

STIs are an inevitable consequence of promiscuous sexual behavior.
Science and all.
Some might call that a 'punishment' metaphorically speaking.
Or not.


@2 Here in the church of SJWism we're getting ready to burn those motherfuckers!


@1 And diarrhea is the inevitable consequence of not handling your chicken parts correctly. Equally science. Which tells me that the issue isn't how you choose to choke your chicken, but rather how to combat the microorganisms that hitch along for the ride.

How about this: a virus is a virus. A bacterium is a bacterium. There is no moral content to the fact that these organisms, like all others, seek to spread and reproduce, nor to the vector that they use.

Antibiotics will cure syphilis as surely as they will cure salmonella. That's really all you need to know.


@1: Which part of "you can get an STI from having sex just once" was unclear to you? Also, I presume you would be equally as judgemental if, say, a married man had an affair with, oh I dunno, a porn star maybe, then gave his spouse an STI, amiright?

And FWIW, this may be a case where the ongoing anti-Catholic sentiments of many fundamentalist Protestants works in favor of the rest of us.


If only “Christians” in the US hadn’t completely jettisoned the Jesusy love for thy neighbor and caring for the poor and the sick, and instead turned their religion into a right-wing ideology of greed and hatred.

This world could be a paradise; it’s religious zealots that’ve turned it into hell on Earth.


Getting real tired of right-wing Christians referencing Onan as an attack against masturbation when it's really a cautionary tale against sexual exploitation. Onan's sin was not the spilling of seed but rather the use of his brother's widow for his own sexual pleasure rather than fulfilling his obligation to provide her with an heir.
Oh also it's "shoo-in", not "shoe-in".

@7: Damn son, you still don't understand how evolution works. Or microbiology. Or pathology.


The guy from Death Cab for Cutie is sixty years old? Because that's about how old you have to be to have run into a "lady in black" who was likely to rap you on your knuckles in Catholic school. They were gone by the time I came along (although I did have a teacher in public school who would lock you in a box if you misbehaved, and another one who would make you do "the little red chair that isn't there", which is a sadistic sort of squat exercise).

With that said, I can understand why, after the Veneration of Saint George of Kennebunkport last week, people wouldn't understand how an appointee of his could be a world class nut job, but he was a cynical, manipulative, politico who would sell his own mother for a few votes. So he courted the crazy.


How have you been?
Are you going to point out to Rich what an incredibly enlightened social and public health code the Old Testament is for a bronze age society?


OMG -- Sharia LAW!

Just what we've been pining for!

On your fucking KNEES, womens!

Yours, too, POC!

Kids ... you don't waNNa know....


These modern Catholics with their felt banners and guitars - its all a ruse. Just biding their time 'till they can bring back the Auto da fe.


@7: “And Trump might not be our first choice for a son-in-law but he is a damn fine President.”

Just so long as he keeps going through appointees the way he might be needing penicillin, he’s good enough for me. We libs can use another two years to flip the Senate, too.


@1 et. al. -- You can get HSV 1 from a kiss from a family member (eg. your Grandma). It doesn't have to even be sex. And most people don't categorize strep throat as an STI, but it totally can be.

@2 - Goddamn! Now you're talking! Soon I hope! Maybe early 2020? I'll start saving books for the pyre and we can make it a twofer ;>)

@7 - How will we make the next Straight Plague? Bring back Yersina pestis? Bust everyone down to living in hovels again? 50% homeless population? WHERE DO WE START?!?


@9 I had nuns in elementary school, though there wasn't any corporal punishment by then (late '70s, very early '80s).

FWIW, they'd gotten rid of it there too, but private boys schools used to not only allow teachers to beat their students, they also allowed prefects (i.e. senior students with additional authority appointed by the administration) to do beat younger students too.

Of course, corporal punishment was a prominent feature of education from ancient times right down to the mid-20th century. We're kind of the weirdos for abandoning it. And while the psychologists do tell me that negative reinforcement isn't really all that effective, part of me just instinctively knows that some of the spoiled brats I see out there really do need a good smack.


@4 Well said.



"... part of me just instinctively knows that some of the spoiled brats I see out there really do need a good smack."

Is that the same part of you that got a good smack whenever you needed one?

Didja know, those whose say 'I got hit, and it sure didn't affect ME!' may not be accurate in their self-assessment? I mean, if you are hitting someone to correct their (mis-) behaviour, can we all adopt that same Policy, just do that in grocery stores as well, even if said perp's above the age of Consent?

Gotta wonder where the good ol' NRA is on this one...


Separation of church and state. Repeat forever. These motherfuckers love to scream BUT THE CONSTITUTION!!! until they actually are told, BUT THE CONSTITUTION. Separation of church and state motherfuckers.


@18: Yeah, they kinda do the same thing with the Bible too. They have the gall to tell people how to live their lives, while they stand there in their suits woven from multiple fabrics in a foreign land, their heads and beards shaved, and wearing jewelry?! STONE THEM!!


Remember to shoo-horn your shoe-in wherever you're aiming it.


JESUS FUCKING CHRIST LET"S OUST THIS SHITHOLE ADMINISTRATION ALL FUCKING READY!!! I'm all for burning Trumps, Pences, McConnells, Ryans, Bushes, Kavanaughs, Roberts', Thomases, etc. until every profiteering RepubliKKKan and apologist are ashes to ashes and Dust in the Wind. Fuck them all and may they ROAST in hell. ITMFA!


And Griz doesn't give a rat's ass about how many angry responses @22 is going to get. All you batshit stupid trolls out there can fuck off.


Christian rule, eh?

If these so-called christians ever bothered to read their own holy book they'd break out in a cold sweat at the very thought of how they'd fare under "christian rule."


The AG cannot make laws, hence he can't impose without the blessing of Congress and the democrat party takes over the House next month.


@24 Urgutha Forka and @25 raindrop: Thanks for the reminders. I needed that.


@25: No, but as the top federal prosecutor, he decides what emphasis to place on enforcement of which laws, and where a lot of discretionary spending goes.


I'm with @22. I simply cannot believe this shit show has been allowed to carry on as long as it has. Burn Washington D.C. to the motherfucking ground. Scorch the earth. Start over. Every single person currently working for the federal government is responsible for the fact that DT was allowed to take office and everything he has done in office since day one.


@28: Especially Maria Cantwell. She didn't lift a finger to stop Donald.


Hmmm. Doesn't Biblical punishment usually include stoning adulters? What about whores? How about we start with Individual 1 and his current rent-a-wife?



Gosh, not that I can't Appreciate the sentiment,
and the First Amendment, but, in the long run,
calling for / achieving the violent Death
of one's political opponents seldom
Ends Well.



I'm down for a little Christian rule. Let's start with immigration policy. What do we think Jesus would do re: the current situation at the Mexican border?

Or how about income inequality? Anybody know any good sources that might relay Jesus' thoughts on the rich and the poor?


I support getting stoned, adulterers, and whores. Sounds like a good time.


In all seriousness, theocratic government is one of the few things I can think of that would likely result in civil war. These dominionist assholes need to seriously think about what they are advocating for. Not to mention that there is zero chance that the Evangelical South would tolerte Catholic rule.

I've said it before - no theocratic country in remotely modern times has managed to avoid being a complete clusterfuck . The US under these clowns would not fare any better.

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