

You gotta be one deplorable bastard to not get douche-chills from that Trump rant, let alone cheer and laugh.


Uh-oh, looks like someone did a thoughtcrime: Shep Smith declared an Unperson at dumFux Nooz, America's dumbest white trash propaganda network.

Oh, and he decided this all on his own, because it's totally normal to quit your job after 23 years without notice and get escorted out by security when choosing "to begin a new chapter" right after your boss gets chewed out by the Prezinazi's sleazy, corpulent, defense Attorney General
¯\ (ツ)/¯

"We've never had an employee by that name," a dumFuxbot droned when reached for comment.


Not only is that indeed one big ass avocado, if you ate one of those regularly, you would develop a big ass in no time at all.


@2: Word is that the Murdochs and Fox liked pointing to Shep as an example of being fair and balanced. They didn't want him to leave. But for Shep, he leaves at a good time for his career.

Here's that clip where he says "blow job":


The god damned ATTORNEY GENERAL met directly with a media executive because his shit for brains President was mad at his propaganda network for not constantly and perfectly licking his asshole clean. THE ATTORNEY GENERAL. Jesus. They don’t even attempt to hide the corruption. This stupid country. What a pathetic joke America has become. Not even the dignity of a banana republic.


@4 - That’s a lovely manufactured narrative. Evangelical trumpist or raindrop, choosing to believe the propaganda from the known propaganda channel because reality is too triggering is a common trait for all people who support a party that thought it was a good idea to make a child molester their longest serving Speaker of the House. If conservatives didn’t have their make believe fairy stories, they’d have to deal with how shitty they and people they support are. Can’t have that when you’re cosplaying patriotism on top of pretend values.

I’d never leave my kids alone with raindrop or a trump cultist. Besides the obvious safety risks involved, the clear lack of any sort of moral character is the biggest issue. Sad.


@5 - He’s going to have to be forced from office physically. Congrats to the Republicans for giving us a shittier president than Nixon and GWB.


@6: So you're saying he was fired? That's wrong, he quit. Why would whether he was fired or quit make such a difference to your 'narrative'?


We’re about to get real familiar with Gordon Sondland, yet another Prezirapist AntiChrist’s collaborators and coconspirators. And guess what—he’s a local who bought the EU ambassadorship by bribing Tr666p with a million dollars.

Get your barf bag ready cuz this Mercer Island native’s sociopathic amorality is downright stomach-churning.

The son of Holocaust refugees who settled here, he eagerly signed up to spread the Tr666p/GOP’s anti-immigrant xenophobia, racism, international corruption, and fascism. Very fine people, indeed.


I personally favor the self-immiseration of bigots. If they want to spend 30 bucks on a book and then burn it, well, they could just expedite things by setting a match to their wallet. I mean, it’s the bigot who is out 30 bucks a pop for this little display.

I say let them burn it, just make sure local booksellers know them in advance so we can charge them even more money for it. You know, there’s a reason why those fuckers lost 5he civil war, and a lot of it has to do with inbreeding. The family tree Southern Georgia looks a little more like a telephone pole. They weren’t worried about Zika virus, because they didn’t have anything to lose.

I’d rather Jethro burn his money on burning books than burn his money on political contributions. It’s like being in a marathon where your opponent keeps stabbing himself in the legs. Sure, it’s disturbing, but it also means you don’t have to worry so much about who’s gonna win.

Burn, Jethro, burn!


Avocado photo reminds me to ask whether they put plastic stickers on every single piece of fucking fruit and vegetable in the entire world? What's wrong with these people? You can find the little buggers everywhere including the city derived compost for your garden (along with plastic from many sources to be sure)


"Sixty-five percent of Lone Star State voters of all political persuasions are in favor of government action to combat the climate crisis, and a third are strongly in favor of it"

"It could have something to do with all of the extreme weather that has walloped the state in recent years. A little more than half of the voters surveyed in the poll think their state government is ill-equipped to handle a big hurricane in 2019. Four in 10 voters voiced concern over having to relocate if there is a major weather event. Most tellingly, close to nine out of 10 Texans say they have been touched by extreme heat within the past year, and nearly half of those surveyed said they have experienced flooding or drought."


Raindrop is totally fine with the AG meeting with the head of the propaganda network and then one of the only critical voices of the president is gone the next day.

Why would the propaganda station and the people involved in it lie to him anyway? It tells him what he wants to believe. Republicans have his best interests at heart. Again, why would they lie? When has Fox or any conservative ever lied? And if they lie, well it’s small. Or both sides do it.

Raindrop is just fine with everything.


Yes indeed Pridge, I am just fine with everything. Totally fine and loving every minute of it.


Great AOC address about Green New Deal at world mayor summit:
(from 17 to 33)


You mustn't mind Our Dear Raindrop. He's sort fo the Melanie Wilkes of Slog.


17 - Given that she is still living in Paris at 103, I guess I'm in for a long life.


