

Biden needs to go.


The First Female U.S. President / VP in 2020. It's LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG overdue.
We've had more than enough white men in leadership roles--and RepubliKKKan men can't govern for shit, regardless of skin color.


Thank you for filing that complaint, Chase.


So Biden’s strategy is to lose Iowa and New Hampshire and then hope that he’ll make up for it in South Carolina and Nevada? Is that feasible, in terms of either delegates or momentum?


Yes, thanks Chase!


Way ta Go, Bernie
Ya already Had my vote but okay!

You better address those vape deaths, pronto.

And Harvey's free to roam around the Populace?!
How's that even possible?

Speaking of which, whatever happen to the Upper
Snoqualmie's giant Chinook salmon run? The ones
that could leap the Falls were Legendary....


"Final investigation report into Lion Air 737 MAX faults Boeing design and FAA certification along with maintenance and pilot errors." Did Boeing bother telling those (foreigners!) Pilots of the MAX's existence?

Did Boeing make the second attitude of attack sensor, crucial to the 737 MAX's control status, should the first one fail, optional?

Will Boeing (Finally!)* put Union Employess on its Board of Directors?
Stay tuned.

*if it's not too Late


@10 -- "the second attitude of attack sensor, crucial to the 737 MAX's control status, should the first one fail" Is based on my reading about the 737 Maxes, and may not be 100% factual. (My memory isn't 100%.)


Okay, the attitude of attack sensors appear to be part of the plane, as in, not optional. What was optional, however, were...

"Boeing’s optional safety features, in part, could have helped the pilots detect any erroneous readings. One of the optional upgrades, the angle of attack indicator, displays the readings of the two sensors. The other, called a disagree light, is activated if those sensors are at odds with one another.

In the software update that Boeing says is coming soon, MCAS will be modified to take readings from both sensors. If there is a meaningful disagreement between the readings, MCAS will be disabled.

Incorporating the disagree light and the angle of attack indicators on all planes would be a welcome move, safety experts said, and would alert pilots — as well as maintenance staff who service a plane after a problematic flight — to issues with the sensors."

In 20/20 hindsight, what a Boneheaded Move.
(I wouldda thought Boeing much much Smarter than that.)




Like him or hate him or be neutral on him, Biden's title is Vice President, not Senator.


So either Patty or Maria will be "the senator from Amazon" like Scoop Jackson was "the senator for Boeing?"


@12 the AoA indicator was optional, the AoA Disagree light not functioning was a fuckup.

It's almost comical how many people around the world fucked up to cause the crash, from Florida to Chicago to Seattle to Indonesia.


Shade thrown over Witch McConnell the Racist Pig-Dog


Hi Medusa.

Can Doctor Ahmed Usman Doctor Ahmed Usman
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Doctor Ahmed Usman Doctor Ahmed Usman
Doctor Ahmed Usman Doctor Ahmed Usman
Doctor Ahmed Usman Doctor Ahmed Usman
Doctor Ahmed Usman Doctor Ahmed Usman
Doctor Ahmed Usman Doctor Ahmed Usman
Doctor Ahmed Usman Doctor Ahmed Usman
Doctor Ahmed Usman Doctor Ahmed Usman
rid us of Spammers?

Also I may have Echolia.
Is there a Cure
for that





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