

Just back of the napkin, here: 73 million dollars divided by 12,000 people--approximately the number of folks registered as "homeless" in the 2018 'one-night-count'--is about $6,000 per person. $6,000 does not cover 5 months rent for my 325 sq. ft. studio apartment--next to Fred Meyer; a 34 minute bus-ride to downtown. Mudede is right. This crisis will take billions of dollars to adequately address.


"Councilmember Lisa Herbold, who has been critical of the Authority since changes were made over the Thanksgiving holiday, was absent from today's vote. So was Councilmember Kshama Sawant."

How convenient for them. That's the sort of bold leadership we need! Thank God we saved the city from Amazon!!!


@5, no. The 'one-night-count' occurs throughout King County. In previous years, about 1/2 the counted were outside of Seattle. Your question is interesting. Being (securely) housed in any county might be preferred by some if the alternative is homelessness. That notion opens many, many cans of worms.


@10- thank you. Now I understand. the At Home performance was meant to be a demonstration of “Seattle’s tax-money teats”. A bit too literal for my tastes, though.


They have a new motto too: “A fat stripper in every pot.”


Does anyone else remember when the left cared about the WORKING class?

Now they care more about junkies, fat-tran-strippers, repeat offenders, the gender confused, prostitutes, illegals and convicts.


" I look forward to seeing even more money wasted on offices, ineffectual mid level employees, studies"

You forgot titty shaking.

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