

re: Smith Tower


Waiting for NHL Troll to come in and start screaming like a scared little chicken about Nazis falling from the skies...


I want Megyn Kelly to show us her photos of herself wearing butt face as a kid. Or maybe she can just do a blackface costume this year.



That position has already been filled by German Hotdog.


That escalator vid or horrifying. Why is it even capable of those speeds?

About two years ago I was boarding an escalator thinking "what would happen if it just stopped?" AND IT STOPPED. It was a gentle breaking and no one fell. Further thought experiments yielded no actual results.


Re the family living at the top of the Smith tower: it's true...the woman is a friend of a friend of mine and I've seen several pix of the place on FB.


Ahhh, but when the bus leaves the depot it’s fair game.

That’s cool Amazon is willing to work with ICE.


$3 MILLION for a tent, not including labor expenses LOL.

Great idea. We’ll just need about $400 MILLION for the tents and it will house all the homeless in King County.

Seriously, was she serious?


I think it was in response to 9/11 the number of border patrol agents assigned to rural border counties in WA St shot way up.
Also it seemed around that time that the scope of their jurisdiction expanded as well- no longer just manning the crossing stations but fanning out onto all the side roads and way down the highways where they had never been seen before.
Driving fancy brand-new 4wd gov't rigs with light bars.
People resent that shit. There was little to nothing for those guys to do to justify their big salaries but cruise around and create trouble, that is the suspicion. There was no great influx of undocumenteds sneaking over from Canada through the woods. Wasn't happening.
Instead (mostly) law-abiding rural residents felt like THEY were under surveillance for no good cause and to to very little effect. Canadians are NOT swarming over the border, in fact the increase in agents along the border has had a chilling effect on commerce and normal cross-border relations.
So this action by Spokane is understandable in the context of a general popular resentment against what is seen as overpaid, underworked, officious government workers.


@5, an escalator is basically just a fancy conveyor belt, yeah? I'm guessing that if the motor becomes decoupled from the stairs, the weight of the people on the stairs is basically allowed to freefall.


"So, remind me again if Russia hacked the 2016 election?..."

So, remind me again if Obama did anything to protect the 2016 election?



Nathan Bedford Forrest;
In 1858, Forrest was elected a Memphis city alderman as a Democrat and served two consecutive terms.

Forrest, the Grand Wizard of the Klan, attended as delegates at the 1868 Democratic Convention, held at Tammany Hall in New York City. Former Governor of New York Horatio Seymour was nominated as the Democratic presidential candidate, while Forrest's friend, Frank Blair, Jr. was nominated as the Democratic vice presidential candidate, Seymour's running mate.
The Seymour-Blair Democratic ticket's campaign slogan was: "Our Ticket, Our Motto, This Is a White Man's Country; Let White Men Rule."
The Democratic Party platform denounced the Reconstruction Acts as unconstitutional, void, and revolutionary. The Democratic Party advocated termination of the Freedman's Bureau and any government policy designed to aid blacks in the South.

Voter Suppression in Georgia-
During the presidential election of 1868, the Ku Klux Klan under the leadership of Forrest, and other terrorist groups, used brutal violence and intimidation against blacks and Republican voters. Forrest played a prominent role in the spread of the Klan in the South, meeting with conservative whites in Atlanta several times between February and March 1868. Forrest probably organized a state wide Klan network in Georgia during these visits. On March 31 the Klan struck, killing prominent Republican organizer George Ashburn in Columbus.

The Republicans had nominated one of Forrest's battle adversaries, Union war hero Ulysses S. Grant, for the Presidency at their convention held in October. Klansmen took their orders from their former Confederate officers. In Kansas, there were over 2,000 murders committed to suppress blacks and Republicans from voting.
In Georgia, Republicans and blacks received threats and beatings at a higher rate.
In Louisiana, 1,000 blacks were killed to suppress Republican voting.
The Klan's violence was primarily designed to intimidate voters, targeting black and white supporters of the Republican Party.
Grant lost Kansas, Georgia, and Louisiana, where the violence and intimidation against black Republicans was most prominent.


You would think that with a saxophone you would have every nazi alive trying to kill you.


@12 What a difference 150 years can make


3mil for a tent that houses 100 is 30k per person before operating costs. Sounds like a good deal to me!


I hope the Nazi plane is arriving after going through a time warp back in the 1940s, and now the surviving pilot has a madcap adventure where he has to adjust to modern life, and try to get back to his homeland in one piece.

I mean, it practically writes itself. Maybe he could even show up at a neo-Nazi rally and be really disappointed.


@17: Eh, it would be a paint by numbers affair, likely very boring. But I would try to get at least a writing credit, maybe EP if I can really push for it.

At least if it actually happened, all your adorable shrieking about literal, goose-stepping Nazis hiding in your garden would be somewhat less laughable.



It certainly would have helped if the GOP had supported efforts of the Obama Administration in this area, but of course we know McConnell was adamantly opposed to doing so, because, scary black man in the WH...


"Geoffrey Weglarz, a down-on-his-luck 57-year-old programmer"

The article actually states: "Geoffrey..., 61...born in 1957". Do you guys just skim articles that you encounter?



The nazis!! They are everywhere!!!!11111eleven


Re: German plane (it looks like a FW190 btw) Maybe it was Rudolf Hess on another secret mission. btw, there was no such thing as a nazi airforce. Just like there isn't a republican or democrat airforce. The germans were responsible for the war. The germans.

Also, Natahlie and all you stranger writers. When you swear in your articles.... swearing happens when you don't know the proper words... and you guys are journalists. Please exhibit some maturity in your writing.


@10 - ahhh yes that is probably correct.



I thought that as well, but didn't the FW190 have three props? I only see two in the photos.

As for the fucking swearing, well...


@24 FW190 was a single engine fighter (along with ME109) You may be thinking of the Ju52.

And your article link makes complete sense to me, because I swear all the time. :-)

However, if I were a journalist trying to tell a story or convey information or the like, I think I could sway more people to my point of view if I consulted a thesaurus instead of dropping f bombs.


Ugh, I fell down on an escalator at a department store once when I was 5, my long hair got stuck in the crack between two steps and my family couldn't pull it out. Everyone started screaming because we were heading to the bottom where the step would roll inside and yank my hair out. Fortunately someone at the store managed to stop the escalator before that happened and they cut my hair free!

Yeah, I had nightmares about escalators for a while! This vid isn't helping me.



Obama knew the Russians were messing with the election, and had the full resources of the nation's security, law enforcement, spooks, etc etc at his disposal and did .....drumroll.....nothing.
He thought Hillary was going to win anyway so it didn't matter.
Karma is a fucking bitch who will ream your ass every time if you let her.


Which karma are you referring to: sanchita, prarabdha, or agami karma?

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