

You can never be too sure of tone on the Internet, but you do realize the Twitter link referenced with the Joe Biden caption is a parody of all four campaigns, right?


Joe Biden Has Advocated Cutting Social Security for 40 Years

As early as 1984 and as recently as 2018, former Vice President Joe Biden called for cuts to Social Security in the name of saving the program and balancing the federal budget. [...]

With this year’s presidential contest being fought over the terrain of electability, Biden’s 35-plus-year effort to cut Social Security, arguably the most popular government program in existence, is potentially a major liability among older voters


Now I know what ‘slog’ means.


A flock of 300 vomiting vultures in south Texas?
I guess the Cabinet went south for the winter!


My cat's gonna love them new Gwyneth Paltrow candles!
Kitty kitty!


"If you're a Grindr, Tinder, or OkCupid user, listen up. These companies are giving out your personal data, such as your sexual orientation and preferences and your exact location, to ad and marketing companies."

Will they sell my exact location to random Pervs, too?
I'm IN.*



@3 if the shoe was on the other foot, you'd say something like: "well, if Biden can't defend his voting/policy record with friends, wait till he debates Trump and his lies amplified 1000X by mainstream media"


If you want to beat Trump, you'll nominate Biden. Bernie. Has. No. Chance.


[Grandpa Uncle Joe] "... Biden called for cuts to Social Security in the name of saving the program and balancing the federal budget." --anon

Cuts? Fuck that.
Raise. the. Cap.

Had the Social Security Cap (on income, taxed) kept up with tuition, rent and housing prices, it'd be funded for the next 2000 years (I made that last part up! just like trump!).

Let's return to the Good Old Days when even Millionaires (and Multi-Millionaries!) paid their Fair Share, we had a growing Middle Class (till Ronny Raygun began the 'Eliminate/Death to the Middle Class!' movement in '82), families coulld buy homes, people could take vacations, your kids could go to college -- all on -- hold on to your hat -- ONE income. Oh, and your Healthcare wasn't about to Bankrupt you (and your Family) into Homelessness.

Republicans've been gleefully strip-mining the Citizenry
ever since ronny raygun. Shall we continue to Allow it?


anon1256 @2, thanks for that info, although one nitpick. You write:
"Joe Biden Has Advocated Cutting Social Security for 40 Years

"As early as 1984...."

1984 is 35 going on 36 years. I'm sure there are folks reading this blog who were born in '84 who are thrilled to know they're 40 years old.

Anyway, Joe Biden has a 40-year career of being a "go along to get along" corporatist Dem with almost no policy vision. I find his whole electability argument flimsy. I'm sure there were polls back in January 2008 showing Hillary Clinton being more electable than Barack Obama.

I consider all three of the other frontrunners--Bernie, Warren, Pete--more electable. Of course, I have my reservations about all of them.


Take it (Biden v herr dipshit, final) to the Bank, Rainy?

Are you giving Odds here?
Like 10- or 20-to-one?
Odds like that, I just might have a little something to lose...
Let me check my cushions.


"Band of heavy snow”
Is this millennials’ take on 90’s alternative rock?



I also think it's gonna be Biden v Trump. But then at this point in 2016 we were all equally convinced it was gonna be Jeb v Hillary. And I know you're convinced that Warren/Bernie can't win, though a good VP candidate (Castro, Booker and Harris all have serious potential) could bring out the minority populations that Barack rode to victory.


Many don't want to hear this, but Biden has the best chance. He has the closest thing to an actual coalition--center-left Boomers and African-Americans, the two most reliable voting blocs in the Democratic stable. He'll garner more of the all-up female vote than any other Dem candidate as well, according to current polling trends (which is crazy...why the ladies don't go Warren is beyond me, but here we are). Buttigieg has some big donors and a lot of Gen Xers, but it's not enough without the Black vote. Warren has a decent bloc of educated liberals and LGBT folks, but can't peel off enough of the Sanders progressives/young people she desperately needs to get momentum. Sanders drives the most loyalty, but he is too dependent on the youth vote. You do not want to try and beat Trump with the youth vote. It's easily the least reliable voting bloc in America. A Sanders/Trump race would be a disaster and every non-Kool-aid drinking Democrat who can read polling data knows it. Biden can pull it all together, a few disgruntled progressives and college kids notwithstanding (idiots all, btw). And that's fine. He's a million trillion times better than Trump, obviously.


"You do not want to try and beat Trump with the youth vote. It's easily the least reliable voting bloc in America." --Schmacky

An UN-Motivated youth vote stays the Fuck home on 11/3/2020.

