Visual Art Sep 25, 2019 at 1:30 pm

Sticker Patrol: Chubby Ghost, Clown Thiddies, Your Body



Nah, Kurdt hated all y'all motherfuckers.


We never thought that Seattle would become like it is back then.



Exactly. He was a single family home owner. One of us.


Jasmyne how is it you know something about a man that died before you were born? I knew him. He wouldn’t have burned them down nor supported burning them down. He didn’t like LA and was tortured by being famous. It’s more likely he would have went reclusive outside of the metro area.


I like this column. More stickers PLZ.


BTW I'd love to see someone capture the sheer number and variety of "Blink" stickers in this town. If that's just one person, he or she has put in a LOT of hours making a mark on our city.


Yeah but.....

Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle

It's so relieving
To know that you're leaving
As soon as you get paid

It's so relaxing
To hear that you're asking
Wherever you get your way

It's so soothing
To know that you'll sue me
This is starting to sound the same

I miss the comfort in being sad
I miss the comfort in being sad
I miss the comfort in being sad

In her false witness
We hope you're still with us
To see if they float or drown

Our favorite patient
A display of patience
Disease-covered Puget Sound

She'll come back as fire
To burn all the liars
And leave a blanket of ash on the ground

I miss the comfort in being sad
I miss the comfort in being sad
I miss the comfort in being sad

It's so relieving
To know that you're leaving
As soon as you get paid

It's so relaxing
To hear that you're asking
Wherever you get your way

It's so soothing
To know that you'll sue me
This is starting to sound the same

I miss the comfort in being sad
I miss the comfort in being sad
I miss the comfort in being sad

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