

Colacurcios aside, I thought Wills was a good Council member.

I encourage everyone to go visit the patch of Rick's Lake City parking lot they wanted re-zoned. A lot about naught.

You don't have to go in Rick's.


I'm holding out for zombie Licata, man.


Rate hike Heidi!!!! The brain trusts of Seattle blamed her for Enron, which caused a 13% hike in City Lightā€™s rates.


Jon Lisbin is a better candidate for District 6.

Also, really excited Alex Petersen is doing well, hope he wins in District 4.


Every political race seems to be less about the quality of the candidate and more about who can collect the most money. The media is obsessed with money and how much of it politicians can acquire, as if that makes them "qualified" to be "leaders". I'm suffering from politics toxicity.


Heidi needs more hands on experience she is not ready and probably will never be

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