

"Smith said he "can't support the Green New Deal yet" because it hasn't been introduced. "I want to see what it is first," "

Given the climate change/Green New Deal committees will have no subpoena powers and will also have people taking money from fossil fuels, It's revealing that Smith isn't planning on doing much to shape the Green New Deal or won't issue support for the basis of a Green New Deal that needs to aggressively reduce fossil fuel use and retool the economy within the next 2 decades.

'They Failed Us Once Again'


They took control of the House, not Congress.


Free shit!

Free school, free healthcare, free housing, free preschool, free college, free after school, free transit, free museums, free art.

You name it, it should be free.

I want free shit!

Because when it's free, no one has to pay for it.... because it's free shit!


@3 since you don't want to pay a living wage either, what other solution is there but the wealthy paying for services, shithead troll.



Yeah, even though most of the rest of the civilized world has managed to provide all these public services and amenities without suffering from anything remotely resembling widespread societal collapse, clearly it's just a matter of time before they come to the only correct conclusion that it's all completely unworkable, so we shouldn't even make the attempt here, especially if it might only slightly inconvenience the ultra-wealthy and prevent them from their God-given right to buy that fifth yacht or eighth vacation home, amiright?



Or what most people call "welfare".

Do let us know when you run out of other people's money creating your Utopia.


@1: That link really does highlight the extremist views of an uncompromising political sect with such nebulous and malleable demands: e.g. accepting no fossil fuel money, and the ever so subjective 'racial justice' and 'economic justice'.

Poor Nancy Pelosi.

It's tremendously sad to see the important issue of climate change being PETA'ized, which adds fuel to the fires of our polarized and angry society and inhibits seeking a common good through compromise. And it's world-wide.

Poor Paris.


@7 demanding that climate change committee members take no money from fossil fuels is recognizing that corporate influence is preventing us TODAY from mitigating climate change. Subpoena powers would allow to force industry to show how they orchestrated denial of science to further their financial interests. Not even a climate change denier like you can deny that.


"that corporate influence is preventing us TODAY from mitigating climate change. "

That and the fact that 95% of Americans drive cheap oil-powered cars and all fly cheap oil powered airplanes. Those "evil oil corporations" are simply filling the market need.

But sure, blame "corporations" for providing what people want.

Until the yellow vests show up to burn down your town.


@9 renewable energy to scale is cheaper than fossil fuels. The "deal" part of the New Deal is when the yellow vests don't pay for the transition to renewables and still have a job.

Now fuck off, troll.


"Those 'evil oil corporations' are simply filling the market need" --Mirror buddy

That they created. Oligarchs and oilgarchs don't give a FUCK about this Planet, long as they got theirs. Perhaps their Progeny will be fruitful, and multiply, but, they're just as doomed as the rest of us.

And yeah, yeah, I know, Catastrophic Climate Change is a just a KKKommie hoax to get us all to wear more Hemp. Thanks for all the Help.


" the New Deal is when the yellow vests don't pay for the transition to renewables and still have a job."

See post about "free shit" above.


Only multi millionaires, Billionaires and multi-Billionaires have The Right to Free Shit.

Socialism is not for YOU, little people.
Get used to it.



The only people who call things other advanced industrial nations consider "basic human rights" (e.g. the right to health care, education, et al) "welfare" are people like you who believe the only proper way for humans to live is by stepping over each other in an attempt to claw their way to the top of a very large dog-pile.

News Flash: There will always be someone else higher on that dog-pile than yourself, with their boot firmly planted on your head to ensure you don't pass them on the way up. Helluva a way to live, amiright?


"There will always be someone else higher on that dog-pile than yourself, with their boot firmly planted on your head to ensure you don't pass them on the way up. Helluva a way to live, amiright?"

Only if you're the envious and jealous type. I'm not. Only boots I see are the ones I pull up by their straps myself everyday.

But keep blaming others for your failures in life. It surely makes you a very unpleasant person.


Anon, you are aware of course that big oil companies were in favor of keeping the Paris Climate Change accords. So your canard that they're the villains is disingenuous to say the least:



Why would I be jealous of someone who so obviously enjoys the taste of shoe leather and dog shit? But you just keep on trying to bootstrap your way to the top - with all your gumption I have no doubt you'll be pissing into a golden toilet along with the rest of the 0.1 per-centers any day now, amiright?


@16 only a Fox-bot like you would actually take these people's words at face value after they actively manipulated public opinion for decades and paid score, including politicians, to spread their lies and disinformation.



What a strange and bitter fellow you are if you think only the 0.1 percent of income earners enjoy life. Me and the wifey started as minimum wage earners straight out of college and are probably in the top six percent nationally now (which doesn’t take much, apparently over $200K a year in household income).

This according to the Wall Street Journal’s “What Percent Are You?” calculator:

Let us know your numbers, it might explain your anger.

Now it took a good 30 years of hard work to get here, with lots of ambition, sacrifice and drive, but I'm not sure what boot you think it is we're under? Because from where I'm sitting it tastes like the nice CĂ´tes du RhĂ´ne we had after a long days skiing in Courchevel last year. This year, hopefully that boot will taste like a good Sassicaia in Tuscany if we find the time for a wine tour.



We need more folks -- just like you! -- to represent US to the rest of the Planet. I, for one, thank the Jesus you're out there.

Throw the Poors some dimes, for me, wouldja?


@11 kristofarian: I know, right?
@18 anon1256: Thank you for beating me to it.
@19 James Callaghan: Why don't you just take COMTE's advice and quit now while you're 6 feet deep in dog shit?


@18: Bloomberg?

You can't deal with objective realities that poke your bubble.

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