

Repent unto trump and he shall absolve you of your sins. Be reborn in the name of your lord.


I thought that said THE Florida House Full of Tongues, and i thought, oh good, they've finally done away with that silly English-Only crap at the state government level


I can't believe we let it get this bad to where the president is pardoning criminals and we are just letting it happen like it is normal or something.

This kind of lawless dictator behavior by Trump can not be allowed to stand.


You're right - this is lawless, and not normal -
but the Senate took a pass on Trump.
So now we get to watch the Democrats tear themselves to pieces, and offer us a mediocre candidate- and hope we don't get x more years of Trump.


Blogo did get a bad deal. There's no such thing as selling something that's unsellable, like a Senate seat. I always thought it was excessive.


Obama pardoned over 1925


@6 - Oops, I forgot that the Senate seat was vacant from Obama. Mea culpa. But still excessive.


Nathalie, I am pledding with you not to use "pled." It makes my eyes bled. Nobody is going to mind if you use the correct word "pleaded." Plese?


9: Who got pardoned matters, dipshit. Not numbers.

But after a while I guess your trolling algorithm finally breaks down.


10: It was not excessive. And you shouldn't opine on this shit if you don't even have the basic facts of the case straight.


Why does Zuckerberg look like that? I think he's been looking weirder and weirder as time goes on. If it continues at this pace, he's going to be full on freak in about five years.


@14: My error was corrected and my opine remains valid. I suggest you be polite.


@15: He looks weird to you only because you don't like him.


So why doesn't the IRS go after every corporation off shoring their profits?


Nah, raindrop. I think he has an objectively weird look in recent years. I think it's the combo of his hair cut and his rectangular face, plus his eyebrows are hard to see sometimes and his skin tone is sickly whitish pink like he sleeps in a coffin all day. Even though I never liked him and never thought he was an attractive man, he did not look weird when he was younger.

My guess is he's going bald and so dealing with it by trying to do that Roman style hair cut where you brush very short bangs down towards the forehead but it's a terrible look for him and you'd think someone would tell him. Makes it look like he's an android with his hair painted on. And seriously dude needs to get some sun and some sleep- isn't he a billionaire CA boy?


@8 The fact that Blogojevich tried to sell that senate seat in spite of the fact that its unsellable is what made the act a crime. For which he was convicted in accordance with all relevant laws, guidelines and codes - a total of 17 convictions for wire fraud, attempted extortion, and conspiracy to solicit bribes.

You're entitled to your opinion on what the just punishment for a bill of goods like that should be. But he didn't get a "raw deal".


Stone and Blagojevich are terrible people, but they both committed non-violent crimes.

We shouldn't be locking people away for multiple years for nonviolent crimes.

Their crimes involve money and power, their punishment should involve paying huge fines and being denied the opportunity to hold public office.
A short prison term is fine, but multiple years in jail for non violent crime is unjust.

We can't change our beliefs because we dislike someone.


21: Actually what they did was as bad as any violent crime. Corruption is a rot in a liberal democracy and tolerance for their kind of crime is half the reason why we have Trump. White collar crime at a high level has a negative impact far greater than a single murder.


And just to be clear, non-violent white collar crime is not the equivalent of smoking pot, since I know a lot of apologists for corruption that like to pretend that these are the same sort of thing.


@21: The problem with people who commit crimes involving money and power is that they typically have a lot of money and easy access to power, so fines don't really hurt them. Jail time is the only way to actually punish them, and because our current president is particularly corrupt, we don't even have that anymore.

@14, 19: You guys, come on. Raindrop can't help himself defending Blago. It's impulsive for him to stand with the worst in society. Like that time he defended Rush Limbaugh, a man who once said that children on the free school lunches program should spend their summers dumpster diving to get their nutrition needs met.


The Blob isn't dead. It's resting.


@24: Blago and Rush are far from being the "worst in society" - please temper your hyperbole dude.


THIS, just in:
(sorry[-ish] about the CAPs -- it's the Title)


Before the state’s Democratic primary, on February 29th, some conservatives are trying to settle on the least electable candidate."


I love that all the MAGA chuds have to pretend that Blagoyovich is a really great guy that was set up by the government and not a corrupt piece of shit. Lick them boots boys.


@26, the Lesser: Rush The Oxymoron Limpbah is ONE OF THEE WORST HUMAN BEINGS ON THE fucking PLANET.*

He wrote the fucking Book on Hyperbole.

*thankfully, not for much longer
regrettably, a painful Death
is most likely in store
perhaps it's the Karma
I do not know.



We could partially address that by assessing fines as a percentage of a person's income or net wealth at a given time. Of course, wealthy folks will exploit such a system by moving assets overseas or wherever, but we could determine the amount based on the available records from the point in time that the crime was committed, and seize whatever income/assets are brought on shore as it happens. Quite far from perfect to be sure, but preferable to the current system, and the reality is we just don't have anywhere near the detention facility beds necessary to accommodate the current need, even after we decriminalize non-violent, victimless drug offenders.


@28: Speech makes someone a horrible human being? You sound like someone from yesteryear getting their feathers ruffled from Lenny Bruce or Don Rickles.

Nobody's karma causes a painful death from cancer. The disease does. You know that. Hence, please join me in wishing Rush a peaceful and pain free exit from life, as you know you would for every terminal cancer patient.

