If you want to know how much Molly Moon makes, just ask.
If you want to know how much Molly Moon makes, just ask.

Last year, Molly Moon Neitzel, the founder and owner of Molly Moon's ice cream company, made $326,000, a figure I know thanks to Vice News Tonight, which recently aired a segment on an interesting Molly Moon's policy: total wage transparency. Not only is Neitzel open about her own pay, but the company is also open about everyone else's, too. This, according to Neitzel, makes it easier for employees to demand equal compensation. And the compensation seems pretty good for an ice cream shop: The lowest paid employees make $18 an hour, which happens to be the price of two pints of Molly Moon's ice cream.

Neitzel and other Molly Moon's staffers spoke with Vice's Michael Moynihan (who, full disclosure, I once got drunk with), and Neitzel said that she thinks the reason most companies aren't transparent about employee compensation is the patriarchy. "We have centuries of secrecy around what people make and I think that secrecy has been created by a white patriarchy that wants to keep women and people of color oppressed in a cloud of darkness," Neitzel told Moynihan.

You can join the effort by posting your wages in the comments. I'll go first: I also made $326,000 last year (plus tips).