

Just because they're Trump donors doesn't mean it impacts the election. Their participation in the political process is no different than yours or mine Rich Smith, as we ALL are participants in the political process. And if you don't like PACs, then simply pout quietly in the corner until the SCOTUS reverses its decisions and leave these sweet Seattle Moms alone with their Chardonnay and Pinot Grigio.


Will we get a similar list of communists?



@1 Now what, pray tell, might induce the Supreme Court to reverse its opinion if everybody who disagrees just pouts in a corner?

That's sure not how the socons reacted to Roe v Wade.


Rich, Donald Trump isn't the worst person the nation has ever produced. The worst person this nation has ever produced would be Nathan Bedford Forrest.


@5 Is right I just wiki'd. Nathan Bedford Forrest, definitely beats Trump as worst person.


Sooo tired of endorsement against/for by association. Are there any actual issues to debate?


@7: Yes, yes there are. The trouble is, the politicians The Stranger has endorsed have either actively made every one of those issues worse, or ignored them. So, instead of dialog on real issues, we get these naked guilt-by-association smears against the other candidates.

As far as this long-time reader is concerned, The Stranger's preferred candidates cannot lose fast or hard enough.


If you want to be a campaign manager for Sawant, then be a campaign manger, but donโ€™t pretend to be a journalist. Your pathetic analysis and dog whistle, Sean Hannity-style BS actually demonstrates that there is very little overlap between Trump supporters and those involved in local Seattle politics because pretty much everyone in Seattle is left of center. There are two choices in this election: status quo fringe left ((Sawant, Herbold, Juarez) and progressives. This election is a referendum on the Seattle City Councilโ€™s failed response to homelessness not Amazon. If you want more excuses and drug addicts dying on the streets then support the status quo. Otherwise, vote for change.


Rich: some people are more conservative than you are. That doesn't mean they're proto-fascists or stealth right-wing fanatics. Some people actually think life is complex, and that it is important to listen and consider before smearing and denouncing. And why not ask the candidates about their views of Trump before implying they somehow support him and, or his policies? This is bogeyman journalism: you dug for scandal to embarrass ostensible "right-wingers," couldn't find anything major, and so you settled for stereotypes and guilt-by-association moralizing. The taint is more on your moral snobbery than these candidates' imagined link to Trump. Now, if you know of something genuinely linking a candidate to Trump, then bring it to light. Absolutely. But this? Patently unfair cheap shot.


Cockamamie balderdash. The miniscule, effectively meaningless amount of Trump supporter money exists there because some miniscule, meaningless number of Trump supporters would rather eat 95% shit and 5% chocolate than 100% pure shit.

I'll bet you could track the sex offender contributions to the far left candidates and come up with similarly deep yellow "journalism."

You did get one thing right: "Look, folks, this is a battle between the far-left and the not-so-far left."


"as far right as possible" - relatively speaking, in Seattle that means nearly to the center. Youthful idealistic voters mature into cautious mature voters and then they move out of Seattle, if they can afford to..


Breaking news: some guy who gave Trump $393.49 also gave Tavel $100. Stay tuned for our ongoing coverage of this developing story.


@12 I'm having a little trouble reconciling your "youthful idealistic voters" with with the people snapping up Seattle homes at $750k a pop.

But data lies all the time. eh?

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