

“ help to understand their rolls in perpetuating harm”

Hahahhaahhahaha.....I would have expected no less from an Evergreen graduate.

You people on the far left are so fucking clueless that it hurts.

But go ahead, continue the meme of blaming the voters, rather than blaming the message(and candidates) you are sending out.



What’s the over/under on this one?


You want to know why white women vote republican?

Because they are often middle class, and doing ok financially (e.g., they're not dirt poor but probably not saving a lot either). They get health insurance through their husband or their own employer and that's enough to help them with most of their medical issues. They use birth control, but they know that even if abortion were made illegal, they'd be able to fly to Canada to get one if they needed (or their daughter needed).

Mostly though, it's because many of them have children, and having children makes people more conservative. White women fear crime, and not for unjustifiable reasons. Conservatives/Republicans are far more vocal in saying they'll be tough on crime; and not-so-subtly imply they'll lock up blacks and immigrants especially. They also proclaim they'll keep the war on terrorists and islam (i.e., "foreign criminals") going forever. They also promise white women that their children can go to any school they want, also a not-so-subtle hint at what amounts to racial segregation.

Republican politicians court racism a lot, but I don't think the average white woman does. But the average white woman DOES worry about crimes against herself and her children and both conservatives and the media have been telling people for decades to fear the criminal black man and the Mexican.

Are these white women being brainwashed and manipulated by conservatives? Yeah maybe a little, but women also DO have a justifiable fear for their safety, and when that's the number 1 priority for you and your family, you'll look first to the leaders who proclaim they'll protect you. Doesn't matter if they're lying or not. Children make people a little crazy.


How are we going to make these uppity white women think and do what we want them to?


The point was never to change how people vote

The point was to collect internet points for being objectively better than the Thems.

I don't see how joining a megachurch helps that, Katie.


@2 you voted for Regan twice and Bush three times. What have you done to make it up to us, who never voted for Trump?


We need more black women in positions of power in this country.



Lol....convenient to have a boogy man.....” it’s...
It’’s......religion! Ya, that’s why!!”




How about, we just need smarter, more qualified people to run this country, and leave it at that.

Wouldn’t that be a novel thing....


Tangentially, I see Cathy McMorris Rogers is yielding her leadership position in the house to Liz Cheney. On the one hand, CMM is much more wealthy, but on the other hand, she does not have the death eater caucus locked up like LC does.


White women vote Republican because the are racist and just as delusional as most white men who are racist, believing the Republicans give a shit about them and will do anything for them. The GOP blows that dog whistle and every time the dumb fucking hateful pieces of shit vote for them because one day theyz gonna be just like dem millionaires and billionaires as soon as all the other people are eradicated and/or put back in their place! Stupid, hateful white people will always vote Republican and nothing can change it. At some point this country will be far more non-white than it is white and it won't matter how many racists there are or how long and loud the racist dog whistle is blown, they won't be able to win ever again. Of course that all has to happen before the entire planet is destroyed due to human idiociy worldwide. LOL.


Liberals and especially progressives are of touch with women and men in the red states because they tend to be over-educated, over-compensated urbanites, many of whom now work in Big Tech. They meaningfully interact only with each other and not even with those in the 'burbs and exurbs bordering their urbanista existences.

This explains the phenomenon of a certain demographic deluding itself into believing that Bernie Sanders was far more widely popular with Democratic/liberal voters nationwide than he actually had a snowball's chance in hell of ever being.

For years liberals, Democrats, and everyone on the left simply ignored "flyover country" as though the people living there and their lives were inferior and insignificant. Well, a price was dearly paid for those years of condescension and neglect.

If anybody seriously wants to turn the entire country blue, Herzog is correct. Go live among and talk and LISTEN to the people there. Take their issues and concerns seriously. Devise solutions to national problems that include rather than ignore them. Don't just write them off as racist, sexist, imbeciles, too stupid to get a good job like yours. Because doing that is what turned all of the US outside of where you live a bright red.



Lolz....I haven’t heard the term moral majority used in like decades.

Sure religion has something to do with framed it as the only thing.

