

@1 -- Well, let's see if their 'Justice for Jusse' includes jail time for filing false reports -- if it turns out Jusse did, in fact, fuck up. Hopefully, they won't be as beholden to Ideology as their contemporaries on the so-called right, many of whom -- just like their very very weak 'Leader' -- never met a fact they couldn't deny, obfuscate, twist or ignore.

Which, surprisingly, to me, was NOT an Impediment
to his 'winning' of the Electoral College.




Dammit, there's supposed to be a hashtag in front of that @4


So, no news about the state of emergency? business as usual, Timothy?

The right wing doesn't want to talk about Trump's power grab either, they'd rather keep spewing about Smolett (Benghazi). We still don't know, but just the fact that Smolett story seemed credible to a whole bunch of people should tell you something about what is expected from the rigthwing today. Instead of this being a lesson, they'll double down, ask you to not believe your lying eyes and claim there isn't a racist fiber in their bodies or Trump


@1 He won't end up in jail. He'll probably get fired.

One thing I noticed: In Slate, "The furor in Virginia has died down". Of course it has - twitter can only maintain a few days of furor.


Speaking of the right-wing Assault on America:

Form today's New York Times: "How Mitch McConnell Enables Trump

He’s not an institutionalist.
He’s the man who surrendered the Senate to the president.

In 2010, as minority leader, Mr. McConnell stated that his main goal was not to help our country recover from the Great Recession but to make President Obama a 'one-term president.' A self-declared 'proud guardian of gridlock,' he presided over an enormous escalation in the use of the filibuster. His innovation was to transform it from a procedural tool used to block bills into a weapon of nullification, deploying it against even routine Senate business to gridlock the legislative process."


More McMitch KkKonnell news:

The Senate okayed a total of TWO judges for Obama;
Last Thursday, KkKonnell shoved thru
FORTY FOUR far right wing
activists to the bench.

Thanks, Republicans.


FYI, Foster Kids run away because the foster system is garbage and places kids in bad situations.


Presidents' Day. Not President's Day. We aren't in Wyoming.


@6: If you're really salivating for the very latest on Trump and the national emergency, tune in Morning Joe. If you're interested in what morning news items strike the fancy of a millennial Stranger staffer, dial up Slog AM.


If only the Right would hold themselves to the same standards they demand from the Left, we wouldn't have to keep telling them what hypocrites they are..


@8 Republicans make sure that government doesn't work through starving the beast, gridlock, downsizing, shutdowns as shown by Trump's action since he took office: This has been their goal and that of their plutocrat libertarian funders for decades.

"For some, including Trump advisers like acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and acting White House budget director Russell Vought, the shutdown was a useful exercise in limited government.

Moreover, according to The Washington Post, former chief White House strategist Stephen Bannon has called shutdowns “blunt-force measures that certainly show what’s essential and what’s not.”


Has everyone seen the footage of that 1939 Nazi rally in Madison Square Garden?



Ah yes, Virginia.

Democrats like to pretend the party is different from when it was the driving force behind slavery
and when it broke away the Southern States in an effort to preserve slavery
and when the northern Democrats ran on a platform in 1864 (after the Civil War was virtually won) of letting the South keep its slaves
and when it founded the KKK to oppress and terrorize black voters
and when it set up and ran Jim Crow
but when you scratch a Democrat there is a racist right under the surface.

Two of three top Democrat officers in Virginia are Black-Face Racists?
And the third rapes black women? (who does he think he is, Thomas Jefferson?)

The more things seem to change the more they stay the same....


Smollett a typical mentally unstable lefty. The left is infected with full on bigotry, racism, and hate. What a pathetic group.


@18 the dbag. The Dems have always been racist. They also figure on blacks being ignant, that is why they feed them all the BS. Yep they fall for it, have for years.



That's pretty weak, WinzigeWurst
If you see your buddy Smollett tell him Chicago PD wants to talk to him...


Wow -- the far far alt right tighty Whiteys are out in force this A.M.
Something musta spooked 'em.

Speaking of left wing racism:

"Angela Davis Returns to Birmingham, Reflecting on Palestinian Rights & Fight for Freedom Everywhere" Gotta say, A.D. is one of my Heroes. Speaking Truth to Power since the 1960s.


@20 - Sorry Nelsonia, but GermanSausage's point is valid. We can't compare current politics to the politics of yesteryear. It's worth a review (from

As the 19th century drew to a close, the Republicans had been firmly established as the party of big business during the Gilded Age, while the Democratic Party strongly identified with rural agrarianism and conservative values.

