

The article you linked to makes it quite clear that the state sanctuary law limits the use of state and county buildings as places that ICE can make arrests - not federal buildings. If a state tried to enforce such limits on federal properties, it would have the half-life of a cat fart.


Note that WA state is collecting sales taxes from OR residents when they shop in Washington.
No mention however, about Alaskan residents who shop in WA and also claim exemption to WA sales tax.


"A house in Twin Lakes, Oklahoma collapsed into the Cimarron River"

Perfect metaphor for the Republican brand as people of the midwest realize climate change is here


We should fix all these jurisdictional margin problems by abolishing the states and replacing them with rationalized administrative units. And get rid of the US Senate while we are at it.


@3: So the family whom lost their home don't get empathy from you if they were oblivious to climate change, or even voted for Trump?

But instead, let's just say they were tracking their carbon footprint and are Green New Deal fans, so that our preferred dispositions are at play.


@2 The new law applies to all shoppers from a state or Canadian province that does not have sales tax. Oregonians are just getting all of the media attention because they’re next door. This will affect Alaskans too.

These shoppers can save their receipts and file once a year for a reimbursement of any state sales tax exceeding $25. Local taxes still apply.


@5 I am certainly not lacking empathy for those bamboozled by free marketeering charlatans.. You should learn how to read, but distortion is your game isn't it? On top of which, concern trolling for the fate of those becoming victims of climate change by a supposedly former climate change denier (fairly recent flip for you isn't it?) is rather hypocritical but this shouldn't escape people coming here every day.


Why the Republican brand?
What did Obama do for eight years?
You think Climate Change is Trump's fault?
Classic Trump Derangement Syndrome....


@7: I've never denied nor accepted climate change. Whatever God decides to do is not contingent on my approval or rejection.



Yes, dear god fire the entire fucking senate directly into the sun. It's bad enough that it even exists at all being as disproportionately representative as it is, but then it also holds a disproportionate amount of power owing to it's role w/r/t supreme court nominees.



You haven't spent much time in the midwest, have you.


I understand how it helps illegal immigrants, but I still haven't heard an argument for how sanctuary policies help the citizens of a particular jurisdiction. Is it viewed as a sacrifice we must be willing to make or will I actually see benefits? Also, how will this affect investigation into human trafficking since local authorities can't hold criminals for ICE.


Sunburns are for suckers.


@GermanSausge - God (in Christian theology) does not preclude our free will from burning fossil fuels, or leaving babies in the car. You may think that contractions when I said "what God decides to do" in regard to human-caused climate change. But let's meeting in the rectory after lunch and perhaps one of the sisters will explain it to us.


What has anyone on the Left actually done about Climate Change?
Democrats firmly control many of the largest states and most large cities;
what have those entities done about Climate Change?
What have individuals on the Left done to walk the talk they blather on about climate?
For 30 years The Left has fiddled and lectured,
if The Left really believes what it claims it has not backed it up with action.
Show us, don't tell us.


Declaring Washington a sanctuary state when it is so completely unable to come to grips with the homeless problem it already has is a sad joke,
but typical Leftist posturing with no action to back it up.
Seattleites like to imagine they are progressive trend setters,
in fact they are recognized as fatuous flighty loonies with no grasp on reality.
And Inslee is the spokesclown for this failed movement.


Are you talking to us?
Plans are not action.
Weiner's baby is roasting in the car, and you kids are still drawing up plans?!?



Yes, and also so children from loving, stable homes aren't needlessly placed into the already overburdened CPS/foster care system when their non-citizen parents are detained or deported.

What does the homelessness issue have to do with immigration policies?


Ween's nice but missing a Gary Moore:

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