Look, there are lots of factors at play as to why someone votes for one person or another. Trying to put your finger on a single reason why X voting block does something is foolhardy.

This country is basically split 50-50....been that way forever, and it will continue to be that way. And there is nothing wrong with that, as it probably keeps us from going crazy left or crazy right.


The same women voted for dubya, too.
Most middle-American white women have bankrolled their entire lives on their marriage to a white man and his white kids. There is your answer. Principles are fun to tweet about but do not fuck with the wallet.



Awwww, precious as ever sausage boy.



Your quote: “it’s religion”

No qualifiers, no other reasons presented....



Ya, you could be right. Do we have a points spread?



Good ole xina to the rescue!!! Most whites are racist!

Yo Xina, when do you start posting again about wanting to kill white people and wishing white people would just all die? Man, I miss those days!

Nah, you aren’t unstable at all...not a bit! Lol


Katie, right fucking on. Reading your stuff is a breath of fresh air to me, someone who believes in liberal/progressive policies, but is very tired of liberal tone policing, litmus tests, internet call-outs, shaming, etc. Keep on keeping on, hope you don't get run out of the stranger too soon.


15: Still, you can't deny that voting Republican does harm to a lot of innocent people.

It does harm by making life massively worse for the poor, who are miserable enough being poor-and who obviously would have made it out of poverty on their own IF THAT WERE POSSIBLE. These people are treated like their condition is their own fault and that they could just get out of it at any time, even though the heritage of not only racism but redlining, discrimination on race and income level in credit and insurance, and the orchestrated capital flight from large cities in the Seventies made it impossible for the poor to be anything other than poor in the overwhelming majority of cases.

It does harm by racializing poverty, out-of-wedlock births, drug use and crime, most of which are repeatedly presented by the Right as "black and brown things" even though most of the people who do those things are not black or brown and most people who are black or brown have NEVER done any of those things.

It does harm by making life massively worse for working people of all races(as opposed to the rich who can no longer in any sense be considered to be doing anything remotely resembling "work", yet feel entitled to judge and act superior to the many who still have to work and always will in this system, as well as the many who would like to work but are kept from doing so by factors beyond their control), by subjecting to them, for no valid reason, to wage stagnation, to the loss of job security, to repeated and unjustified mass layoffs-often announced by the wealthy on Christmas Eve, for some twisted reason, after which the wealthy still feel, for some reason, that they have right to set foot in a church and claim to worship Christ), to repeated outsourcing of jobs, to the crushing of unions-the only means working people have ever had to defend themselves against injustice in the workplace-and in the massive and unmerited concentration of the wealth created by workers, as all wealth ultimately is, in the hands of the lucky few wealthy enough to never have to work.

It does harm to the world, because it has subjected the world to decades of unnecessary wars and "military interventions" such as the pointless and unwinnable conflicts we are still engaged in in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and elsewhere in the Arab/Muslim world, as before that it led to decades of right-wing military dictatorships being imposed on Latin America, on a decade of misery being visited on the people of El Salvador and Nicaragua in the Eighties, on the overthrow of the democratic governments of Chile in the Seventies and Guatemala in the Fifties solely because those democratic governments were elected to build socialism and were effectively doing so, going back to the twisted interactions we started between ourselves, Cuba, and the Philippines in the Spanish-American War, where we subverted battles for independence and turned those countries, against the will of their peoples, into American colonies.

It does harm to the climate, with environmental regulations being relentlessly torn up for no reason(even though the idea of protecting the environment actually started under Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican president), letting extractive industries do whatever the hell they want, no matter how much allowing that endangers us all.

And yes, it does harm to women-a group all male Republicans seem to despise, seem committed to stealing dignity and autonomy from by banning abortion AND making it massively more difficult to get contraception-an effort to force all women to either never have sex while they are physically capable of giving birth OR carrying any pregnancy they might conceive to term, which would leave most women too exhausted to do anything but change diapers, clean the house, cook the meals and then pass out in exhaustion for the four hours of sleep the might be allowed to catch-a life that cannot have dignity, a life that cannot allow women any possibilities of creativity, intellectual pursuit or anything other than that of an unpaid housecleaner-nanny.

