

"The Republican argument against the bill [to photograph self-entitled Scofflaws blocking traffic, so's we can make 'em Pay] was that the rules would be 'confusing' for 'those of us from the country.'"

"What're all these Lines on the road for? Do they have some sort of special Meaning? And what about all thses Signs? Should I read some of them? Which? Shucks, Our road's made outta dirt. That's just how we purfer it."

"Hey, why is that guy honking his Horn at me?!"

Who knew citying could be so dang Hard?
Thanks, Republicans!



They just 'solved' our Homeless Problem.
Get one for each kid, and you're almost Home.

Well Played, America!


"What to do about Bernie?" ask corporate Democrats who "hate Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, breaking up big banks, free public college for all."

I guess they could always vote for Trump ...


Great! After that let's use those cameras to ticket jaywalkers.


You can't trust a robot dog without a head. I mean come on. Besides, they are bad snugglers.


@5 - Speaking of Bernie, here is on the Fox News Channel:

Town Hall with Bernie Sanders | Part 1:
Town Hall with Bernie Sanders | Part 2:

Do you still call this the GOP propaganda channel? Pete Buttigieg is also going to do one. And, now, get your smelling salts, Donna Brazille is now a co-host on The Five.

Time for the DNC to change their minds about allowing FNC to host a democratic primary debate. If they don't, and Trump is re-elected, this horrible decision will be one of the factors to blame.


@2 Dogs can be house trained.

Judging how the bums in Ballard shit on the sidewalk despite having not one, but two Honey Buckets for them clearly shows they aren’t house broken yet.


10 years? For conspiring to have a man killed by white supremacists?! Isn't that grotesquely lenient? I remember a few years ago Paul Constant posted video footage of a newly married young woman's attempt to pay an undercover cop posing as a hitman to kill her husband. Pretty sure she got like 20-30 at least (though I just looked for a link to said story and... Man, there sure are an awful lot of young women attempting to hire hitmen to kill their husbands these days. Yeesh.)


Robot dogs make me want a gun. Nutmeg! Thanks for that. Learned something.


What is it with Ballardites complaining about poo-poo? I walk all over town, and have encountered non-dog feces exactly once, It was on Capitol Hill in front of the H&R Block office, so it might have been some some sort of political statement.



Yes, Fox is still the GOP propaganda channel. If you had watched the Town Hall you linked to, you'll see Bernie saying exactly that to the hosts's faces several times. And the audience cheers when he does that.

Every news outlet is propaganda. They always have been. In the early days of the republic, most newspapers openly stated their biases. The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle was (and still is) a newspaper that favors a party, and I'll let you guess which one based on their name. In Britain today, newspapers declare their biases quite openly. The Mirror and the Guardian are pro-Labour, the Telegraph and the Daily Mail are pro-Conservative, The Independent favors the Liberal Democrats, The Morning Star favors the CPB.

You cannot do journalism in an unbiased way. Nobody can. Whoever owns the news outlet is going to direct that news outlet to discuss topics in a certain way.

The News Hour on PBS is funded in a large part by the coal and natural gas industries, and you'll see that sponsorship stated in the opening moments of every show, where they list their corporate sponsors. TNE also doesn't report any stories that portray the coal industry negatively. They are therefore based.

As are you. And me. And everyone else. Objectivity is bullshit. Our brains are nor computers that do things in an impartial way, we are emotional, irrational and very biased creatures, all of us. The trick is not to pretend that you're some weird emotionless freak without any biases whatsoever, and instead to know what those biases are, be aware of them and be aware of how they color your view. Look, Friedrich Engels, half of the duo who wrote the Communist Manifesto, himself stated that most communist newspapers offer bad advice when it comes to making investments, and he preferred to read the Economist when looking for advice on where to invest money. I'm not making this up, one of the most important figures in Communism was very rich and made his money through Capitalism. He understood how it worked, and because he understood it so well, he realized why it was an amoral system that had to go, however, he wasnt about to starve to death waiting for its demise, either. He understood his bias, and he understood the blind spot that comes from that its. Had he read only the socialist press, he couldn't have fed himself and Karl Marx's entire family for three generations, because socialist newspapers gave bad advice on how to do capitalism. So, he read another paper, understood its bias, took what was useful, but never pretended that the Economist was not biased.

Thats how you do it. Know your blind spots, realize that everyone has them, they're just in different places, and by putting different perspectives together, you get a more complete picture. But never pretend that you or anyone is ever unbiased.


