

Yes, but are they advertising recreational tourism like BC does for Nelson BC (which, by the way, just got their first all-electric fast recharge station)?


It’s not quite the same, is it?

I mean, Black people were harassed for having been born. That’s a bit different than harassing people for engaging in an entirely avoidable action like smoking pot.

You remind me of the people who compare getting a speeding ticket to the Holocaust. To you, it’s just dramatic hyperbole, no big deal, maybe a little colorful in your language, but aside from that, ok. To actual Jewish people whose relatives were murdered en masse, it’s an insult to compare that to a speeding ticket. And to actual Black people who to this day have to deal with institutionalized racism, comparing that ordeal to being told you have to actually get your fat ass off the couch and walk the quarter of a mile to the nearest head shop to buy pot is really fucking rude.

I mean, do you really think not being able to grow your own is as bad as getting shot to death by the cops just because the neighbor freaked out and saw you walk into the apartment you’re paying rent on and called 911? Is it really the same thing as being denied the right to vote, or not being able to get a job or getting your skull bashed in during a routine traffic stop?

Hey, listen, I know you think growing dreadlocks and refusing to bathe means you’re now an oppressed minority, but shut the fuck up.


@5 - Bran muffins could probably help you unload what's bothering you. Or not hanging out with idiotic people who compare getting a speeding ticket to the Holocaust.

The decision to legalize recreational cannabis while keeping home grows illegal is just one of many mind boggling, infuriatingly absurd decisions this state routinely makes. It's why Twin Peaks fit so well here, Washington state is filled with weirdos making weird decisions for all of us.



Is it as bad as Jim Crow?


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