

The market has decided that you get more bang for your buck from a dog than a child.


I'm sorry that, for some people, keeping the country from turning into a right-wing authoritarian hellhole wasn't exciting or inspiring enough for them to do actually do something about it.


"... the bill, which would ban abortion after six weeks of pregnancy (aka when your period is just TWO WEEKS late)... "

Isn't it The Obvious Thing to do then, to take the Abortion Pills, ANYTIME you're two weeks late? just to be "safe"?

They're gonna shove their patriarchy and xtian-Sharia law down our collective throats, like it or Not. And they care not one Fucking whit how much you don't fucking Like it.

Freedom FROM your religion?
Yes; Please.

Let us not go there -- you mightn't Like mine,
when those tables are turned.



Except they're going to the total of the limit Plan B as well.


Naturally, the Patriarchy really NEEDS them Babies.

Too bad they don't actually give a fuck, after they're borne.

If they DID, we would't have these third-world pregnancy outcomes here, in the Richest fucking country on the fucking Planet. Plus, Public support for quality daycare/early child learning would be Mandated, so a great many more parents could fucking Afford to fucking Work.

OR -- we could go back to having it like in the Olden Days, the 1950s, 60s, and 70s, -- where ONE spouse's work would support a family, provide them with good transportation, maybe a vacation/second home and a decent Education for their children -- including good and decent Healthcare.

Either way works, I suppose.


"the city is trying to soften financial goals for those that didn't meet goals."- well done, underperform and get rewarded.


@5- good grief, you blather.


@5: All you have to do is build a time machine and take it back to a time when much of the other international manufacturing/business concerns had been bombed to the ground, and there was little to no competition from emerging countries, and also when developed countries were not being flooded with low skilled workers who undercut wages.

You can't just modify tax rates and recreate the post war boom. The Boomers lucked out and were born at time where they got to play their whole lives on easy mode and barely had to even try to become very wealthy and secure great jobs coupled with extremely low living/education/land costs. But pending a shakeup of the entire world order, it is not happening again.


Well, Seattle; we're sure those dogs will change your shitty diapers and give you your meds when you are old and decrepit, and- bonus- eat your corpse when you finally croak!


There are more dogs than kids in Seattle and, apparently, more shitty dog owners than shitty parents as well - at least based on the increasing amount of dog shit left laying around.

And those dog owners know damn well they're breaking the law - especially the ones who proudly pick up their dogs' shit with those plastic bags... and then discretely toss the bags aside when no one is looking.


@10 you sure that aint human shit?


I really wish the stranger would do some investigation when to comes to dogs...although the citys dog populations out numbers the kid population the city budget for dog parks is incredible small (CM Sawant defamation defense budget is like 10x the dog park budget)...the parks department is anti dog (no new dog beaches because the environment, but hey tankers dumping human waste in the bay was cool until last year), and unlike most cities that allow dogs on patios the Seattle health department doesnā€™t. So Seattle is basically full of dog lovers who ignore crazy tough dog regulations and a government that doesnā€™t want to work with dog owners.


Side note on the Jeopardy Champion, James Holzhauer, his final winnings for each day coincide with important dates in his life such as his anniversary, father's Bday, daughter's Bday, etc.


@9 Oh, your kids won't do that either. Of course, you'll have a lot more money to pay for senior assistance if you haven't spent your life raising kids, putting them through college, and bailing them out into middle-age. Dogs cost money, but way, way less than kids.


Whew, got some people with seriously bad relationships with their parents in this thread.


You can't actually do an executive order on pipelines that don't actually cross an international border - it's a Taking from State's Rights. For the Longview or other pipelines or coal export terminals to be included, they would literally have to build a pier that extends PAST the international boundary way out at sea.

Now, the pipeline from BC to WA or the pipeline from AB to MT, those could legally be enjoined via executive order, as POTUS (or what chimp passes for him) does have that right. Still illegal under other aspects on the Canadian side though.


Also, the pollution impacts and water impacts can't be enjoined, unless the entire projects were built on Federal land (military bases, which is a lot of our state) and never cross private or public State land. So, this at best only impacts maybe 1/5th the total legal challenges these pipelines face, and will probably not survive the inevitable court challenges anyway.


If this were Baltimore, that Roomba would have been shot to pieces by a trigger-happy SWAT team


I know that when you want someone to perform really well, you soften their goals. Yeah, that almost guarantees improvement.


@17 Everyone thinks they have a great relationship with their kids until they need their kids to change their diapers.


Iā€™m more of a cat person, myself.

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