@13 - Good points! Keeping in mind our own biases and those of the media outlets should assist us in molding our views.


Great comment Wandering Stars. One thing to add though; acknowledging one's bias isn't equivalent to blatant lying and twisting. Fox is not only propaganda like many channels but it is lying propaganda to incite hate and fear of the other. It should be denounced 24/7. Only fascists use fear mongering and race baiting to divide us like Fox.

Short of objectivity, there is a minimum code of ethics to observe to qualify as a reporter or part of the free press. Fox never qualified as Murdoch leveraged his propaganda tool to gain significant power on several continents.

"On August 18, 2000, journalist Jane Akre won $425,000 in a court ruling where she charged she was pressured by Fox News management and lawyers to air what she knew and documented to be false information."
"Fox lawyers, under pressure by the Monsanto Corporation (who produced RBGH), rewrote her report over 80 times to make it compatible with the company’s requests. She and her husband, journalist Steve Wilson, refused to air the edited segment."
" Fox lawyers argued it was their first amendment right to report false information. In a six-page written decision, the Court of Appeals decided the FCC’s position against news distortion is only a “policy,” not a “law, rule, or regulation.”


The Plot Against George Soros Didn’t Start in Hungary. It Started on Fox News.

or how for years Fox spread "Paranoid conspiracy theories about George Soros — the liberal philanthropist and financier cast, in starkly anti-Semitic terms, as a shadowy puppet master bent on toppling governments"



I’m glad you weren’t offended y that.

There was this bizarre myth the media held onto between the Second World War and the late nineties, the idea that all news media had to strive for objectivity. I guess part of that was mandated by the Fairness Doctrine. As applied though, the FD did not actually enforce equal time for opposing views or promote objectivity. I watched Firing Line as a kid (my parents were conservative, and this was part of my indoctrination), and I never heard any socialist or anarchist views presented on that show, except maybe as a target for attack. Nor did I see Left views presented anywhere else. When there was a discussion, only two points of view were allowed, and both favored the same economic system. They differed on social policy only. What was never discussed were any objections people had to capitalism.

Because of this period of time, and because of the Fairness Doctrine, people were programmed to forget the long history of journalism in this country. The election of 1800, between Adams and Jefferson, featured Adams writing pieces accusing Jefferson of having sex with barn animals, and Jefferson openly staying that Adams was a traitor who conspired with Britain to steal the election (sound familiar?). That rivalry was fought across the front pages of every US newspaper in print at the time.

Any Rand didn’t help things, either. She promoted this idea that human mind could be completely rational and objective. How does one know if they are being perfectly rational and objective? Because rational and objective minds happen to come to the exact same conclusions as Ayn Rand, of course. Anyone who disagrees on anything must be irrational and biased. This is a way of saying you can only be right if you agree with me. Yeah, I know, she was mentally ill. The delusion of grandiosity required to believe that only you can ever be correct, and others a4e correct only insofar as they agree with you would be pretty intense. Then again, if you read the Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, that’s pretty much the premise of both texts.

Well, her point of view coincided with the era of ‘objective journalism’, and it gave rise to people lie Alan Greenspan, who took all the brakes off the economy and then expressed genuine shock when it went off the rails. He just could not believe that any rational individual investor would do something that in the short term looked like it would glut his appetite, but in fact is harmful for the economy as a whole. Mr Greenspan has apparently never witnessed people who eat sugary snacks for a long time developing diabetes, because that is exactly what caused the housing market to go into diabetic shock. Randian philosophy just doesn’t allow for the idea of irrational subconscious drives, and Greenspan is not much of a Freudian.

Journalism works the same way. Fox declares that the only reason why anyone would ever disagree with them is because either a) they’re evil or b) they’re stupid. MSNBC does the same thing. You’re either a Russian bot, or you’re some stupid hick who married his sister and gave birth a a three headed baby. CNN is agnostic about three headed babies but here’s Malcom Nance and some retired General to talk about why The CIA and the military should impose a junta. Because that would be better. And if you disagree, you must be Putin.


once again, Nahatalie's journalism instincts fail her and she gets all high-centered on the old blood story while overlooking the real news from The Siberia Times:



Yeah, I'm pretty sure no human being, regardless of their level of mental acuity, is going to walk long distances just to shit in an enclosed plastic bucket - or is it your assertion that these two lone facilities, where ever they may allegedly be cited, are sufficient to meet the needs of hundreds of individuals spread out over a roughly four square-mile area? And FWIW I frequently see inebriated - but presumably homed - males pissing all over the place when they could have easily used the washroom in the establishment from whence they just staggered, so clearly this is not an issue endemic exclusively to the homeless population.



