

This comment, from the NYT's "Democrats Seek More Testimony and Evidence for Impeachment Trial"

"The argument that the Democrats' case for impeachment is so weak that they are scrambling for more evidence is totally preposterous.

Try telling that to district attorneys anywhere in the country that collecting and having more evidence to prove your case is better than not having it.

On the other hand, it is completely true that Trump's blocking testimony and refusal to provide documents is proof that he's afraid of what will come out, yet he forgets that doing so proves the case for his impeachment. Doing that is obstruction pure and simple.

If Republicans care about optics, they'll remember that as they acquit him, and fully embrace their role in covering up the American transition to a monarchy (at best) and eventual dictatorship (at worst)."
--Lldemats, Mairipora, Brazil Jan. 20


Republican extremists doing what they do best: tearing down government to make sure it doesn't work.


Bernie Bro’s are gonna be ragin’ today.


Wait'll The Bern gets aholt of Campaign Finance Reform, pard.

You think you're pissed off now...


Wuhan Coronavirus sounds like a good drag name.


Senator Jerrold Nadler (D) should be nowhere near a microphone at this late an hour. I hope Bernie got in a good Nap today . . . U.S. Representative Sylvia R. Garcia, who spoke last, a segment or two back, WHOA -- she was Sumthin'. I think she'd make an Awesome VP for Bernie. Her little 'no one is above the Law' wrap-up (in Espanol) got Dems about 1.8 - 8.1 million Votes, easy. Those brown people, they're not all Easily fooled.

FOX-less, they must be.


She's from Houston. 3rd biggest little town in America.
Former Judge. Bold as fuck. Like to see her and Pence
go toe-ta-toe. Mano-a-mano, so to speak.

AND chief 'justice' Roberts (no relation to Dread Pirate Roberts) (he swears) -- just up and ADMONISHED the Senators (on both sides, I believe) to remember where the Fuck they were, and just sorta let that set there for a full minute or so -- remarkable scene, with the Guilty squirming and under the threat of Death (Repubs're running it) for any with the temerity to utter so much as an Excuse me.

What message was he sending, I wonder....


1 AM D.C. time... Still going strong[ish]
Gotta wonder how many Jurors are snoozing...

Nope the wind's out of their sales.
This may be it...

They gotta be back in the Senate by 10am Eastern sharp.
Dred Pirate Roberts might hoist a few on their petards if
they're three seconds late... may as well go back to bed...

Bernie still Awake! Just heard him 'No.'

Schumer's got another one...
Roberts is giving them two hours.
They'll prolly do it in ten minutes.
Let's see how much fire Dems still have....

Wow -- some Repub just said, tomorrow's a day off -- and technically he's accurate because it's already tomorrow on the E Coast -- but I wonder if he wasn't trying to catch some sleepy Dem off-guard .... like saying, Repubs vote on Wednesday, this year. How cynical of me...

That was Quick.
Schumer's got another Amendment -- to allow Justice Roberts to choose who may be a witness
Last One he says!

Roberts gives them two hours
they won't need it


Repubs won't alllow it
they don't want ANY witnesses
because any witness is a Bad Witness
to the Emperor in Chief.
What have they got to Hide?

Like this 'trial' at 1:40 AM Eastern

Let's hope America is smarter than she (ofttimes) appears.


Testing 1,2,3 testing, will this comment thread post a comment that isn't from a little Trump troll doll? This is just a test.


"We're in charge here. There's absolutely nothing to worry about."
Said by;
A) Boeing engineers
B) Senate Republicans
C) Coronovirus hospital team
D) Hillary election committee
E) all of the above


@10 Ever been cornered in conversation with a babbling, gray-haired hippie selling beads at a arts and crafts fair in a small college town?


@12, @10 -- Ever been Ruled by a four-year-olde fake Billionaire / Bully / the Ultimate Victim? With a (criminally, likely) complicit Senate?

Do you still Love it Mr. (hopefuly!) Next in Line?

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