

Trumpty Dumpty is a slumlord in the White House. Everything it touches turns to shit.


This analysis makes a great amount of sense.
If there were only some larger entity that could slap some hard rules on our bad landlord...


If Trump is a landlord, this place is a fucking DUMP.


He's more like a bad tenant who won't pay the rent or leave.


@2 -- they're there, and they might, if they weren't On The Take, too.

Thee best Democracy money can buy.

Remember -- Corps are Peeps, too!


Charles is the tenant who is always calling the landlord about dumb stuff like odd noises that he only he hears, or insisting that the landlord pay for the burned out lightbulbs because the fixtures are wired incorrectly. Charles files trivial or nonsensical complaints to the city, thereby wasting whatever landlord investigation resources are available.


@3 Well, as far as I am concerned, mayor Durkan is Seattle's landlord. I mean, slumlord. Interesting how cities where Dems took control, have turned to shit almost overnight. San Fran is hiring shit patrols because of bums shitting everywhere. Seattle is about to follow suit with its homeless population being out of control. Chicago is a cesspool of crime. And Detroit is dead. Funny how that works. Maybe we should elect some conservatives because leftist slumlords certainly do fuck all for their cities. Truly the very definition of "shit where you eat".



The rates of new infection of HIV are the highest in the red states, which also recover more slowly from natural disasters and have higher rates of suicide.

If, for example, GOP controlled territory is so superior, why did Indiana’s suicide rate rise by 31% during Mike Pence’s time as Governor? If by governing well you mean you’re driving everyone to kill themselves, I guess you’re doing better?

Now, I’m not a huge fan if liberals either. I’m a socialist, and from whe4e I come from, liberals are dangerous compromisers. There are basically two kinds of liberal, and they roughly correspond to the kind of chair they have in their office at City Hall. One goes round and round in circles, and the other collapses instantly under even the slightest pressure.

This dos not however mean that I think conservative leaders are good for much, either. Talking to a conservative is a bit like talking to the refrigerator in the office break room. The light goes on, the light goes off, but it never does anything that isn’t built into it. Most people vote Republican not because they believe any of the crap the GOP espouses, it’s more borne out of frustration with the lack of spinal integrity present within liberals, hence the ‘own the libs’ phenomena as you demonstrated so aptly in your post. I’m with you on that part, as I have to admit, it is kind of fun watching them lose their shit. The outrage machine is real, and trolling is fun.

However, the Nemo of my enemy is not my friend. My beef with Durkan is that her solutions are disguised as efforts to help the homeless that in reality help only the business community. If you think otherwise, then explain how the rents in this city only move in one direction, at a time when wages are unable to keep pace? By making housing unaffordable to working people, she and her predecessors have taken people who in the old days would have lived in low rent tenements and forced them out onto the street, as there are no more spaces they can afford to live in. If you ask me, the city should use its power of eminent domain to seize the property of many landlords in this city and convert those spaces into free housing.

Which is a position no liberal or conservative would embrace. Then again, I’m neither. From what I’ve seen of how both of you govern, a pox on both your houses.


@10. I see your point. Also agree that Durkan's desire to "help the homeless" is nothing but a giant virtue signal.
Well, I am glad we actually agree on something. There CAN be civil discourse after all.

Careful now. They might label you a "Nazi" for talking to me without calling me names, and finding common ground. By the way, I am not even a conservative. There are a lot of things I disagree with them with. Classic liberal.



Words have meanings, and I have respect for the English language. It is out of that respect that i refer to actual Nazis as Nazis. Richard spencer, for example, is a fascist.

That said, it is notable that Bernie Sanders is rather popular in areas that voted for Trump. Even Fox News viewers seem to like him, in spite of the hosts of their shows instructing them to feel otherwise. Perhaps Pete Buttigieg's explanation for this is accurate. Capitalism doesn't work for most of the people in this country, and those who have come to realize this may have been looking for someone to end it. In the absence of a winnable candidate on the Left, hey may have opted for one on the Right.

This was never a temptation for me, for the very reason many Trump supporters gave me for their support of him. They sued to say, "He can't be bought because he's already rich". Well the problem with that argument is that he got rich by exploiting the capitalist system to his benefit, so why would he want to blow it up?

Instead, I voted for Jill Stein. I don't regret doing so. I would do it all over again if the circumstances were the same. And I think that if the circumstances are the same in 2020, we will see a repeat of 2016.

if Bernie does win the primary, I have no doubt the Clintonistas will try to undermine him in the general election. To them, him losing would be validation, a way to say "See? We told you he couldn't win". His victory would have the opposite effect- They will become the American version of Blairites. Therefore, they have a vested interest in attacking him from the center while Trump attacks him from the right.

You yourself should worry about being tainted by your associations with me. The extremists of the Classical Liberal camp have a label for people like you- they call you "beefsteak nazis". Brown on the outside, red to the core. Watch your back, comrade.


@12 Well, I am not a socialist and definitely not a communist. Been there, done that (born and raised in USSR). But people are entitled to have their own political views. That is what makes this country great. You can choose to believe whatever you want. One of the many reasons I moved here. But no matter what people's political ideology is, it is all about civil discourse and no alienating one side or the other.

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