

The dildo was stopped on the 1 yard line, and didn't penetrate the end zone!
BTW 35 Republican senators, Plus 48 Democratic (and independent) senators, is well over the 2/3 threshold.


omg, that's too funny...
honestly I don't know how security can stop people from bringing in dildos?
You couldn't pay me enough to check out Buffalo Bills fans' junk.


ICE = $hitler’s SS

Their first line of defense is the Nazis’ “only following orders,” which tells us they’re abusers that literally don’t know the difference between right and wrong.

Abolish ICE now.


I’m not foolish enough to think that Prezirapist AntiChrist will ever face any real accountability for his lifelong crime spree. Our corrupt society is set up precisely to ensure that criminally insane, cruel, greedy, evil, rich white men always get away with it (ex. Epstein, Jeffrey, et al; US history 1600 — present).

I’m praying that the pulverizing stress of the coming days–along with a major assist from McDonalds, KFC, and Diet Coke–triggers The Final Meltdown, in which $hitler suffers a massive, debilitating stroke that leaves him fully conscious but incapable of moving anything but his eyeballs… and then he lives for another twenty years.


@4 Exaggerating for effect?


"Gov. Jay Inslee will lay down the law on vaping today"

So selling flavored vaping products will get you arrested.

Selling heroin (that kills thousands every year) to your fellow junkies?

A hug.


@6 Come on, Feebs, we've all known Andrew long enough to get used to the odd Hitler-barking variant of Tourette Syndrome he suffers from.

It's a disease. We don't make fun of people with chronic illnesses.


I believe I diagnosed Unoriginal Andrew's "NAZI!" Tourettes long ago.


@7 Nobody's going to be arrested for selling vape juice, Feebles. They'll get a warning and maybe a fine.

Nobody's calling for throwing vape-vendors into reeducation camps indefinitely without trial, like you want to do with the opioid addicts living on the street (but not the ones in the big houses in the exurbs, of course).


I don't expect republicans to do anything but obstruct as far as the impeachment goes. It's the democrats I'm worried about, they better stick to their guns this time.


If all those junkies living "big houses in the exurbs" have arrest records as long as their arms, are out every day stealing shit to support their habits, and are caught breaking the law, throw them in jail too, with rehab as an early ticket out.

Of course, most junkies wind up "homeless" because ... well, because they're unemployable junkies who prefer to shoot up $2000 a month than rent a sweet studio in Ballard within walking distance of work and other amenities of cool urban life.

But keep dreaming that this is a problem in exurban McMansions.


"Meanwhile, among the hub-bub, Trump has said the whistle-blower didn't hear the (overly-entitled, insidiously-corrupt mfo's) call and is 'a spy.'"

The Treason is trumpfy.
He's calling for exectutng the leaker.
Soon no one will be able to say anything but double plus Postives about our dear Leader. If that's a Problem, for yoiu, we've got the re-Education Camps all set up, just to teach you and your kind Manners and Proper Thinkings. You'll soon get the hang of it.

One way or the other.

Ain't Fascism GREAT?


@11: Perhaps not. There are real cracks starting to show. It's been reported that even Sean Hannity is saying off camera that Trump might not be able to survive this.


11 Well, if they want to go along with Il Dotard, it is scorched earth all the way, which means adios GOP. None of those self-centered twerps have stomach for that.


Admitting that you'd vote differently if said vote was private as opposed to public seems pretty freaking cowardly. Fuckers.


[overly-entitled, insidiously-corrupt mfo's]
< (that hairy lil guy)
was Not a part of (our) Nathalie's quote.


@14, 15 In my experience the republicans have been better unified than the democrats which is why I worry more about the democrats. I hope you're right but I guess I'm a cynic.


@12 Opioid addiction in America is primarily a small-town problem. Most opioid addicts do not end up homeless. Many opioid addicts, like Rush Limbaugh, have high incomes. Functioning addicts are the norm, not the exception.

But you've never been one to let facts ruin a chance to attack people you perceive as inferior, eh Feebs?


"Of course, most junkies wind up 'homeless' because ... well, because they're unemployable junkies who prefer to shoot up $2000 a month than rent a sweet studio in Ballard within walking distance of work and other amenities of cool urban life."
--Poofy, raving somewhere above

And your Rage towards the sackler crime family (just the most-likely-Guilty ones), quite likely thee biggest (Legal!) (maybe illegal, too) drug pushers of all Fucking time, with millions addicted hundreds of thousands Dead, many more Dying, many of them Viet Nam and Afghanistan and Irqa War Veterans, whom this country used/uses and discards, like tools left out in the rain -- will we be witnessing your Rage here, as well?

And those EIGHTY FIVE MILLION without adequate health Care, just one illness away from the streets and lots and lots of Pain for fucking sure.

Not to mention, your soon-to-be released
"president," and the ungodly night terrors he inspires

The Addiction is but a symptom.
Where is your Outrage?


RE: vaping deaths

Where are the thoughts and prayers?


But what about this other thing I made up that has nothing to do with this? Hmmm? Did you think of that? So much for the tolerant left.


Oh, Christians and their oh-so-Christian boyswillbeboysing.


@14: It's interesting that you don't even consciously consider a difference between "republican party" and "Hannity." That's good. You're not blind to how that relationship works, then.


@23 sending refugees (fleeing gang/paramilitary violence and climate change) back to the places they escaped is NOT humane, especially when one's own country is historically responsible for much of carbon emissions and still refuses to do shit about it, and of course, supports the various dictatorships/oligarchies that made these countries some of the most violent failed states in the world according to Trump's own state department.

Trump's plan for those seeking safe haven: a ticket to the violent heart of Central America

How Climate Change Is Driving Central American Migrants to the United States


Hope everyone enjoyed Infrastructure Week!


Don't forget, Flake is the guy who said he could no longer put up with Trump's antics, so he responded by retiring from the job where he could do something about it. His next big move in that regard was voting to confirm Kavanaugh.


@31-- ah, shit, I musta missed it!

Is Infrastructure Week every four years,
or is it eight now?

(We're gonna get Tolls! I'm so Excited!)!

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