

@1 the more you know


Speaking as a former Metro driver of 15 years, I can guarandamntee you that many people who don't pay the fare have plenty of money to do so. The wad of 20s they wave at you while walking past and saying, "I don't have change," or the armload of fast food they just bought, is all the proof I needed.

And the ones who don't pay the fare but have plenty of money to do so are usually the ones who cause disturbances on the bus after they board.


/seen online/

“I’m glad that Obama killed Osama bin Laden before Tr666p could become best friends with him.”


@5 That’s funny because at the time the looney left was unhappy our brave soldiers put a bullet in Osama’s brain and dumped his body in the ocean.

Barack Obama: best president ever.


I never thought I'd see the day when the POTUS is regurgitating verbatim the propaganda for a N Korean dictator.

Remember when Repubs pissed themselves with fear because Obama shook hands with Chavez? And now our President is a PR guy for dictators. Strange times.


@6 I think you've misspelled "Glavset" as "the looney left," there, Feebles. Every leftist outside Olgino was glad to be rid of Bin Ladin.



Ah yeah, I guess so. Nothing should shock me anymore.


"Double" agent implies he's working for us in the first place, when we all know his first loyalty is to his own damn self.


@11 Sure, but I can think of a few other countries he might be working for, too:


Get a clue folks. It's been clear to me for ages that our horrible "president" is just trying to butter-up Kim with these flattering statements, as part of his effort to use his office for personal enrichment. This is what passes for political science and diplomacy when we a let a businessman run our government.

During his first visit there, he remarked at the wasted potential of all that beachfront property, and presented the idea of transforming it, much as Vietnam has, into a tourist paradise. I believe there was also a PowerPoint and a video presentation?

Of course he an his oligarch friends would be first in line to buy property and break ground. In exchange, sanctions could be lifted and NK could expand its economy multifold. Kim would be free to continue to run his oppressive dynasty just we allow the the Saudis and the Emirates to do, with luxury tourist dollars a-flowing.

His bizarre overtures, kind words and secret meetings all make sense when seen in this perspective. It's just insider trading on a grand scale.



1-13 etc
wow you guys
such raging paranoia and credulous naïveté
it makes us sad to think about you kids blundering and bumbling thru life
we can't even bear to do so...


Don't feed the Royal Wee


How long do we have to wait for everyone's favorite NRA stooge to tell us how lucky we are that this week's 3 mass shooters weren't armed with bottles of rubbing alcohol and sharpened number 2 pencils?
Does the NRA give him the weekends off?


I blame it on mama’s boys.


It’s incredible to think that if 30 Americans had been killed in three separate ISIS terrorist attacks in a matter of days, everyone in this indecent nation would be flipping out, especially Tr666p, dumFux Nooz, and their Despicables.

However, since the massacres have been carried out by $hitler-loving, white trash supremacists, everyone, including the FBI, just shrugs and says nothing can be done.

And then there’s the RepubliKKKan politicians that are laughing all the way to the bank with their NRA gun lobby money that allow hate-crazed lunatics to murder as many people as possible. Vote them all out.


@17: Well, obviously not as long as for someone to tee up the exchange.


Turns out that the Ohio shooter was a gun control activist and supported Elizabeth Warren. Wonder if the posters above trying to score points on the corpses of the dead feel good about themselves?


Its a gun fetish death cult that loves it's sacrifices. And like pretty much all “conservatives” and trump evangelicals, @22 here only gives a shit about dead people if he can use them to score political points. He wants us to feel bad for making a reasonable hypothesis based on all the other right wing whackos who enjoy killing people via numerous mass shootings, running cars into a crowd of protesters, or the good ol' lynching when certain folks get too uppity.

The GOP's longest serving Speaker of the House is a convicted child molester who only got found out cuz they discovered it busting him for corruption. History shows that conservatives love giving the worst of the worst power because they're shitty people just them.


@22 Let's see, we've got one mass shooting where the police say there's no evidence of a bias motive, and one mass shooting that's being investigated as an act of domestic terrorism.

Guess which shooter's politics conservatives want to talk* about?

(*) but not "score points on," heavens no, we're above all that aren't we.


The El Paso tragedy is an inevitable result of the climate of brazen disregard of the immigration laws of this country created by The Left. When Mayors and Governors flout their disobedience of the law when it suits their political agenda expect common citizens to feel emboldened to take the law into their own hands as well. It is a descending spiral of lawless violence and hatred.


@24 Let's see, we've got one mass shooting where the police say there's no evidence of a bias motive, and one mass shooting that's being investigated as an act of domestic terrorism.

Guess which shooter's politics The Left wants to talk about?


You have eyes that do not see.
The El Paso killings are indefensible, but a predictable step in the spiral of lawlessness.

Elected Leftist officials ignore the laws of the land and spew 24/7 violent rhetoric,
including urging that immigration laws be violated with impunity;
Leftists brag about punching a Nazi in the face (and a Nazi is anyone they disagree with...),
crowds of hooded Antifa brownshirt coward/thugs roam Blue city streets beating journalists and conservatives with the approval of The Left,
BLM rhetoric prompts the slaughter of police officers,
what do you think the next step is?


And the Left has been excusing the mass slaughter of African-Americans for decades,
only paying attention when there was political gain to be made;
Baltimore and Chicago and countless other Democrat ruled dystopia wastelands with Third World murder rates that only are noticed by the Leftist Propaganda Machines that pretend to be news organizations when Res Trump calls attention to the mayhem.
And then only outraged That the President criticized the status quo, not in the least concerned about the murder of Black Americans which is SIX times the rate of other Americans.
Blood. On. Your. Hands.


@29: You can't say the El Paso killings are indefensible and then use "predictable step" to defend it or excuse it.



If your argument is to hold any weight we would need to see some significant upticks in acts of violence against the Right - not just a few isolated incidents of some Proud Boys getting their nose bloodied after deliberately provoking exchanges, or maybe some sort of - ahem - mass-shooting focused specifically on Conservatives. In the tragedy that took place this past weekend in Dayton, the shooter clearly exhibited all the signs of long-festering toxic-masculinity to the extreme, and apparently (as best authorities can determine at the moment) did not specifically target anyone or any location associated with Right-Wing ideology. OTOH, in the other tragedy in El Paso, as with so many previous tragedies, the shooter was unambiguous as to their motives, who they intended to kill, and the specific individual from whom they drew their inspiration.



Please don't feed the 404 troll.


Are you new to this thing 'reading'?
Noting that something was predictable doesn't excuse or defend it.
There have been many attacks spurred by Leftist rhetoric; the attempt to murder the Republican House leadership, the attack on the Family Research Council headquarters, the attack on Dallas police, the assault at the Tacoma detention center, for example.
But this is not a tit for tat escalation.
Someone who is unhinged about the flood of illegal aliens surging into our nation and the chaos it creates and sees that The Left is determined not to allow immigration laws to be enforced and not to fund government efforts to address the crisis and to stoke the anger associated with the crisis might conclude that it was up to them to handle the situation. Or send a message. Someone unhinged might conclude that the system is not working and is not going to work, and might decide acting outside the system was the only option left.
Someone unhinged, that is.

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