

I find it disgusting, to land on a Sea. Times website and immediately be assaulted by their Demand For MONEY or get the fuck out.

But what else might we expect from a Pro-corporate family like the Blethens? The Corporate Way or the damn Highway, mofos -- et tu, Boeing?

Will you EVER put your largest Stakeholders -- your Union employees -- on your (currently-) failing Board of Directors?

This commidifyzation of everyone, everything ends with 3 people owning one half of the Wealth of this nation.

Oh, wait -- we're Already there!
So it's just gonna get Worse.
My bad.


That's a hell of a fucking accusation. Luckily you're not a tenth of the journalist Gates is because otherwise he would sue you for the headline alone. Luckily you're little more than a fart in the wind.

Next week: "How Charles Mudede Contributed to mass murder under Marxist regimes"


I wonder when Charles will write about Ethiopian Airlines’ former chief engineer, Yonas Yeshanew, who fled the country and is seeking asylum in the US after exposing the airline's shockingly bad safety standards?

You know, the guy who was head of safety for Africa's "safest" airline.


Jaaaaayzus, you’ve really Mudede’d this one. No fact-checking your work? Didn’t even call Gates or his bosses? And then you attempt to libel him?
What utter bullshit. Do better, Charles.


You are wrong to blame anything related to plane safety on Dominic Gates, he has covered Boeing's management critically for years. He's no cheerleader for big business. That is just weird that you are making the story about him when you are really wanting to take a bite out of the Boeing, which they deserve.


Where are all these BernieBros™ Rainy?

Besides, if it's IN the Times, that tripe isn't Journalism -- it's Sinclair and FOX and a wholly corporate glorification of the Status Quo.

It's yellow-journalism -- 'urinalism,'
to both the uninitiated and the unsubscribed.

For now, I'd rather spend it on the NYT.
I trust you're a Dutiful, dues paying
healthy contributor to the
Blethen Empire?


I only have six words to summarize Boeing's 737 MAX disaster: Unchecked corporate greed at its worst.

@1 & @8 kristofarian: Agreed and seconded. Bravo and kudos for beating me to it, kris. I have nothing more to add.


@3: Consumer protection activist, Ralph Nader lost his great-niece, Samya Stumo on the ill-fated Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 in Addis Ababa on March 10, 2019. Nader was quoted in The New Yorker Magazine ["After the Crash: The Case Against Boeing", p 50-61, November 18, 2019, Alec McGillis]: "My whole life now is Boeing."
I believe Nader would file suit against anyone guilty of the series of events leading to the senseless fatal crash of Ethiopian Airlines flight 302, which would include the airline's former chief engineer, Yonas Yeshanew. Agreed and seconded: the lack of both Boeing's and the airline's safety standards is shocking and inexcusable.


@11: So much for competitiveness. I know I'll never fly in a Boeing jet again.


@Rainy -- okay:

I admit to getting Maximum Value by NOT reading / being extorted by the Sea.Times' infamous Urinalism, whose typically far right editorial pov I can easily, comfortably do without. Admittedly, I click on the Stranger's local links a lot. less. often.


Mehhh... Fuck it...
What's the difference when you're Charles Mudede, phoning in nonsense in dimming twilight of a 'journalism' (cough) 'career.'?


@16 Judging by how bitter, entitled and unwed Grizzled Auntie is, I doubt she has the coin to fly. Besides, after threatening to commit genocide against Republicans she’s probably also on the do-not-fly list.


"You feel so Entitled that the Times should be free?"

Tell me, Jacky, how am I to judge the Sea. Times

Riddle me that, and then we'll talk Entitlements.
Thank you.


The phrase 'Having reat the Times, in the past' should have been included in @19. I regret this error. Not deeply, but it should save the righties, and myself, a little precious Time.


offs -- READ.


Well that was brilliantly Instructive
& fuck SeaTimes.

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