

“I am Spartacus”
RIP, to a hero.


Trump is IMPEACHED, FOREVER. All (including Trump) too stupid to understand that are really just too stupid to live. All of the Republicans who were in office and voted for the removal of President Clinton for having his cock sucked that voted against the removal of Donald Trump are the worst pieces of shit, as are their Republican cohort who voted with them.

Trump isn't going to live forever and I hope I get to live to see the day he is a dead carcass people piss on, like his buddy he lauded last night, Rush Limbaugh, one of the nastiest, most vile, racist shit bags on the face of the earth. Only a white supremacist shit bag like Trump would give someone like Limbaugh the medal of freedumb (and during Black History Month, no less).


Our Dear xina is right: trump is 74, morbidly obese, and mentally failing. His time is limited and his cult of personality will die with him. He is the last pitiful fart of "white supremacy" before it is all flushed down the toilet of history.


@2. Nope, cupcake. ACQUITTED of both charges of impeachment. That means he is not, as much as you want him to be. But keep closing your eyes, shaking your fists, clutching your pearls and crying. Meanwhile. I will be adding your leftist tears to my Dom Perignon I will be popping to celebrate the acquittal. Pop pop, mothafucka! MAGA! USA!!!! USA!!!! :)


@2 Nope, Troll, IMPEACHED FOREVER. I don't give a fuck what you do, because you are clearly too stupid to live.


While Romney's break with his party means the impeachment process cannot be called a purely partisan event, it's still a largely/mostly entirely/basically partisan event.”

C’mon! He’s the first Senator in history to actually vote in favor of ousting his own party’s President! The White House had to cancel a press conference earlier this afternoon because they didn’t see it coming, all Trump’s asshole handlers stuck huddling in a back room to figure out what the fuck to say about it. Democrats get to play clips from Romney’s “yes vote” speech all summer and fall. It’s impactful.


It seems like the "non-registered CHUD" commentariat contingent is at an all time high today.


Too little, too late from Mitt, but at least he can say he showed a little bit of courage, honor, and integrity. That's more than the rest of the Repubs can say.

Trump is only the 3rd US Pres to be impeached, so I guess he has something to be remembered for other than being a disgraceful and pathetic human being.


I'm with @2!


Sheriff Wyatt Earp: what makes a man like Ringo, doc;
what makes him do the things he does?

Doc Holliday: a man like Ringo got a great empty hole,
right thru the middle of him; he can never kill enough
or steal enough or inflict enough pain to ever fill it 

what does he need?


for what? 

for being born.

--from: Tombstone


Mittens made a great little speech
putting an ounce of Honor on his little den of Thieves
and helping to pave Mitt's way to the White House
should the tangerine terrorist ever happen to vacate
the Premises.


Catalina, the cult of Trump and white supremacy will live on after Trump has died. It may seep back into the woodwork but it’s aways been there. It was only an illusion that things were getting better. In reality the racists came out of the closet which in part lead to Trump. He showed people they could again be proud of their racism.


Rest in peace, Mr. Kirk Douglas. Spartacus lives on.
@2 xina and @3 Catalina Vel-DuRay: Thank you both and bless you. Agreed and seconded.
@4 & @8; Don't you have remedial 7th grade math homework to catch up on, Laughing Boy?
@13: You're too stupid to live?
@14 kristofarian: Spot on, kris. I'd REALLY like to see the Democrats retake the White House in November 2020---after a thorough scrubbing and heavy toilet flushing out of the shit in the Senate.


I mean, if Trump wasn't impeached, then neither was Clinton. So there.

Even though the adults know that both of them were, in fact, impeached.


Sheriff Wyatt Earp: what makes a man like Ringo, doc;
what makes him do the things he does?

Doc Holliday: a man like Ringo got a great empty hole,
right thru the middle of him; he can never kill enough
or steal enough or inflict enough pain to ever fill it

what does he need?


for what?

for being born.


Imposter syndrome is what drives triggers.

On the surface, we all have a practiced, confident demeanour that causes us to say we know some things for certain. It’s bullshit, because nobody knows anything for certain, but we’re all told from birth that we have to leverage our brand to survive.

But in the back of your mind, there is doubt. And when someone like TeeHee points that doubt out, you will react violently to shut him up for fear that you’ve been exposed as a fraud.

If TH posted something you knew for certain to be false, say, if TH claimed that the Earth was flat, you’d just ignore him. But if he posts something implying that Trump has beaten you, you fear he might be correct-after all, Trump has managed to enact his entire agenda and the best Pelosi can do to stop him is tear up some papers and clap like a walrus. Maybe that counts as victory to Dan Savage, but he’s still appointing all the judges he wants and passing any bill that gets his blessing, so it’s not like he’s really been beaten, has he?

It sucks, because I like you want him to lose. However, there’s no denying that losing is the opposite of what is happening. We’re triggered because Iowa was a shitshow, and it kinda does look really bad that things played out the way they did. And when I heard that Acronym is funded by Clinton’s staffers from 2016, and that this Shadow app company got a whole lot of money from Buttigieg and he declared victory before any real numbers came out, I started to wonder if Mrs Clinton wasn’t finished trying to stop Bernie from winning. It’s not like she’s been quiet on the topic lately. I can’t be the only one thinking that.