A MOTIVATED youth vote Swamps. the. polls.
It's all about the Motivation.

(Well, And Republican-owned gerrymandering voter suppression discouraging thru wholly-corps-owned Mass Media and voting machines in Republican's dirty, bloody hands).


Geez. The Gwyneth jokes just keep writing themselves. I look forward to seeing the reviews of this one. Did she hire a panel of researchers to make sure they got it right?

And forget the border tower - when do we get the vomiting, defecating vultures out of the White House?


"An UN-Motivated youth vote stays the Fuck home on 11/3/2020.

A MOTIVATED youth vote Swamps. the. polls.
It's all about the Motivation."

If only that was true. All of the data points to a general flatness of youth voting rates for the last 40-50 years. They. Don't. Show. Up. Regardless.


Everyone knows if its one thing Americans love its insurance companies. Love them guys!


@24 -- Perhaps.
Meanwhile Australia and California burn.
'Once every 1,000-year-floods/storms,' 2 or 3 (or more) per season.
Crushing student loan Debt.
'Healthcare' that's 'good' ONLY IF You STAY Healthy.
Homelessness in the Millions.
In the RICHEST Country in this Planet's fucking History.

Kids these days -- I do Believe they're Gonna fucking Notice.


@18 -- when it comes to (losing) the Ca$h, suddenly you're looking shit up?

And yes, you SHOULD be 'scared.'
Having healthcare (for all) IS Terrifying

to 'health' insurance corps (20-30% Skim!).
Oh, the democratic 'Socialism'!

What's Next?
NO More crushing overburdensome Student Debt?!
Oh, the Humanity.


Wonder how Bernie feels about being sandbagged by the party again... It's hard to attribute any other reason to Pelosi's delay in handing the articles to the Senate other than to guarantee that Bernie (and Warren) will be tied to a desk in the Senate chambers as the Iowa caucuses play out.


@30 -- Kenny -- no more Fossil Fools jobs, you mean.

But a Green New Deal means taking America the fuck OUT of the nineteenth century Republican Utopia and directly into The 21st. We used to be the Best at Innovation but have relenquished that cherished status to China.

But it doesn't hafta Stay that way -- unless, of course, trumpfy 'wins' again.

Then it's welcome back, to The Dark Ages.
On steroids.


"Deep State!?"

HAHAHA. Christ.

During Bush (and prior to) when leftists were complaining about a cabal of CIA/FBI Intelligence cronies to the the administration loading intel to favor what ever policy goals the administration had learning unto a war based on lies, you dumbfuck right-wingers were all "That ain't no deep state you crazies!"

The of course it turned out to be true as proven by Valerie Plame and many others.

Now you and Presidont Dumbfuck are all "DoN't tRust THa DeEP State!?!" Because the so called "deep state" suddenly grew a conscience and doesn't want an incompetent lunatic in the Oval Office to give crucial secrets to the Russians or start another stupid war.

This barely a week after the very same President Bone-spurs attempted to justify assassinating the general of sovereign nation on another sovereign nation's territory by claiming we HAD TO TRUST THE VERY SAME DEEP STATE! Hahaha.

Which then he has since failed to provide this "evidence."

HAHAHA. Make your fucking minds, dipshit.


Everybody drive safely--or, better yet, if you don't really have to--don't.
Stay warm.
Wow--yet another reason why I'm so glad I have never bothered with online dating sites. Thanks, Nathalie! I'm sorry to hear about your bike accident. I hope everything is better now.

@26: Uh--no. I hate insurance companies. They're operated by some of the biggest crooks alive.
@27 , @28, and @33 krstofarian: Thank you for beating me to it.


@40 Doofus in Shoreline: Riiiiiiight. Keep on saying that, MAGAt. How much longer before your mom kicks you out of her basement? Does she still do your laundry?


@9 -- "You don't think Bernie wanting to do away
with employment based health insurance might
be a bit of a problem?"

Enormous Problem, if he can't sell it.

But I betchya ol'Bernie can Compromise like a mother fucker.
No, not like Obama who thought the art of Compromise was concessions capitulation consternation and fuck you MKkKonnell.

Good call.


@37 -- "you don't have to worry about Bernie being tied up more than a day or two. That's all it's going to take to render a not guilty verdict and put this ridiculous impeachment [TRIAL] to rest."

Well said.


Trump says he wants witnesses...
- The Whistleblower
- Hunter Biden
- Adam Schiff
- Etc.

I imagine the Senate will be as bi-partisan in its process as the House was in its process.


Will trumpfy Obstruct the Senate, as he did the House?
You must be joking.

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