@5: The problem is that it doesn't change anyone's opinion. Fox News watchers will refuse to see the connection, and to everyone else, this is further proof that Fox is the propaganda arm of the GOP.

@18: Given that she is a fictional character that died of pregnancy complications in 1873 to give Scarlett O'Hara a complete character arc, I guess you're doing a fine job proving Pridge's point that you can't differentiate fiction from reality.


@19 Oh. I know.

But it cements my opinion that I do not care one whit what happens anymore in this dog shit stupid country.

I can bail anytime I want and I don’t care about America or Americans excepting where there stupidity impacts my life. My patriotism has been exhausted.

If Americans are this stupid and lazy to allow this outrageous open corruption without massive bipartisan outrage and eventually storming into the streets by the millions and burning Fox affiliates to the ground then fuck this country.

This country deserves Trump and everything that is coming with him. It deserves an oligarchy. It deserves its militant racist gun nuttery. It deserves the slow motion suicide of every functioning institution. It deserves lead in its water. It deserves the middle class to rot away into debt, insolvency and desperation. It deserves the obesity epidemic, rising suicide rate, and lowered life expectancy. It deserves the world highest healthcare related bankruptcy rate. It’s working class deserves to be sold out to cheap overseas labor and unaffordable healthcare. It deserves to have its civil rights slowly meticulously whittled or sold away.

Stupidity has consequences.


@17: As you are to Belle Watling.


@20 With that attitude, you're going to run out of countries to flee to.

Most of the world is already partitioned out amongst oligarchs, global or local, and if people with means can't be fucked to do anything to stop them, they'll take control of the rest of it faster than your research into dwindling social-sanity havens can keep up with.

You're right about one thing, though: you're not going to get rid of the oligarchs by sitting around complaining about how the underclass isn't doing all the work for you.


Raindrop is a nice person. He or she is wrong on a lot of stuff, but I like them anyway. Raindrop has always been nice to me, even when I’ve been an idiot.


Raindrop dear, you must try to not confuse characters (Melanie Wilkes) with the actresses who played them (Olivia de Haviland). After all, we all remember what happened to poor Melanie.

But I’ll thank you for the comparison to Belle Watling. I rather thought you’d have pegged me as an Aunt Pittypat.


Number 20. I understand where you are coming from but there are still people fighting back. Its happening. The main stream media isn’t likely to report a lot of it. The activists don’t have the platform that KOMO Seattle is dying assholes have. Like Robotslave said its not all up to the underclass to do all the fighting for you. Chin up professor. Speak up and hang in there.


"And why should Caesar be a tyrant then?
Poor man! I know he would not be a wolf,
But that he sees the Romans are but sheep.
He were no lion, were not Romans hinds.
Those that with haste will make a mighty fire
Begin it with weak straws: what trash is Rome,
What rubbish and what offal, when it serves
For the base matter to illuminate
So vile a thing as Trump!"

--Cassius, from William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Julius Caesar (with one textual change to reflect life in 2019)


@20 - See, the conundrum that the Republicramps face is how to oust Twumpy without alienating the radicalized masses who will vote for blatant con men just because they have "swagger" and say outracistgeous shit all the time. That is a priceless demographic! Can't lose them. They actually vote for the 1%ers agenda! Legitimize!

They have to find a way to truly discredit him... make him a betrayer. The Betrayer Daddy. He was a leader, but he betrayed us all and failed us. Got Our Boys Killed!!! Sent them to die even!
On the plus side, once they select the right topic, the Bernays-Goebbels "Big Lie on Repeat" tactic will work against him as much as it has worked for him. Hell, he's already lost sole access to his Twitter account, it'll be easy to just change the password and cut him out. Twitter could have an "outage" for 24 hours & accounts could be deleted, who would know what happened? Take away Turnip's amphetamines and he'll appear mentally damaged & won't be able to cope with the pace of the situation.

Guiliani's clearly in on it already, once Flocks News starts to eat Potatoman alive, you'll know the R's fix is truly in.


@12 - Those li'l tags bug you? With good reason, I agree. But then you'll -love- the South where potatoes are ^individually shrink-wrapped^.
I kid you not. Visit a Publix "grocery" store some time. Horrifying.
In other, thanks for those links.. .trés useful stats & info ;>)

@25 - Good point. Activism is 90-95% organizing, and 5-10% visible protest. There's TONS of stuff happening below the media water-line. And given SPOTUS' constant hot air...that water-line has only risen. So there's even MORE activism than usual going on under-reported.


Everyone has their inconsistencies. Even though many Midwestern states are as red as many southern states, I tend to find reasons not to hate Midwestern farmers and steelworkers. The South, on the other hand... it’s really difficult to like the South. I’ve tried for decades, but I just can’t do it.

I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because Michigan never took up arms to defend slavery, or because at one point Wisconsin was a socialist bastion. Even Indiana can be at least said to have produced Eugene Debs.

