly, the courts.



Stay woke, bitches


@17 Doofus in Shoreline: Bullshit! Mein Trumpfy's current malfeasance record exponentially outnumbers that of Richard Nixon. Bill Clinton's worst malfeasance was that he lied under oath and couldn't keep his fly zipped, making Monica your poster girl. 8 years of trying to pin anything scandalous on Barack Obama didn't work either. What good did chants of "Show us the birth certificate!" and all the attempts to repeal Obamacare do you angry, ignorant dumbfucks? I'll listen to you when you and your MAGA ilk finally grow the balls to start Mein Trumpfy's LONG OVERDUE impeachment proceedings and then move swiftly to oust Mein Pencey, as well. Meanwhile, STFU already, you pathetic corporate tool.


@17 - When it comes to Trump, there's no ideology or consistent vision for anyone to hang their hat on. It's just stream of consciousness, undisciplined chaos that is dwindling his supporters and demoralizing his closest advisers and staff.

We're past the point of reasonable debates on policy in regard to this president, as he is very unhappy and troubled person and can't stop the messes he's creating and prolonging. With that kind of behavior and temperament, how can you still support him - regardless of your politics? Or is he just a political mascot now and that is all that matters?


@16 treacle: I can't access your link. I'm otherwise about as woke as I know how to be.


There needs to be some fool-proof process to verify 'ligitimate,' real-time video, and Edited video.

Otherwise I'm pretty sure we're Fucked.
(I didn't say that)


@17 Well David, your crew has talk radio, as you are mostly a bunch of illiterates. Is that not 'media'? For some reason there seems to be a correlation between people who read and people with rational political views.


@21 Doofus in Shoreline: And you are always such a hopeless dumbfuck troll. Get a fucking CLUE! All you have left are hate, racism, the NRA, neofascism, xenophobia, lies, propaganda and cover ups. I wouldn't be gloating right now. Your squatting Orange Monster-in-Chief has been indicted so many times you really ought to crawl back into your slime hole, shrivel up and die of shame at this point. Your arguments pro Prezinazi would be laughable if they weren't so destructive to this once great democracy.
@24: The criminal outcome of November 8, 2016 by colluding Russian hackers, Trump, Manafort, the Kochs and fellow RepubliKKKan conspirators has already spelled the end of the U.S., ya Bush-wack moron.


Late to the party, I'm afraid. I'm in a different timezone.

@24 Shoreline: This administration's foreign policy, such as it is, is not "America first". It sounds nice, when you call it that — it's been a popular cover for wrong policy for generations — but the term has no real substance. In effect, it is Russia first. Everything is done to further Putin's agenda of destabilizing NATO, The Western Alliance and faith in democratic institutions. If it means anything in this case, it is Kleptocrats first. "America" insofar as it is a society of 300 million citizens, benefits not a whit.

Lower taxes? Not helping the middle class, the working class, or the federal workers who won't be seeing their promised raise since "we can't afford it". (This is a society, not a collection of individuals fighting to stay on the island, but that's a philosophical aspect to an ideological debate about what America should be.) Republican agenda of lower taxes and deregulation repeatedly destroys the economy after a brief period of sunshine. The fiscally responsible Democrats are tasked with cleaning up the mess. Long-term, it's a strategy of wealth-grabbing by those in a position to do so.

Likewise, the so-called "originalist" Supreme Court, using a term that stirs the emotions of Classic Coke drinkers better than it describes their biases (which are far more dangerous than a biased press), have been schooled to interpret the Constitution in a way that benefits the powerful.

"Strong immigration enforcement" sounds nice, too; so righteous. Like "law-and-order", it is used to sweeten the sound of draconian aggression to benefit the powerful. In practice, it's not only unjust — lumping border jumpers in with asylum-seekers — and falsely sold (Mexico doesn't "send" their criminals and "bad hombres", these are part of an international drug trade operated by organised crime, something this administration is very cozy with. Who's interests are we protecting, I wonder?), but also impractical. Asside from those seeking asylum, the separate class of "illegal" economic migrants are part of the normal economy. They farm our fields and tend our homes and our children. They are not taking jobs most Americans desire. If the issue here was really about jobs or labor practices, then we'd have a push for "strong employment regulation and enforcement", but that won't make the guests at Mar-a-lago happy—"Too much regulation!", they'd shout, before asking Juanita for another Piña Colada.