TeeHee triggers you guys way too easily. If he were a homeless guy on the bus in the seat next to you mumbling about space aliens, you’d probably ignore him, right? Just some crazy dude, if he gets too loud, maybe you’d move over, but you wouldn’t go ballistic on him and try to prove to him that there’s no space aliens.

But here, he’s pointing out your insecurity, you imposter syndrome, your fear that we're screwed. And rather than look at the problem directly, that thing you’re afraid of, and try to fix it- maybe by raising hell with the DNC to get them to knock it off and start acting like a major political party rather than self-saboteurs- you’re plugging your ears and yelling “ITS NOT TRUE! “ at him.

Or her. I don’t know what TH’s gender is.

But one thing I do know, the ongoing Grizzie awards ceremony is kinda dumb,

@ y’all, for the WIN!


Within the same day that Romney voted against Trump for abuse of power (just one of the two charges, the other he voted in Trump's favor), the entire GOP establishment is turning on Romney, for having the gall to vote for country and reality over party.

Uday (probably others too, it wouldn't surprise me) is also arguing that Romney should be removed from office rather than letting it be decided in the next election, the exact opposite argument they used the entire time to give his father a pass.


In the history of the United States three presidents have been impeached.
None of them were removed from office.
All three of them, including Trump, are still considered to be impeached.
Impeachment is not the same as removal from office.

I know you're an idiot, and you don't understand that, but that is the way it is.

(Fun fact that you won't understand:
Richard Nixon was not impeached.
His Republican colleagues told them that they would remove him from office, So he resigned before the impeachment was over.)


And remember, every time you pop the top of another bottle of Dom Perignon, you're paying more taxes Thanks to Donald Trump tariffs!



That particular troll claims to be a lesbian.

It's funny that she voted for an asshole that's actively trying to take all of her civil rights away.

She actually thinks "he's like the most gay-friendliest president ever" Even though he's actively working to do things like allow doctors to deny her Medical Care because she likes to fuck other women.

As for telling her she's wrong when she says stupid shit that's wrong, that's just my nature.

As you know, I will even call out people that I agree with When they say something that is wrong, or even if they say it in a way that I don't like.
In fact, you might say that's how I like to be a dick.


@23. It is "her" (Mrs. TeeHee). Suprsingly, I agree with you for once. The Dems have been self-sabotaging, pulling every dirty trick in the book that, inevitably, undermined their credibility, throwing tantrums like petulant 6-year'olds off their Ritalin, and overall acting deplorable in every way imaginable. I wouldn't have left the Dems, if they would have stuck"liberal" (I can't even mention "Dems" and "liberal" in the same sentence anymore) principles (?). Instead, they acted worse than Republicans did. Which is, they are hypocrites that fucked their "principles" into oblivion until there was nothing left.

I was very much a Tulsi fan so there was a glimmer of hope, but naturally, anyone who is an ACTUAL liberal and will pull the rest of the DNC's head out of its "woke" ass, gets smothered right at the very start by the Warrens and the Bidens. I have to admit, rather naive of me to think it would go any other way.

So with that said, no amount of "dewoking" is going to fix the DNC's damage to themselves. They have walked off the cliff long ago with their virtue signaling/identity politics lunacy. So fuck them.



Better still- close the comment threads altogether. Barring that, you have to sign in with your real, verified name



You nailed it.
Just check this out:
"pulling every dirty trick in the book that, inevitably, undermined their credibility, throwing tantrums like petulant 6-year'olds off their Ritalin, and overall acting deplorable in every way imaginable."
Sounds like projection to me.


@28 you'd think, except sparkling wine is exempted from the current 25% Trump tariff on European wines, and his threatened 100% tariff on all French wines including sparkling has been pushed back from 2020 to 2021. I'm fairly certain this is because his oligarch buddies and probably his wife said yes Donald blast them socialist frogs with some economic pain, but please don't mess with my Krug.


Hunters is fun, and Trump is still IMPOTUS forever.

And, bonus, he's very guilty.


Lolski @ LiTERALLY EVERYONE! Yeah, I guess Wandering Fart was right. Uncomfortable truth does chafe your pussies a bit.... you pussies. :) Perhaps way too easily. It is no wonder you shut your eyes in the face of hard truth like little bitches. Well keep clutching and chafing! And I will keep on poppin"! MAGA MAGA, mothafucka! :)


Lolski @ LiTERALLY EVERYONE! Yeah, I guess Wandering Fart was right. Uncomfortable truth does chafe your pussies a bit.... you pussies. :) Perhaps way too easily. It is no wonder you shut your eyes in the face of hard truth like little bitches. Well keep clutching and chafing! And I will keep on poppin"! MAGA MAGA, mothafucka! :)


@17: @13 & @36 is basically using his or her screen name as a play on names & letters, obviously under the misguided belief that his or her observances are supposed to provide "clarity". He /she is just mudding the waters, sugarlips, as are you.

@40 & @41: Obviously all that laughing gas has wasted your brain. You really should cut back on your industrial waste consumption.

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