Mississippi, though..... yikes. Is there anything good to be said about Mississippi?


@29 Careful there, Mississippi has the highest percentage of African Americans in the country. If nobody has ever told you Jackson is a nice place to visit, it might just be because your mostly white social circles tend not to vacation in cities that are 80% black.

And while I suppose the Blues aren't to everyone's taste, there's that at least.


@6: Hardly manufactured:
@23: ;-)
@24: The conflation was delightfully deliberate.
@30: And the food. Have breakfast in Mobile, lunch in Jackson, and dinner in New Orleans!


In other words, destroying books you don't like is good, but destroying books you do like is bad. Sounds like you're a real deep thinker who has this all worked out.



The current mayor of Jackson is the one bright spot in the state. I guess I don’t care so much about the ethnic makeup of Mississippi. After all, many of your mostly heterosexual social circles tend not to vacation in cities that are 80% gay, so who the fuck are you to play that card on me? I’ll get all overcome with white guilt the minute I see homophobic Black preachers, musicians, and comedians fall all over themselves with straight guilt and start apologizing their asses off. If you have mistaken me for a white liberal, you have fucked with the wrong bull. I’m a Red, not the Republican kinda red, the other kinda Red. And no, it’s not just an extreme version of liberalism. It’s something very different entirely. One that will fight like the devil for Black equality because nobody is free until everyone is free, but also one that has zero sense of any kinda guilt at all and does not believe in identity politics. I’m fucking immune to manipulation like the bullshit you just tried to pull. And I was immunized by four and a half decades of hearing homophobic slurs coming from the pulpits and the microphones, which showed me you’re no angels either.


@33 Thou protesteth quite a bit there, Stars.

Next time maybe you'll save yourself the outrage after the fact, and instead check yourself before painting with such a broad brush to begin with. Even the most committed communist can make a mistake like that once in a while, after all.


Ari who? If you can get through his clueless garbage, pay due tribute to this living goddess in all her radiant splendor.



Shove it. Anyone who’s stupid enough to bite me gets bit back, only I bite hard enough to bite your thing right the fuck off.

This particular idiot painted me with a broad brush. But you won’t stand up for gay people. Nope. To you, everybody is better than us, and you’ll defend anyone else before you lift a finger for us. This is why we’ve had to learn to fight for ourselves. It’s a waste of time waiting for heterosexual America to go to bat for you.

Listen, I am generally speaking kind to everybody. You should not mistake my kindness for weakness. if you are unkind to me, weak is the last thing you will remember about me.



Playing tough guy on the internet, how quaint.

By the way, they (#30) weren't suggesting you should feel white guilt for not traveling to places that are 80% African American, they were implying you are racist.
From your comment history I would agree.
You are most definitely a racist.

You're also an idiot.
37 got that one on the nose.
He and I rarely agree, but this time Kenny boy has a point.

I must say I am curious though, how is taking power from wealthy Elites and giving it to political Elites going to give the Working Man any more power?
How the fuck is that supposed to make Joe six pack's life any better than it is right now?

Same shit, different flag.



"It’s a waste of time waiting for heterosexual America to go to bat for you."

Stupidity just flows out of your mouth like diarrhea out of Trump's asshole.
That is fitting, because voting for stein definitely made you a trump asshole.

It does raise another important question though.
How exactly is the LGBT community, Which is far less than 10% of the population, supposed to affect any sort of political change without convincing "heterosexual America", aka the other 90+ percent of the population, to help.

In case you didn't notice, I'm not trying to be nice, so you can bite away big guy.


Stay your trembling windmills.


between blaming the victims of a) institutionalized racism and class warfare and b) misogyny and rape culture, WS is quite some shining example of orthodoxy, isn't he? :)


@38 - You are off your game Ken ! That's a pretty big slip from your otherwise principled and on-point Kenneth Mehlman impersonation routine. You ok? I'm worried about you now.. you've been such a reliable and amusing faux-thorn in everybody's side here... personal attacks like that are not becoming, and definitely not keeping in form.

Can I bring you over a hot meal? Maybe run you a bath? Do you need a rest?


@36 Neither your sexual identity nor your politics innoculate you against white privilege. It's a disease we have to live with and manage, not one we can cure by injecting ourselves with the correct ideology, orientation, or lifestyle.

White privilege means not having to think about it.

You didn't think about the black urban south when you made your comment. You thought only about the white rural south.

Now, normally, this is forgivable. As white people, we can try to check ourselves when it matters, but we can't police our thoughts continuously, it's simply too exhausting, and would triple the length of any conversation with caveats and asides. But when we do slip up and make poor assumptions, and someone points it out, we can admit we weren't thinking things through. We can acknowledge our privilege, apologize as needed, and move on with life, trusting in the capacity of other people for forgiveness.

You've instead pitched a petulant fit of whatboutism and chest-thumping, which isn't helping anyone, least of all yourself.

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