The real issue behind the "strong immigration enforcement" isn't a desire to see laws enforced; it's people in areas with a large, poor immigrant population angered at seeing their white-picket-fence communities becoming "mexified". It's the shock and dismay at what they fear is their shrinking hegemony. (We should talk to the British about their loss of supremacy over "the savages". Though they didn't exactly handle it well, they surely have experience in the matter. South Africa might be a better example though, as far as treating the symptoms.) I don't believe that most supporters experience any first-hand contact with these "illegals", but that they merely resonate and vibrate with fear pushed at them by their hysterical media.

The awful agenda you claim to support — which most Americans rightly deem against their best interests and those of a healthy society — is bad enough. I could also mention the environmental destruction for short-term profit, the agressive denial of science aimed at saving the planet, the obvious but mostly still alleged program of self-dealing and appalling venality which I'm not sure you support. You've heard it all, and yet you just refuse to be concerned. "Così fan tutti" seems to be the right's convenient whipping-boy.

But that this administration's leader is executing the far-right agenda by using totalitarian tactics and theatrics — lying to the public day after day after day in an attempt to confuse and cause people to doubt the truth — is sowing very poison seeds amongst the body politic. Blaming the "leftist" Press would be laughable if it weren't so deadly serious. If you're confused by the separation of opinion and reporting, then you certainly shouldn't give a pass to the "far right" press. Careful readers know how to spot the spin — some of us studied journalism in our publicly funded high-schools as part of the basic curriculum. But this administration's base seem to be easy marks for hoax and conspiracy formerly only found in the pages of the National Enquirer (a publication with close ties to the current leader, btw), now broadcast by the brazenly irresponsible FOXNews, and various lunatic outlets.

Most of what you call the "left" (anyone left of the extreme far-right, so-called "conservative", Republican party) seems to be reading and consuming very responsible, might I say conservative media. The fact that the stories are coming fast and loose, and reporting occasionally results in some confusion—any factual errors being publicly corrected according to established journalistic practice—is partly driven by the wild audacity and flagrant actions undertaken by the administration and its allys to stir up chaos.


Kaite, Lügenpresse hasn't gone out of vogue in Germany. It's still a favored epithet of the Pergida and AfD droolers, like the ones in last weekend's riots in Chemnitz. I'm a little surprised the American neos haven't picked it up.


Not really.


@20 - Ilya Prigogine, "The End of Certainty". Tis a book. Sorry that the link dinna work. Things have been hard around here ever since they took away our minimal HTML editing abilities. :>\

The "stay woke, bitches" comment was cannily referencing the final statement by Obama/Peele in the video.

@21 - "There needs to be some fool-proof process to verify 'ligitimate,' real-time video, and Edited video. Otherwise I'm pretty sure we're Fucked."

Well, considering that we've been able to use Photoshop since at least version 4.0 (early 90s) to create completely convincing fake images in magazines (600dpi) with no real possibility of verifying 'legitimate' images, why would we obtain a way to verify faked videos?
Anyway, we all know that "timing is of the essence", and even obviously faked images circulate and arouse violence before any 'correction' can even get off the bench.

We are, as you aptly put it, Fucked.

Case in point...

@17 - "Conservatives were shouting about the dishonest left wing media long before Trump was elected."

CNN & The New York Times are hardly "left wing".. they are squarely in full support of the Empire and whomever sits in the hot seat, including Trump. But hey, lump them in with the "left wing" so that we can push everything further to the right and really get an authoritarian dystopia underway. Thanks for carrying Trump's water! Good work!

And what about the honest left wing media? Like The Nation, and Z Magazine? to name only two that you've likely never read.

Why don't conservatives shout about the riDICulously dishonest "right wing" media, like Fox News and Friends? Frequent blatant lies. Any comment about them? Why not reign them in? Not feeling responsible?

"When 90% or more of your staff are rabid STATISTS you are going to get painted with the fake news brush every time. Hiring a few ACTUAL conservative (or even centrist) journalists would go a long way to restore some trust."

Fixed that for ya.
Actually, you think "trust" is going to be "restored" after this by any means at all?
Don't hold your breath. Or wait, do, do hold your breath. This will certainly get worse before it gets better, although you may die of natural causes before anything 'better' comes along.

"Another suggestion would be a solid dividing line between opinion pieces and news articles."

Go talk to Faux News about that. Or Sinclair.

I endorse Gaspar's comments @26


@26 GasparFagel: SO well covered--bravo! I second treacle (@29) and fully endorse your comments. Thank you and bless you. I would love it if you could get through to idiots like Doofus in Shoreline and his equally clueless ilk.
@29 treacle: Thank you for the further clarifications (re "Stay woke, bitches"). I agree and endorse your statements, as well as Gaspar's.

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