

That toilet is not conducive to pooing. Bad position all around. Might end up s(h)itting there longer just to finish.


Impeach the motherfucker already


God you're an idiot Shoreline. Do you happen to sell posters or anything?


That toilet won't survive ADA and OSHA. Nothing to fear.


@1 Agreed and seconded. @1 For the win! Trump's polls are higher than every single democrat at this point! And just his campaign alone raised over $10 million over this impeachment nothing-burger.

Pretty funny to watch though all the whiny babies coming out of their basements to protest yesterday. Impeachment is not working but they keep going with it. It is almost like they are expecting a different result every time. A definition of insanity, isn't it?




5: In Trump world that's "skyrocketing."

MAGA chuds are so proud of being dumb little shits, aren't they? It's so adorable, their childlike glee as they drop another turd in the Internet toilet.


@5. Hahahahhahaha. :) Always can rely on JMS to pitch in with his juvenile comments.

Here is a grown up fact for you, if you can handle it, munchkin; the Senate will never support impeachment. I know you live in a fantasy land but this is an objective fact. :) Have fun beating your head against the wall.


@9 I meant. Whooopsie. :)


I meant at @8. Hahahahahhahaha. :) Good grief. It is too early. Need my preworkout.


Impeachment is like a bomb with an incredibly long shockwave. After Nixon and Clinton, their respective parties were generally out of power for the next three election cycles, or six years.

Now the existential problem for RepubliKKKans is that their elderly, rural, far-white, hate-crazed power base will have gone to their final Klan rally in hell by 2026, and there wonā€™t be anyone left to vote for them, since theyā€™ve declared total war against everyone else.

Good riddance to all that white trash.


Trump will be still be President next month and all of next year. The Dems have no one running who can beat him based on the latest polling numbers. But yeah..impeach away. For all the good it will do


13: Yeah it's great Trump has a dedicated base of mouthbreathers, knuckeldraggers and droolers ready to help game the system to make Trump president even as he loses the popular vote again. Can't wait for four more years of red state babies born with preventable tumors, opioid-fueled suicides, and creationism taught in high schools! Make America Great Again for preventable disease, wealthy plutocrats, extreme weather events, and uneducated people!


It's always great to weaksauce fascists like Trump have to have lots of dumb fucking people voting against candidates who are self-evidently better.


ā€œWhatever word you want to use for it ā€” fascism, authoritarianism, pick your poison ā€” the grim reality is that Republicans, both politicians and voters, appear to be all in on this project. It's painful to admit this, but Republicans have flat-out rejected democracy. As a group, they are pushing towards replacing democracy with a system where a powerful minority holds disproportionate and borderline tyrannical control over government and blocks the majority of Americans from having meaningful say over the direction of the country.

Republicans are not cowering in fear of Trump. On the contrary, they are exalting in his shamelessness. Watching Republicans at impeachment hearings, where they performed outrage for the cameras, lied with obvious glee and gloried in sharing (Russian) conspiracy theories, it did not appear that they were intimidated by their president or anyone else.

No, Republicans clearly feel empowered by Trump. He frees them to reveal their darkest desire ā€” which is to end democracy as we know it, and to cut any corners or break any laws necessary to get the job done.ā€


The party of terrorists traitors and the KKK
LOVES this so called prez because he makes
legit the racism misogny and fealty to oligarchs
required to make america love to hate.

MAGA, baby -- ITMFA.


Disagree, the democrats need a non-moderate or it'll be hillary vs. donald all over again. If either Warren or Bernie drops out then the combined enthusiasm for change would easily overtake Biden.



I dunno. Biden's my last choice among the candidates with a reasonable shot, but I think he'd stand a decent chance of taking it. The (bizarre, and nearly inexplicable) conventional wisdom is that if Hillary had simply run a better campaign and focused more attention on the states that unexpectedly swung to dumbass, she'd be POTUS. Can't imagine whoever the nominee is will make that mistake again.


The latest Fox News poll shows Trump losing to every Democrat, even Bloomberg. Almost all of the polls say the same thing.

Fox's most recent polling also shows that 54% of Americans want to see Trump impeached and 50% of them want to see him removed.


I love how the moron trolls are all "Impeachment is good for Trump!" And then the GOP spends millions in anti-impeachment propaganda because impeachment is so awesome for them.

I guess from here on out every president will try to get impeached because it's so awesome for them!

And of course the stupid motherfuckers in here don't know their history. The only reason Clinton or Nixon weren't re-elected after impeachment is because impeachment happened in their fucking second terms, you morons. They has already BEEN re-elected. And under the clouds of investigations and illegalities.

Andrew Jonson succeed Lincoln - he didn't run for president at all, you dip shits - but he DID get elected a senator and was the only person to serve as president to do so.

