

It's too soon for me to fully decide yet on whom I would choose for the Democratic ticket for 2020, but I will fervently cast my vote for Trumpty Dumpty / Dencey Pencey ad nauseum for Prison 2019.


Anyone but bernie!


I'll wait to see who has the highest chance of replacing donald and vote for her.


Tulsi is very easy on the eyes....


This is the first time the democratic primary includes people I absolutely will not support.


I don't see Gov. Inslee on your list!


I don't see Gov. Inslee on your list!


Anyone but Bernie or Biden.


Where's Inslee?


I cannot believe all the people supporting kamala! Have you folks seen her history? She's a copsucking prison loving bigot.


Wow! Sanders is DOMINATING this poll.


@1: I have narrowed my choice down to female Democratic candidates for #46 ( #45 for an actual POTUS) and VP 2020. May they kick serious Trumpty Dumpty / Dencey Pencey Russian hacker pandering, MAGA tool ASS. Trumpty Dumpty / Dencey Pencey ad nauseum for PRISON 2019!


You know what cracks me up about online polls like this? I guarantee you there are a bunch of Bernie supporters gaming it. And you know what that actually amounts to? Literal fake news. Literally promulgating falsehoods. It's why this election will be an even bigger sh*tstorm than the last one: the Internet, the Mother of All Misinformation, is much too easy to game, too easy to use to sow falsehoods to masses willing to believe!


I signed up in January to donate $100 a month to Elizabeth Warren’s campaign. She’s spent her career advocating for the middle class, and with her leadership we can begin rebuilding this country into one that works for all of us.


Too early to say, other than I'm voting democrat no matter who's nominated. I'd vote for a toaster over any Republican.


Any fucking Democrat at all.


I haven't found out yet what's not to like about Kirsten Gillibrand.


D, whichever D makes it through (Warren is the only one of the ones who would turn 70 or greater in office who I would support beforehand though)



The Democrat who runs against Trump.


Bernie bros tell themselves that gaming polls is for the greater good. Because he really is popular—it’s just that real polls are fake for er, reasons. And, as Eyman or Trump would say, everybody does it.

This is the dudebro reality: remember when Malcolm Gladwell said Lance Armstrong should remain champion? Because the real contest is the cheating, and he is the champion cheater.

The white males who love Zizek and South Park loathe diversity because they don’t see themselves as privileged. They earned those privileges by being best at gaming the system, at building the system that put them starting on third base.

You can’t get through to guys like that with ordinary reason.


Bernie2020. Best platform, best socialist ideas, i dislike his identity/social justice stuff but im willing to overlook that. Overall, one of the best, besides maybe jill stein.


The most important thing is that the Democratic candidate win. If the economy continues to be strong, this will not be an easy election. I think Castro has the best chance of winning. He is young and good looking even though he is plenty qualified (he has executive experience at both the city and federal level). He would probably win Florida, and it is hard for the Democrats to lose the election if they win Florida. He is been ahead of the curve on social issues in a very socially conservative state. He is a moderate, although he supports medicare for all, free pre-K, and free secondary education for the first two years. That seems like just the right mix to rally the support of the base while gaining the support of moderates.


Why wasn't Joe Biden listed?


Bernie Sanders Raises Over $3.3 Million From 120,000 Small Donors in Just 10 Hours

that is for sure a lot of "Bernie Bros" isn't it, fuckwits?


Gah. Burnie Bros. You do realize that he would be 81 years old when he starts if he were to win. No. Just no.

I'll go ahead and cop to being agist, but I'm not voting for anyone over 70 (which also eliminates Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden for me). We've already had at least 2 presidents with Alzheimers or Dementia. Bernie is roughly my parent's age. Most of the people that age are starting to decline mentally. Auto insurance data backs that up (an 80 year old is as likely to get in a car accident as a 16 year old). I like some of Bernie's ideas, but I'm not voting for him.

The presidency is a tough job. With this many good candidates running, we don't need to elect someone who is a decade past retirement age.


