

"Kamala Harris Landed One Solid Blow after Another Against Black Non-Violent Drug Offenders" There, fixed that for you


were we watching the same debate? she looked xanned out of her gourd last night. she had one good line (the tweeting out the ammo one)


Interesting. Most of the people I’ve talked to were turned off by the scripted, rehearsed nature of her lines, and thought she looked like a jackass when she talked directly to Trump.


Harris seemed silly at times last night, giggly, the Trump as "wizard of oz behind the curtain" reference wasn't as funny as she thought it was. I find Klobuchar and Warren more appealing.


Moderator: Miss Harris, what would be your policy in regards to China given recent developments in the ongoing trade war with the United States?


rapturous applause

Harris pops another fistful of Xanax

Next question!


Wow, what's the deal with Christopher Frizzelle and Kamala Harris? I recall this isn't his first post where he's painfully tried to play up Harris. Is Frizzelle so politically out of touch, or does he just take the rest of us as easy marks?

I have my problems with every candidate out there, but Kamala Harris is in a category all by herself.

She's carved out a long career as a corporatist neoliberal servant of the economic elites—exactly the kind of Democrat that has given us Trump—and now with this campaign she's suddenly trying to present herself as the hipper person-of-color Elizabeth Warren. That is, when she isn't triangulating her way out of her faux-progressivism and trying to have her cake and eat it too. That she should also play the identity-politics card is just par for the course for someone so shameless and amoral.

But hey, I completely understand Kamala Harris and what she's up to. She's doing what her big-money backers want her to do. The mystery here to me is Christopher Frizzelle.


She obviously hired Clintons joke writing team so everything is cool because we are going to Pokémon go to the polls and defeat trump.


To be clear I think Clintons entire team needs to fuck of and get jobs flipping burgers. You lost to a jowly orange sex offender, we never need to hear from you again. When you lose to the browns the coach gets shitcanned, not promoted to GM.


I have to side with Frizzelle on this. Of the democrats currently in the race, I think Harris is the best campaigner. She would gut Trump in debates, and beat the shit out of him campaigning in every other way. I think Warren is smarter—hell, she's the smartest one in the room by far—but I fear that Trump would walk all over her in the general election campaign. She has a plan for everything, and good solid policy, and I agree with her probably more than most candidates, but I don't think she's a strong campaigner.

The Dotard has been a bully every day in office. He will obviously be a bully and an asshole in the general election. We need a candidate that can campaign against well against him. A candidate that can punch back. If a candidate can't punch back, they'll get trampled by Dotard's bullshit and his tweetantrums.

Harris isn't necessarily my favorite candidate. There is no perfect candidate. But of all of them, I think she's got the best chance to crush Trump in the general election.

And Biden...? Don't get me started. I don't know why he's still the front runner. He's way past his sell-by date. He's flubbed his way through numerous presidential bids in the past, and he's predictably flubbing his way through this one. I can't imagine him debating Dotard. It would be like the insane racist grandpa vs. the affable uncle with Alzheimers. It would be a nightmare watching Biden fumble his way into yet another loss and hand Trump a second term.


@10 weird that you think she's the best campaigner, since, you know, her campaign has cratered over the summer.

@11 biden's brain is melting in real time, hard not to see it. definitely can't be written off as "gaffes." and bernie is clearly much sharper, even if he is "a lot older" (14 months = a lot???) than biden.


I don't have the negative reactions that many here are showing against Harris. She's not my favorite, but I have thought an AG could make a good President.
An AG has a legal and prosecuting background - right now we have an administration that is thoroughly lawless, and needs prosecution.
How Harris could sell herself to the dozen swing states is another open question.


I'll vote for whoever wins the the Dem ticket, but I don't believe anyone from Berkeley, California can win the presidency. Is it really too late to find a viable candidate from a goddamn swing state?

@10 She's probably the sharpest debater but in terms of fundraising I don't think her reach extends much further than our own little Bay Area Tammany Hall.


@7, Absolutely.

@10, Do you think the Harris brand would sell in swing states such as Wisconsin, Michigan , Ohio, and Pennsylvania? While the cable news talking heads love the daylights out of her one liners, I tend to think she is a beltway, coastal faux liberal with limited appeal beyond the big blue electoral states.

@14, Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin would be a potentially terrific running mate.


I know the Elites That Be want it to be Joe and Pete, but I am pleased that it will probably be Elizabeth and Kamala, or Kamala and Elizabeth.

Win win.

P.S.: Where was the Climate Debate? That wasn't one.


pat L @13: "I don't have the negative reactions that many here are showing against Harris. She's not my favorite, but I have thought an AG could make a good President."

AGs and DAs are absolutely the worst public servants to become chief executives in government, unless maybe you're counting generals. Why? Because they spend their political careers plying an entirely different political skill set and not having to exercise their political muscles of balancing different competing interests and the common good. Think Durkan. Think Gregoire. Kamala Harris is like Chris Gregoire on steroids.

But of course, this is why the economic elites love to run AGs and DAs as candidates--because they're empty vessels into which the big donors' political obligations can be poured. Imagine what a transit skeptic Jenny Durkan would have been if she had run 12 years earlier.

BTW, Hillary Clinton was pretty good too at debating and taking it to Trump. She lost largely because she was out of touch with Americans' struggles and she didn't have a broader populist political vision.

I disagree with Elizabeth Warren on most of her plans, but at least I know she'll be in the ring fighting for me.


Harris's hot;
she kicked hair furor's ass
(Where's the Tweetstorm?).
An Inspiration, she isn't.

Bernie, toe-to-toe with trumpfy:
trumpfy ain't got a Prayer.

"Sanders is older than Biden. Repeat: Sanders is a lot older than Biden."

Gosh, Rainy, you're right* -- when the 'much older' Bernie has his next Birthday he'll be a full TWO years Older than youngster Grandpappy Uncle Joe! -- for about ten months. After that, he'll only be . . . one years older.

Bernie needs a younger, Handsome (or Beautiful) articulate
Brilliant PROGRESSIVE Veep. Just in case.

(Speaking of TeeVee, I wonder if John Stewart or Oprah're busy...)

*and Sanders is Fifty times tougher than Cadet Bone "SnowFlake" Spurs


@13 pat L: Agreed and seconded.
@16 Will in Seattle: Agreed and seconded. I like your thinking. I'm also concerned about the lack of climate debate. Governor Jay Inslee was solid on the issue during his bid for the Presidency, but I'm glad to have Jay back running for his third term here in Washington State.


@17 I agree with much of that, although I like many of Warren's positions but admit her past talking talking points are too far left to swing many voters. Without a doubt she's the most qualified candidate.

And as dumb as this sounds, Hilary probably would have one if she'd just gone on fucking Howard Stern. He wanted so badly to humanize her.


*won, not one.

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