I loved Gilda Radner. She was the the so seemingly sweet, crass and fun, creepy yet tame, under the curtain shock style comedian. I will say this again. I loved her work. 5 minutes of her work equals 15 minutes of another comedian. It is not just the words. It is the little body and facial expressions that make her naturally funny. Her humor is ageless. I wish more people understood how many modern comedians were influenced by her time at SNL.
I loved Gilda Radner. She was the the so seemingly sweet, crass and fun, creepy yet tame, under the curtain shock style comedian. I will say this again. I loved her work. 5 minutes of her work equals 15 minutes of another comedian. It is not just the words. It is the little body and facial expressions that make her naturally funny. Her humor is ageless. I wish more people understood how many modern comedians were influenced by her time at SNL.
Find Radner’s appearance on the “It’s Gary Shandling’s Show.” Her last TV appearance. And it was amazing.