But during the Progressive Era, which spanned the turn of the century, the Democrats saw a split between its conservative and more progressive members. As the Democratic nominee for president in 1896, William Jennings Bryan advocated for an expanded role of government in ensuring social justice. Though he lost, Bryan’s advocacy of bigger government would influence the Democratic ideology going forward.

Republicans again dominated national politics during the prosperous 1920s, but faltered after the stock market crash of 1929 and the onset of the Great Depression. In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first Democrat to win the White House since Woodrow Wilson.

In his first 100 days, Roosevelt launched an ambitious slate of federal relief programs known as the New Deal, beginning an era of Democratic dominance that would last, with few exceptions, for nearly 60 years.


Roosevelt’s reforms raised hackles across the South, which generally didn’t favor the expansion of labor unions or federal power, and many Southern Democrats gradually joined Republicans in opposing further government expansion.

Then in 1948, after President Harry Truman (himself a Southern Democrat) introduced a pro-civil rights platform, a group of Southerners walked out of the party’s national convention. These so-called Dixiecrats ran their own candidate for president (Strom Thurmond, governor of South Carolina) on a segregationist States Rights ticket that year; he got more than 1 million votes.

Most Dixiecrats returned to the Democratic fold, but the incident marked the beginning of a seismic shift in the party’s demographics. At the same time, many black voters who had remained loyal to the Republican Party since the Civil War began voting Democratic during the Depression, and would continue to do so in greater numbers with the dawn of the civil rights movement.


I will never understand why people fake a crime against themselves, because it only makes it harder for all of the people who actually have that same crime committed against them. Guy's an asshole for doing it. Let's do a tally, however, of how many of these fake crimes are reported and who perpetrates them and then get back to me.

I remember Susan Smith claiming a black man murdered her children when she did. I remember a white man in Boston saying a black man murdered his pregnant wife, when he did it (and then killed himself when he realized his lie had been exposed). I remember a dumb ass white girl in Texas burning (or was it carving) a (backwards) B into her face and blaming Obama supporters, saying they mugged and assaulted her. I remember a white woman claiming a black woman threw acid in her face in Vancouver, WA (first hint that was a lie, there are no black people in Vancouver, WA) when she did it to herself AND THEN SHE WENT ON OPRAH TO TALK ABOUT IT. I mean the list goes on and on and and on all the way back to the grown ass white woman who lied about being, what, looked at? whistled at? touched by? Emmett Till (14 years old) and having him murdered and thrown into a river. All of the children and women and men raped in this society are always undone by the, what, 1% of people who lie about being raped? How many black people have the police called on them by white people for existing and living their lives?

Two other observations, I'm with @8


Do people really not know what their blood type is? How do people not know this? I learned this in 9th grade biology class when we all typed our own blood. You need to know your blood type. It something you should know, like your social security and whether or not you are allergic to anything.


I'm also with @13




More GOP bullshit:


What's left of the Republican party are the racists, the bible-addled nitwits, and those elderly people who see the grave beckoning, and have decided to give into fear, and the bitterness that stems from a life of failure. (Although it should be noted that the three groups overlap considerably). They are manipulated by cynical billionaires, whose contempt for their lackeys is obvious with every pious statement they make.

With what a vast sense of relief we will finally close the lid on their collective coffin. That is, if they don't take us with them.


Now that Kanye is (I think) out of the picture, maybe Jussie can be Trump's new BBF since they have something -- egregious lying (and then doubling down when called on it) -- in common.


@32 I voted most of my life in the state of NY and never once had to show ID and magically no voter fraud occurred. Voter ID laws serve one purpose, to prevent the poor, the old, the young (mostly college students), the black, and the brown from voting.

I am 100% against voting ID laws. The racists trying to put them in place are the ONLY people committing voter fraud. The GOP cannot win an election anymore. They have to lie, steal, cheat, gerrymander, suppress, and outright prevent people's votes from being counted (see Georgia and the latest election for Governor) in order to "win." The problem is the GOP.


@34 hahahahahahahaha I am 100% for voting ID laws. The racists and criminals do not want the laws. Real Americans that care about all Americans want the laws. Not the racist left, they want to stay in power from pure oppression of others. Xina is a typical racist full of hate that will not accept the facts.


Just where is the "Racist Left" in power? The Democratic party - which is not comprised entirely of people on the "left" - control the house, but the Republicans (who, if they aren't racist, do a very good job of hiding it), control the white house, the senate, and most of the judiciary.