So yeah, voting Republican does to harm to the many and to the world. Yet there are women(and men) who are fine with this so long as they can keep their precious fucking tax cuts, because to these people, nothing matters OTHER than tax cuts. To them, there is nothing else in life.






Oh, that’s easy!: pander to them, tell them white men are evil.....and then offer them free stuff!


White women vote for Republicans because of a drug deal gone bad.



Nice try....just say you fucked up when writing your screed. It’s ok.

“It’s religion”

Moving on......


Don’t forget that Trump voters thought Trump would “pivot” into respectableness and that the gamble was worth it compared to Hillary.


Having run for office, I suggest you simply present your message and platform and let the chips fall where they may.


So when's Katie's going away party? I hear Waco's nice! And so affordable! I wonder if she'll be joining Antioch Community Church or Grace Baptist?


The women who voted for Trump did so because they're bigots. They believe Trump will continue and expand the institutional discriminations against minorities and they don't care if he also discriminate against women, either because they don't think his policies will affect them personally, or they're willing to suffer because they believe others - minorities, LGBT, immigrants - will suffer more!





There is probably a lot of truth to that.


42 and 43

Yes! Of course that’s why! There is only one solution! Rape and kill those white women, right xina!

Do you two share the same medication?



Yes! 1000 times yes!


So how am I supposed to tell these republican women from say, progressive white women?

Armpit hair?


Religion and political beliefs are essentially one and the same. Each has their own sets if tenets, dogmas and rituals that have to be followed; as a member or follower you either tow the line or else. The political party will make up stories and other lies to demonize those they do not agree with; create an "Emanuel Goldstein" if you will. Religions create a mythical "Satan". They are one and the same. Pay your dues or tithes to make a comfortable life for the leaders.


@47 You have to talk with them. I have found Trumpsters quite quickly and proudly give up their support for the GOP within seconds of them opening their mouths.


"You have to talk with them."

All of them? That's a lot of white women.


@17, @41: There’s no reason to bother courting any demographic which does vote when half of the registered voters already do not participate. Time and energy would be better spent in registering voters and ensuring these new voters can actually vote, just as Herzog wrote.

“Because doing that is what turned all of the US outside of where you live a bright red.”

No, much of it is nicely purple. Make Texas reliably blue and the phrase, “Republican President,” goes into the dustbin of history. Voter suppression, which has a very long history in some places, does also go a long way to keeping the privileged in power. Old-fashioned civil-rights work alone could make Texas (and some other states) reliably blue.

As for your patronizing command to go thee into all the flyover country and preach liberal gospel, the tenets of modern liberalism do work for the non-privileged. It’s just a matter of getting them to vote.


Xina how many white women did you talk to to come up with this description of 30 million of them:

"White women vote Republican because the are racist and just as delusional as most white men who are racist, believing the Republicans give a shit about them and will do anything for them."


@52 I don't answer stupid questions.


White women have a history of voting for conservative candidates in aggregate.

Among women voters, white women voters continue to be the weakest link. They are also among the most visible in public discussions about the need for change. While white men remain the strongest opposition to electoral politics skewing left, white women heading to the polls continue to choose to uphold white supremacy and patriarchy. In the 2004, 2008, and 2012 presidential elections, the majority of white women voted for the GOP candidate. The numbers don’t lie.


“White women lean conservative.” What a ridiculous, fatuous, bullshity statement. Too bad the Stranger goes through real journalists like toilet paper. If it didn’t we could still read articles by Erica Barnett, Grover Parrish, Dominic Holden, Ansel Herz, Heidi Groover and Sydney Brownstone in the Stranger.


Katie, every Washington state resident has an address, even if it is just the shelter, park, vehicle location, intersection, or any other identifiable location they consider to be their current residence.

"If you have a nontraditional address, such as a motor home or transitional housing, your voting residence is the physical location at the time you register to vote. You may list a different address for your mailing address."