Trump is the incumbent. He will likely be re-elected. Impeachment or not. Because most incumbents regardless of what worthless piles of dog shit they are get re-elected. Power gravitates to power. That momentum is near impossible to stop.

I guess you fucking dipshits keep forgetting the black guy with the funny name who got re-elected by a landslide and managed to avoid any real scandals.

Look, you either believe in the rule of law or you don't. Trump broke the law. Any other president would've been out long ago over this shit. But. You know. Billionaires want those tax cuts! And mouth breathers are just too stupid to understand how this will all fuck them eventually.

The dog shit mouth breathers of the rightwing in this country don't believe in the rule of law or even understand what it means. It's all just a team sport to own the libtards.

So here we are. But this will all have consequences. And America deserves every one of them.


So crazy that a highly polarized nation with two parties would have roughly 50% of the people disapprove of the president and want him removed.

Look, part of the reason Trump's election fractured your brains and egos so profoundly is that you put your trust in media hacks who lied to you about Clinton's inevitable coronation. None of these numbers matter. None of them are real.

He will be impeached, and the senate will laugh about it for about two seconds before flushing the whole affair down the toilet. But, you get to gloat about what a huge victory it was for an official impeachment, and maybe one of the feckless Dem candidates can use the whole thing for election leverage, which is blatantly what this whole affair is for anyway. So you really have no right to bitch and moan so much.


@29: Read the first sentence of @26. Read it again slowly.
Nobody was sanguine about Clinton in 2016. People were appalled that despite Clinton being by every metric the better candidate his polling numbers kept going up, and that in the end he won.
He is being impeached because he has committed impeachable offenses. We are supposed to be a country of laws so here we are. The fact that the Senate won't do anything about is a surprise to literally no one, but "gloating" has nothing to do with why theses proceedings are going forward. They are happening because, as I said, he has committed impeachable offenses and that can't be let to just slide. That's it.
You may view our political process as some sort of team sport, but I don't.


How does an openly criminal, incompetent prezinazi whose approval rating has topped out around 40% win reelection? Heā€™s done zero to appeal to anyone outside his base of racist, white, rural Despicables, in fact heā€™s relentlessly antagonized everyone with a brain. Half of all voters have already declared theyā€™ll never vote for him.

This is just more lying and gaslighting by the corporate media and their oligarch masters.

He wonā€™t win any urban/suburban areas, and thereā€™s zero chance heā€™ll win the popular vote, so his only shot is lying and cheating enough to steal the presidency again via the anti-democratic (s)Electoral College.



"And of course the stupid motherfuckers in here don't know their history. The only reason Clinton or Nixon weren't re-elected after impeachment is because impeachment happened in their fucking second terms, you morons."

You're the moron that doesn't know his history - "professor"!

Nixon was never impeached. He resigned after the House approved the articles, but the House never voted and there was never a trial in the Senate.



Don't care if trump is removed, don't care if it's popular, don't care if he's reelected, none of that was ever the goal. We need leaders who fulfill their duties and work toward the common good of Americans. Defending our institutions is paramount to that, but currently they're under attack by individuals who wield their offices for personal gain.


32: Professor History is many things. A moron, he's not. Honestly, you calling that guy a moron is risible lol. Nixon was never officially impeached, but he was effectively impeached since his impeachment was almost a sure thing before his resignation. It's a pedantic quibble to seize on the detail that the vote didn't happen.


@35: He had the chance to review for accuracy before clicking post. Hardly a pedantic quibble considering the avatar.


@37 yes. You finally got some sort of fact right. Iā€™m sure you ejaculated. Right. Nixon was not technically impeached. But the articles and the impeachment investigation still happened in his second term, you credulous drooling fuckwad.

So the shit stains touting that Trump may get re-elected after being impeached isnā€™t the glorious vindication or rhetorical coup you trolling losers think it is. Itā€™s another embarrassment to heap upon all the others. Just another example of the Rights total lack of principle and understanding.

Because sure, heā€™s gonna be re-elected but heā€™s still getting impeached in his first god damned term because he broke half a dozen fucking laws. And burned through more cabinet members than any president in history with a campaign manager and a lawyer in jail and a stream of scandals and petty embezzlements shooting out his obese ass.

But. Laws, justice, ethics, morals, reality, truth. None of it matters to you morons. Itā€™s all rhetorical games for you dumbshits. But it will have consequences. Youā€™re going to see. The precedent this administration has set is the knife in the belly for any improvement of this country. It only gets worse from here.

Your sad pathetic lives will get much much harder over the next decade. And I hope you all fucking choke on it.


@38: Don't be so angry. You'll get wrinkles.


Ooooh "Professor"Hypocrisy mad. Why you mad, brah??? :p


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