Do you ever try to comprehend your own writing, liberalismissocialim, dear? I ask because you sound nutty as a fruitcake.


I checked my PO box today.

What did I see but a notice intended for a previous tenant: you are no longer a registered voter.

A letter from the socialism.




For a "number of years"? How interesting. The USPS only does mail forwarding for one year.

OR, did you tell Oregon that your official mailing address was in WA state? Because the Oregon website says you have to request each ballot 45 days in advance of an election. And that the USPS won't forward ballots.

facts2supportURpoint, dear, maybe you need some new facts to support your point.


Purging a voter for inactivity is a seven year process;
the voter must not vote for seven years and also not respond to numerous attempts by election officials to contact them.
Georgia's voter registration laws pass Federal muster (the Supreme Court has said they are legal) and are applied equally to all races.

The only folks suppressing voters in Georgia were the same dudes who beat down Jussie Smollett.

People are on to The Lefts' Bullshit Lies.


When voters run into problems it is not with state laws and procedures but local (counties conduct elections in Georgia) officials' incompetence.
The gentlemen whining in the article you link tried to vote in Fulton County, home of Atlanta, and (according to wiki) "Fulton County is one of the most reliably Democratic counties in the entire nation" those are the folks screwing up his ballot and not offering him a provisional ballot.
In Georgia, as in Florida (from the glory days of hanging chads to the present) what election irregularities exist are the result of incompetent (and/or corrupt) local DEMOCRATIC administrations.

While you are frantically trolling the internet looking for articles google Brenda Snipes and explain why she is not in prison....


Brenda Snipes.


Isn't it funny (or pathetic) that the conservatives.. who have always been anti-civil rights, anti-immigrant, anti-marriage equality, anti-choice, and pro-war... are suddenly out here trying to claim everyone is racist and rewrite history?


@53: I suggest you watch this very short clip of Ronald Reagan, if you dare, before you go spewing more of your own toxic and fermented anti-conservative bigotry and rewriting history:


Oh Catalina, go take your Geritol pill and head down to a local high school and call 16 year old boys they are pieces of shit.

It's what the "New Left" has become


I honestly don’t know why you get so upset about me saying that teenagers can be pieces of shit, screaming dear. I suspect it’s because you were one of those sad little milquetoast teens who did your bible studies and gossiped to your mother about the kids who were out there doing the shitty things that make being a teenager so satisfying.


Facts dear, you and screaming should go bowling together. You could blab on to each other about the “new left” and spare the rest of us.

In the meantime, I’ll look into selective forwarding. It sounds like a special sort of thing that only goes on in the postal service in your mind.


"Hahahahahhaah Kristofarianjewhater."

Lilmisssocialism, why on Earth must I be a "hater of the Jews"? Because the War-mongering nut/yahoo draggin half the Planet into War on Iran -- and prolly dragging el Trumpfo's -- read: OUR -- Ass along for the ride, fun and profits. And Armageddon?

So, this jewhater shit -- is this something you decided for me? I'm kinda curious ... how did you come up with this Trumpfian/FOX facts-free BULLSHITE Theorem of yours? You've got me scratching my balls here....

Plus: "Blind with ignorance." [yours, truly]
If you would, Enlighten me.

oh and "Xina is a typical racist full of hate that will not accept the facts."
--actual quotes

What "facts" are these, lilmisssocialism, and which of these wonddrful new Insights of yours will bring the Left happily back to the far right center? Can you share these Insights with us, or must we wait till God decides it's Time?

I'll try to be open-minded -- but you know how us Libs are.


Andrew McCabe is one hot daddy.



"Toxic and fermented" Lol. I agree with Pres. Reagan's sentiments there. They don't contradict any of the statements in my original post.

It's not bigotry to have differing political opinions and call out observable history.


Why would anyone admit to being a flucked up libterd? Pathetic mentally unstable bunch. hahahahahahahahahahaha. THey call the right all these names so they can just cover up the fact that they are the biboted, racist, America hatin scum.. Thank God for the Proud Boys.


Any of you punk dbag panti-fa's want to meet and have coffee?


lilmisssocialism, why on Earth might any sane (Leftist) person desire to (personally) subject themselves to your hyper-caffeinated, spittle-enhanced diatribes (Projections) on how they're nothing but shite-eatin' Losers?

Other than an opportunity to get wetted, what is it you'are offering?

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