Now, a mailing address can be a little more complicated, but General Delivery, any friend or relative, or any of the organizations that provide mail services are valid choices.

On the other hand, I do agree that the 30 day residency requirement can certainly be an issue, given how many elections there are each year ( and that it will most likely be timed based on when it makes sense to change your ID (with our new "motor voter" law), not on the election calendar.



Well the solution obviously is to kill them so they can’t vote.

Lets be honest, that’s what you really want.


@53 I take it you don't talk in your sleep then.

Sausage: Yes, that joke you made and reinforce and confirmed multiple times. You really got me with that one!

Let me tell you something you didn't already know: I'm left handed. GOT YA, you dumbfuck. No coming back from that.



I will remember that the next time I see you on the street corner begging for malt liquor money...


"I'm actually quite disgusted that an organization named Confront White Womanhood exists"

Well, maybe they'll start on Capitol Hill in Seattle. Lots of White Women up there. Or Wallingford.



Once again, it’s perfectly ok to be racist on the’s hip even!! Woke!


@2 (GermanSausage) and @29 and @42 are on the money.

White women are not victims of racism. They are being called out for their participation in and propagation of the deluded, deranged, and dangerous concept of white supremacy.

All of the outrage about white women being called out for their racism is such hypocritical bullshit. Show me the outrage for how non-white women are treated in this society. Even the trolls on this forum constantly attack women (white or otherwise).

I am a white woman and i am sick of other white people's hate and bullshit and whining. Don't want be called out for supporting white supremacy? Don't do it!!! Pretending white women are not doing so does not erase facts. Truth exists, facts matter, and no matter how much you spin a lie it does not turn into the truth. Ever.



So when do you start da killin???

Self interesting trait that I simply cannot relate to


I do not hate myself. I am not a white woman who supports white supremacy or votes GOP or believes the white supremacist patriarchy has anything to offer me other than misogyny. I support and vote for and want to live in a world where white people understand the concept that they are no better than anyone else solely because they have white skin. White supremacist ideology is a serious sickness that makes people delusional, deranged, and dangerous.

As for you constant, endless commenting about and attacking me. I simply cannot relate to that. We all have things we can't understand in this world.


Katie, as I have already said, I am a white woman over 50 who votes DEMOCRAT and always will. I know better than to blindly vote RepubliKKKan, or relocate to a part of the Divided States where voters are so rabidly blood feud red nobody has the ability to reason or cares about any negative impacts on their neighbors.
@2 German Sausage for the WIN.
@65: With an avatar that illustrates a MAGA capped individual nervously looking like he's being hunted down, I'd hesitate before accusing anyone else of self loathing. Open mouth, insert puck, eh, Ogie?
@64 & @66 Rock on, xina!


@54 xina: I know you're citing statistics here, but I am clearly NOT among that said majority.
@59: Still senselessly stirring up cesspools, Sporty? Tsk tsk tsk.


@69 obviously this is about most white women, not all white women. I would say I know where you stand (but I do not know you), but I believe based on your comments, that I know where you stand. As for the trolls on this site who seemingly endlessly and relentless attack people (especially women) I don't understand why they are not removed for personally attacking people. Dan Savage must get off on the misogyny.


@70 xina: I still find it appalling that most white women statistically vote RepubliKKKan, and actually want patriarchy and white supremacy--no matter what the cost. As for the trolls, they prey on gals like us because they're deathly afraid of going flaccid. And Dan Savage is more woman supportive than you might think.





@56 mudbaby: How on Earth did I miss your spot on comment? Well said. Seriously, Stranger Staff--you know better than to make generalized blanket statements like this one.


That horrendous photo displays what have to be among the DUMBEST and most gullible bitches on Earth.



It’s not a maga hat you dipshit. Put on some glasses.

Holy Christ some people.....



You don’t own any mirrors do you?


Ok, to end the confusion, NHL's profile picture is of Michael Schumacher, arguably one of the greatest F1 drivers of all time. The picture was taken when he was driving for Ferrari, whose team color are red, hence the hat.
The floor is now open to those of you wishing to fight about whether Lewis Hamilton is a better driver.



