
In news that should surprise approximately no one, insurance company Allstate has declared that Seattle drivers are among the worst in the nation, which KOMO first reported.

Over the 200 cities surveyed, Seattle came in at a shameful 179th place. Why? Apparently, we get in a lot of accidents. Seattle drivers file accident claims on average once every 6.4 years, more frequently than the national average of once every 10 years. And before you blame the rain, it ain't that. When adjusted for precipitation, Seattle did even worse, coming in a 181st place.

As for why Seattle drivers regularly go the wrong way in roundabouts, that phenomenon will take further studying. There is, however, one small bit of good news: We might be shitty at driving, but we aren't as shitty at it as Portland, the 10th worse city in the nation for bad driving.