

Simply put, the longer the city can draw out these court appearances, the better its chances of ultimately getting its way.

That aside, I don't think the lawsuit has much legal standing anywhere.



Good thing you're not an actual lawyer then, amiright?


2 Not at your prices.


The bottom line is the City Council changed the zoning from a developable state to an “historic” state for no other reason than development had been announced. They did this specifically to deprive the owner of property rights. That caused the owner economic harm, and the City will pay for it. The only question is how much money we citizens will have to pay in legal fees until the City loses this case. The answer now seems to be more rather than less.


4 See 1


You're the best legal reporter the Stranger's got, Lester. Please cover all the lawsuits.


And ask “Zapotec” to put up (with analysis) or shut up.


@5 see @7.

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