The Democrats are a wealth party. The problem in this country (and the world) is that the rich people took all the money and now they tell us we have to make do with potholes, underfunded schools, horrible traffic, 80 hour work weeks & astronomical personal debt. Bernie, Warren & Brown (and maybe Tulsi Gabbard, don't know much about her) are the only candidates that will do anything other than serve our oligarchs. Every other candidate is another shill for the wealthy & a scourge on the people. Vote for one of the other ones and your best case scenario is treading water for 4 to 8 years followed by another yet more extreme fascist type. Traditional Democrats have no solutions to our country's problems. Sure, people hate Trump. But they hate 3rd way Democrats just as much, and rightfully so.


Tulsi is about as much of a Democrat as Rodney Tom, so she's a deffo no for me. No elderly white dudes. I could get behind Toaster 2020 though.


I'll vote for Andrew Yang. his grassroots campaign has gained such momentum but its ignored by mainstream media. His supporters are passionate and knowledgeable, they know how to make the campaign successful and approachable. I think Andrew Yang is the ONLY one who can win votes from GOP voters including Trump supporters, if you have watched his interview with Joe Rogan on YouTube, and read viewer's comments, you'll sense that something significant is happening, but snobbish reporters & commentators are too blind to see. they keep reporting people who have not even decided to run. but ignore that he is running an excellent campaign. his policies can be found on his website. and if you can, make $1 donation to help get him on the Democratic Debate stage. he needs donations from 65,000 people to be qualified for the debate, it is the number of the people not amount of money that counts.
I'm sue you'd like to give him a chance to lay out his case to American People.


Anyone but Yang


Yang or Trump, no one else.


Hahahahaha. Your poll is being spammed. At this viewing, some guy nobody has heard of is beating everyone else in the poll, including the Bernie-bots. The Stranger needs to figure out how to prevent bots/spamming of their polls. Otherwise, it's just useless noise.


@27 -- thank you. Corporate Dems will hand us another Trumpf debacle
that may put the kibosh on Humanity.

I'm just happy with Bernie dragging the field Leftwards
but, it's gonna hafta sort itself out....

Should be a real shitshow.
Hopefully withfucking OUT the Dems disgraceful shenanigans, this time.

And my oh my, Lookit Bernie! Is it Real?
They couldn't have been more wrong last time ..
they going for two in a row?


We're just enthusiastic to come out in support of Andrew Yang. Two weeks ago, he gave a two hour interview on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast that has reached an audience of over 1.6 million viewers. We encourage you to watch the interview, join us on Facebook and Reddit, and help us make sure that his policy proposals have a place at the democratic primary debates.


@29 -- Thanks, sisililididi!

Yang may be the sleeper candidate who saves his momentum till it peaks at just the proper time -- and doesn't get some Big Surprise sprung on him from . . . wherever....

Let the Fun begin.


I don't have any bad feelings about Bernie Sanders. I have followed him for years, ever since he used to do the weekly Friday segment on The Thom Hartman Show. If he gets the nomination, he gets my vote (as will whoever the Democratic nominee is).

BUT let me just say here that if he gets the nomination, the non-moron segment of the country had better be ready for an onslaught of open, aggressive, anti-Semitism, the likes of which we have probably never seen in this country. "Socialist Jew" is going to be the battle cry on the right, and it will be incredibly ugly. (That's what the Bernie bros always miss when they talk about how Bernie could have beat trump. They never factor that in)

Anti-Semitism shouldn't keep him, or any other Jewish person, from running for President, but we have to be ready for the implications of that, particularly in light of the Russian meddling.



What #34 said. There seems to be a lot of enthusiasm around Yang right now. I know there is for me. I voted once on this poll but watched it throughout the day. Think it could be the Joe Rogan effect since his audience is so large, but Yang has done other podcasts too. I first heard him on Sam Harris’ podcast. Dude knows his stuff. Definitely one to watch and maybe one of the smarter, better debaters out there.

I actually had a lifelong conservative friend text me and tell me he donated money to Yang’s campaign. That’s saying something! And it gives me hope that if he won the primary he could compete well against Trump.

Just wanted to say that. These polls are trrribly flawed, but Yang looks like the real deal.


I will absolutely vote for Yang. I supported Bernie in 2016, but after seeing as how Yang is the ONLY candidate talking about advanced automation and its affects on human employable jobs in the near future, along with a $1000 / month UBI, as well as a transformation of our economy, Med4All, there's no doubt Yang is what we need. There's an amazing interview of him from Joe Rogan. Hear him out. He's gaining a lot of traction very fast.