Lol Lissa! The hat is actually a sponsor of Schumacher, a German investment company.... but you are correct on the red.

No but really it’s a maga hat!!!!!! Lolz.

Lewis is great, but not as great schumi. Senna still the best is all time... mic drop.


bring NHL: Nobody has ever said "white men are evil". Those white men who imply that white manhood HAS to equate to being a bitter, spiteful, reactionary bigot are. Big difference. Fewer and fewer white men are being like you, though. And it's not self-loathing to say that white male conservatism is a toxic, useless thing-reactionary politics and hatred and fear of all who aren't white males are not essential parts of being a white guy. Why are they so important to you? You don't gain anything by railing against the majority of the world that doesn't look like you or I and yet which contributes just as much to life as either of us. No white men would be better off if we went back to the way you imagine things were in the 1950s(contrary to what you assume, most of what was positive about the U.S. in that era was the result of the changes made in the New Deal era, when unions were finally accepted as a necessary protection for the rights of working people and the wealthy were finally, for the first time ever, expected to pay their fair share for the upkeep of a society that was relatively decent in economic terms, even if women and people of color were denied their fair share of the wealthy they created in this country at a time when women and people of color probably created MOST of the wealth between them through their labor. The only thing about the Fifties that actually was the way you remember it and the way you want it back is the senseless persecution of gays and the occasional lynching.
You don't DEFINE white manhood, NHL. You simply define your own sad, paranoid self-the self that can't accept that a country where every citizen of the land can see the place as just as much theirs, and their culture just as American as yours, would be a place where you would do just fine, where you'd be cheated of nothing, where you would lose nothing of any value.

It's enough for white men to simply be another group of people, and for white "culture"(or, more accurately, the great variety of cultures that are generally considered "white") to simply be one part of life. Why not embrace and accept that?


@79: I should have looked more closely! I will fight you on any number of topics NHL, but will concede that Senna was amazing. What do you think of the Verstappen Ocon kerfuffle in Brazil?


“It’s a worthy goal, but it’s preaching to the choir.”
I know white Seattle liberals think that they already know everything about racism, and truly believe that they don’t need to hear anything or think about their own behavior, but seeing it expressed so confidently is just... embarrassing, sad, and a little bit funny. That’s why that organization exists, because white people keep thinking they already know when they don’t.


@76: Why does Michael Schumacher look like he's frowning, as if showing Trumplike disdain for the masses? He's also wearing a red hat, MAGA or otherwise. I'm not the dipshit trolling, Ogie. YOU are. I have zero respect for you, especially after your hypocritical "tribute" to veterans. I am a veteran and you can kiss my ass.
@77: Actually, I do, and mine aren't cracked like yours, Ogie. I think you need glasses to see inside yourself.


@80 AlaskanbutnotSeanParnell: Forget it--Ogie's as hypocritical as he is hopeless.


@76 & @77: You have commented 22 times in this thread alone, whereas I have commented only a mere 7 here. Your inflammatory projections and name calling, spewed from your odoriferous used puck bag of a brain win you a nomination of Eternal Dipshit Troll. I'd be embarrassed to be F1 driver Michael Schumacher, the way you're defacing his avatar.


@76 & @77: By the way--why the switch from the NHL to F1 racing, Ogie? Oh, I get it--dipshit trolling is a CONTACT sport!


@76 & @77: It's not surprising you switched your avatar to an image of a F1 racing driver, Ogie. Spewing toxic emissions is your specialty every time you post an idiotic comment or open your mouth. Do you throw dirt clods rounding the turns, too? You must be really desperate for EPA clean up money. Have you tried GoFundMe?


@87: That, and being a F1 race driver means spending most of your time going around in circles.


@88 AlaskanbutnotSeanParnell: That would certainly explain why Ogie keeps chasing his tail....


Actually you don't even have to join an evangelical church to meet Trump voters. Just a white one. Your typical white Catholic or theologically-moderate mainline Protestant congregation will likely be 50-60% Trump. Not the 70-80% you'll find in an evangelical church, but still high as fuck. The mission field awaits!

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