I chalk it up to extreme coprophobia, probably triggered by traumatic early childhood experiences with toilet training, and possibly linked to concurrent bacteriophobia.


Widower, I believe.


@8 "Do you still call this the GOP propaganda channel?"

Oh. For fuck sake. Trump refers to Fox as "we."

Here is a clever little video breakdown comparing coverage of Obama and Trump on Fox:


@17 "I’m glad you weren’t offended y that. "

He wasn't offended because you put all media on equal footing, which whitewashes Fox especially toxic brand of lying propaganda to "bias"


@23: Groan. No, but I guess that Wandering Stars now offends your ever-delicate sensibilities.



Your response rather ironically captures the aesthetic I alluded to in my second post. The reason why I do not consume media from major outlets, either on TV or in print, is this tendency to dismiss all other points of view as something more pernicious than bias, while at the same time ignoring one’s own excesses.

Case in point: this very newspaper, circa late 2001. The majority of the articles endorsed George W Bush’s War on Terror and the Invasion of Iraq, and further condemned figures such as Cindy Sheehan for having the audacity to suggest that granting the Executive unlimited power to declare war without the consent of Congress was to overstep the constitutional separation of powers. I believe Dan Savage was especially fond of Yellow Cake Uranium stories at the time.

Thankfully, more principled journalists such as Chris Hedges and Jeremy Scahill were there to point out the Yellow Cake was a lie. The policy advocated by our august journalists not just here at the Stranger, but in every single news outlet led to the needless deaths of millions of Iraqi civilians as well as hundreds of American 18 year olds who might, if alive today, have brought unimaginable advances to our society. We will never know of course, as they are all dead, thanks to the drumbeat in the NYT, on MSNBC and Fox hi how declared all dissenters guilty of treason.

How toxic is that kind of propaganda? Fox is odious to be sure, but compare that to the dead bodies of the Iraq War and tell me again which one is worse?

Further, the insistence of those who promoted Bob Muller as if a lifelong Republican member of the intelligence community would save you from Trump, at the expense of very impeachable offenses that could be fought in the courts such as violations of the Emoluments Clause, do not serve to rid us of this fascist bastard. If anything, you’re distracting resources and talent away from a winning strategy, and toward a losing one. Tell me, how toxic is that?

Also toxic is your insistence that the military-industrial complex is composed entirely of saintly figures we should all embrace in the hope they might stage a coup. I assure you, they will not. How toxic is the twice refusal to impeach first Bush and now Trump by Pelosi? How toxic is your weak willed compromise tendency, your knee jerk instinct to cave in at the slightest push from the right? You sold out the Iraqi civilians and American GIs, you betrayed the dead in New Orleans by refusing to impeach the bastard for neglecting them to death in the wake of the hurricanes, you refused to oppose Obama when he extended the ironically named “Patriot Act” or when he deported urges than anyone prior to him. You caved so gleefully when the Public Option was stripped from ACA, and yo7 even appointed a fucking Republican to lead the FBI. When he betrayed your darling candidate in 2016, you offered him redemption after his mea culpa, and yet you roasted Jill Stein after she sued Trump over voting booth irregularities. And then there’s the rigged election you staged against Bernie Sanders.

How toxic is that mess?

And now, you’ve got the gall to suggest that only Fox is to blame?

I assure you, the mass murder of Iraqi civilians and American troops that was the Iraq War would not have been possible had only Fox colluded with the criminal Bush regime. They had help, and you were it.


So yes, all media outlets are biased, and the very ones you have canonized are as bad as the ones you have demonized. You may have trouble seeing the warts on your own face if you do not make use of a mirror. It is however rather easy to observe your opponent’s warts unaided.


@26 I am sorry but I am short on time. Just to say that I haven't canonized anybody. I hold all corporate media responsible for the Iraq war, and manufacturing consent for the neoliberal order of things. Fox do all that other corporate media networks do in this respect PLUS the racist and fear mongering on a regular basis so yes I do hold Fox even more responsible for things like their assisting the rise of the xenophobic/racist far right.


Two quick comments:

Messi did that again like 5 minutes later on the other side of the field. Terrible video but only one I could find it 10 seconds of searching.

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