Andrew Yang! Bernie would make a great VP!


you do realize that all these new posters are the same old troll, right?


I hadn't really heard a lot about Andrew Yang prior to this. Seems like an interesting guy. From what I've read, his experience is completely within the corporate and nonprofit realm. One thing the Trump presidency has completely convinced me of is the value of our modern cursus honorum. Election to President is not the time to be learning the ins and outs of the political system. His experience so far is valuable. I like his ideas. Let's see how he does as a senator or governor or cabinet secretary first.

My heart tells me to vote for Warren. She's got experience actually putting policy into practice, and the venom with which the Republicans have gone after the CFPB tells me just how effective her policy can be. She's had time working in the executive branch to go alongside her time in the Senate.

Her concern for working families has earned her some grudging respect from traditionalist conservatives.

She's not the best politician out there, true. The "Pocahontas" thing is a problem largely of her own making. She needs to learn from that experience quickly if she's to have a hope. Her chances at this point remain slim. But she's where I stand for now.

Of the rest, Bernie is too old (arguments that exclude him because of his race or gender are dumb; age is a factor because I want a President I know will be effective for four years). Harris, Booker and Biden are too centrist and too indebted to Wall Street. Sherrod Brown (who didn't make your list) is another candidate I'd take a closer look at, but his odds are longer than Warren's. The rest? Well, I'd be open to looking at them if they gained a higher profile.

Qualities I'm looking for: 2016 was an anger-driven election. It was a "Vote the bastards out" election, which Clinton failed to recognize. I think 2020 has the potential to be similar. I still think economic issues are driving the debate, not social issues. At this point, I wouldn't make Trump a big deal—any Democrat can be expected to run strongly against him—except insofar as they run "anti-corruption" or "anti-elitist" campaigns and insofar as Trump can be used to tar the corporatist agenda of the GOP and Wall Street. Run against the banks. Run against exploitation of labor. Run against student and medical debt. Run against outsourcing. And maybe run against free trade with slave wage countries too.


@40 Nope. We're just a nationwide legion of various podcast audiences who listened to him make the circuit at the beginning of this month and liked what we heard. This is the first poll most of us have seen at all with Andrew's name even listed, and so it's the first to reflect the recent increase in popularity he's seen online. I'm a navy vet. I work at a community college. I like ice cream and banjos and math. I'm a real person. Frankly, I too am surprised by Andrew's performance in this poll. It gives me hope though.


In the wake of the vicious, weaponized sexism of the 2016 campaign I decided that I would never again vote for a man in any race that included an acceptably progressive woman, even if the man's positions more closely resembled my own. I love Bernie Sanders to death and supported him last time in both the caucus and primary, but Harris, Gillibrand, Warren and Klobuchar are all acceptably progressive, so this time I'm afraid that leaves him, Biden and O'Rourke out. Of course, in November I will vote for whomever the Democrats nominate. The distance between the major parties, at least on LGBTQ and reproductive rights (and the judges they'd appoint) is undeniably vast.


Andrew Yang. We need results not agendas.


Has anyone researched the 100-year history of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, in Sussex, UK? We have supposedly two main political parties in the US that supposedly represent two different factions. However, back in the 1920s Edward Bernays and Walter Lippmann were writing extensively about how the common people needed to be managed, manipulated and controlled for their own good, to ensure that what remained of democracy did not fail. Both men worked for multiple White House administrations at the time, as well as multiple multi-national corporations. Bernays and Lippmann were Tavistock members, as was Freud, Yung, Skinner, Pavlov and many more.

In the 1930s the central banks began buying up the media to control public perception. Today, 100 years later, they have nearly total control of the media and they have whittled our choices down to two political parties in the US, which both represent two sides of the same political box that we are kept within. The analysts at Tavistock wrote that it was an absolute necessity that in order to control the masses they had to believe they still had the freedom to choose. This was an essential ingredient to successful control. William Sargant wrote about this.

In any case, we have two political parties that are both aligned with global communitarianism, which is communism via propaganda, instead of force.


The Yang-bots are some pretty good technology. I'm impressed.

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