

Saw both Longtime Companion and Happiness back in their days.

I remember the former engendered warm feelings, the latter not so much.

But both worth watching.


That trailer for The Bitch was pretty freaking wonderful. I couldn't imagine sitting through two hours of it though, seems like it'd be exhausting.


I love these write ups, thanks, Chase!


Your Editorial Director must have today off, otherwise he would have told you it's spelled "come."



Do try and Ketchup, $arah.


@6 great sense of humor you’ve got. The GOP supports a man who couldn’t be a better example of a false idol. He can’t even get through a single twitter flameout without breaking a few commandments.

@7 for most gays, MILFs are a sign of female empowerment. For you, I’m guessing MILFs just bring out one of your many self hatred issues.


@7 Because MILFs are SEXY!!


I need to rewatch that film. the one quote that I remember as a 20 y.o gay boy in 1999 when I saw the DVD: "is that it's not length that matters, it's width."


I remember seeing all those old 1980s AIDS movies. I thought Parting Glances was by far the best and most authentic-feeling. It managed to eek out a bit of humor and hopefulness from a very bleak period. I think I even have a DVD of it sitting around somewhere. I came away from Buddies very depressed. And I thought Longtime Companion was melodramatic and depressing too. Part of that was probably me and the era. I was doing volunteer work with AIDS patients and was surrounded by death, and watching AIDS movies, no matter how well-done or well-intended, was super depressing. That's why Parting Glances stood out to me. It was the only AIDS movie in a decade that didn't leave me more depressed when I left than when I went in to the theater.


@12 -- more than once

convinced, we are not

perhaps even further
Repetition is


Love “Happiness”. Used to joke that it may be a good first date movie. It will definitely show the sense of humor of your possible paramour.


@13 Thanks for the comment. Parting Glances is one of my favorite films. Bill Sherwood and I went to the same boarding school (obviously at different times) and I think about him a lot. Frequently sad about his early death in 1990.


Whenever I read/hear a reference to Tamagotchis I think of Happiness.

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