Such a sentiment will yield you tons of golden karma.


You see? Equivocating a radio political pundit - made fabulously wealthy by spreading vitriol against other Americans and giving legitimacy to the hate felt by his millions of listeners against anyone not a white, hetero American male on a daily basis - against two actual comedians. It's like he has a disease.


"We shouldn't be locking people away for multiple years for nonviolent crimes."


These are powerful, rich people whose corruption impacts thousands of lives. Pardoning them is greenlight to a lawless society where rich people can ignore anyhow they want. Fines mean nothing.

This sort of platitude about "violent crime" is a stalking horse for "lets allow corruption" and punish only pro "violent" people. And there are some violent crimes - like someone killing a pedophile who raped you - that isn't automatically some terrible cancerous evil.

SO. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. And your false comparisons.


There is no such thing as Karma. Like "heaven" and "Santa Clause" these are the beliefs of children and morons.


@34: I suggest you actually listen to his content on and then report back if you actually still feel he is spreading hate.

I dare you.



Fuck yourself dude.

I'm consistent in my beliefs.

I don't believe in a locking people away forever.

I didn't say to Pardon anyone.
I didn't say not to punish them.

It is wrong to lock people up for years upon years.
I don't believe in capital punishment either.

Take away their money. Take it all away.
Take away their ability to wield political power.

A year or two in prison, designed to rehabilitate not to punish.

I'm not interested in punishing people, I'm interested in turning them into productive members of society.

The difference between you and I is that you are interested in punishing people and I am not.

We incarcerate more people than any other country in the world, and that isn't going to change until we reevaluate imprisoning people.

Just to be clear, I never said that all violent criminals should be locked up forever.
Even violent criminals deserve to be rehabilitated, including people that have committed murder.

Everyone deserves to be treated with compassion, even those who have not shown compassion to others.



I was sexually abused as a child.

My abuser was also abused as a child.

There is nothing I could do to my abuser that would change what happened to me.


Knat, Professor History, and Garb Garblar walk into a bar...


Garb no one said anything about soothing nurturance or treating powerful thugs with kid gloves or being nice to genocidal dictators. The argument is against punitively locking people away for years w/o rehabilitation. You might want to reread @38 and then respond to that instead of battling windmills.


@38 You say 'm not interested in punishing people, I'm interested in turning them into productive members of society. Nice story. Fantasy land. The people Trump is pardoning have no interest in being productive members of society. Their crimes were deliberate and born out of privilege and the belief they had every right to do what they did. They are just like Trump. Entitled, privileged, and full of white supremacist ideology and the belief that money makes them more important than anyone else in this society.

Our society takes people (almost exclusively non-white people) and punishes them viciously for small time crimes (like a black man doing 50+ years for stealing a TV or some petty cash or having a few joints on him), while we allow white people who steal people's entire lives (via murder or sexual violence or financial theft) to walk around free, with no repercussions. White people who commit crimes that destroy lives rarely are punished. Teenage boy who kills 4 people driving drunk? Walking around free. Teenage boy who rapes an unconscious girl and videotapes and brags about it to the world? Walking around free. Man (wannabe cop like Zimmerman or actual cop) that guns down an innocent black person for existing? Walking around free. The people who deserve to be punished rarely are and those who could and should be made into productive members of society are not even given any opportunity in any kind of way to ever be so, ever.

You may claim that you are consistent in your beliefs, but you live in a fantasy land. This country is a white supremacist country and the people who get punished are the people who are not white and not wealthy and who start out with society actively and violently working against them from the get go. Your narrative is a fairy tale. You obviously don't like being told so, but that's pretty much irrelevant. Your narrative is a fairy tale. Facts matter. Facts are never the same as an opinion. You have an opinion. Your opinion as nothing to do with fact.


Not to beat a dead horse here, but I wish the Oxymoron a speedy mostly painless demise commensurate with the Daily Hate and denigration and vile behaviours he inflicted on Amerca, for three hours every weekday for fucking Years -- DECADES -- along with the demise of Civility. There so much on his plate, even you cannot deny.

Actually, it's probably easy.

Anyway, Fuck Rush.

He sold his Humanity for a mountain of Gold.
Adios. Oh, and there's gonn be a Big Ass
Apostrophe right next to your Medal of "Honor."


@51: Humanity is tolerance and respect for ideas other than your own. I suggest you show some.


Well, good for you.

Hmmm ... "respect"
I must Fucking RESPECT Limbags ideas?

I respectfully suggest you Fuck the Fuck Off.


Oooh, Timeout, Rainy--

I just figured out who you remind me of:

'Bob' in Sam Penpeckinpah's Pat Garret and Billy the Kid
where Bob's finally gone round the bend and can no longer
put up with Billy and he's got his double-barrel in the Kid's
mouth with ten dimes in each barrel and he tells Billy to
prepare to meet his maker and to fucking REPENT.

On the surface, your ministrations are remarkably similiar...
You might wanna get that checked.

Time IN.


@53: Respect does not mean agreement.

Your rage against Rush Limbaugh was never expressed before his diagnosis. He didn't bother you then, and he shouldn't bother you now - especially given his dwindling days.

Yet, you, admittedly, keep beating the dead horse.


"Yet, you, admittedly, keep beating the dead horse."

Okay, Ten Dimes.


Nah, go ahead and give them to Bernie.


Sorry. Eight Dimes.

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