

DeBate: nbc walks all over any applause for Bernie cuts it as short as possible .. . who will they give the applause to? Very subtle mofos.


I was really disappointed that doorknob-lickers link didn't take me to some of Dan Savage's coverage of the 2000 Iowa GOP caucuses.


Wowe, Warren's on terra firma, finally.
Sic 'em, Liz!


"Lemme just say, we will NEVER take away the Culinary Union's Health Insurance; we will only improve on it [until everyone has it]."

--Bernie Sanders


It's officially a circular human centipede over at Fox News when Jason fucking Chaffetz is a contributor whining about "fairness".


So far:

Biden: Calm down. Concentrate on your delivery. Stop shouting.
Sanders: Strongest performance to date.
Buttigieg: Doing okay, but some of your tactics backfire.
Klobuchar: Making better sense than Pete.
Warren: Strong performance, but not as good as Bernie.
Bloomberg: Doing well, but tone deaf.


Warren makes a great little pro-Environment speech and it took all three of them to curb the applause, almost instantly. Again, well-played, NBC.

Wish I were no longer a temporarily-embarassed Billionaire, I'd soon have MY Very OWN TeeVee Station. And I could ask the Questions. Or someone who Knew something might. Union scale, baby.


@3 kristofarian: Boo-YAHHH! Agreed and seconded.
Go, Liz, GO!!!!!!!


@10 -- If you're Curious (about a little thing like the Presidency), Jacky, please, I invite you to go to

If you're not, fuck off.


"Things are really going off the rails here."

Ha ha... I think they went off the rails in, like, March or April of 2016. Whatever vehicle it was traversing said rails has long since tumbled off a cliff and sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Hell of a ride though. Disney should model a goddamn roller coaster on it.


Oh, and I only got about thirty percent (I guess it's 60%, when we add @10's) of Bernie's great comment about NOT taking away ANYONE's Healthcare in the transition to M4A, @4.

Anyone know where to find a cheap transcript?


“ We will tax the rich until their money runs out then we will come after you.”

But only people making more than $29K a year!

Basically anyone who finished high school.


@14 -- is that what it says at

Does that include no longer having to pay expensive health insurance premiums?

How bout Co-pays? And what about "Out of Network" DENIALS for Care? Pre-existing Conditions (like being Female) that mean, fuck off, and die already wouldja?

How about Pharmaceuticals? Wil we still be forced to choose between taking our medicine or paying rent?

Isn't that also part of the tax increase (over $29K you say) -- a Relief from oppressive (to many) (too many) Healthcare costs? As Repubs love to say, Nunthin's Free.

Would you pay more in taxes to pay much less in Healthcare, and get better Outcomes, if, Bonus, 90,000,000 more Citizens got covered in the Deal?

Or is that an Issue?


500,000 United States Citizens went Bankrupt last year because of a Medical issue, at a time when Homelessness is staggering in America.

We're the richest country in the History of the fucking World.

Isn't it time the Wealthy* began again paying their Fair Share, like they once did?

*three people own more Wealth than one Half of our Citizenry.
Howtf can THAT be Moral?
just wondering.


I guess it’s not news worthy the Trump has named an openly gay man to his cabinet (the first openly gay cabinet member in US history)? Or does it just not fit the narrative?


@22 it's not newsworthy. He's got a token black, too. The literally thousands of actions and millions of words that Trump has done and said full of hate and dehumanization of nearly everyone in this country are newsworthy. Too bad the people who report the news don't seem to give a fuck that the racist, rapist, traitor, and criminal squatting in the WH is destroying, literally destroying the country and spewing lies and vicious hate speech every single time he opens his mouth.

I guess you have a sad that one openly gay man being trotted out by Trump is somehow supposed to be relevant in comparison. I mean you're talking about the guy who told Limbaugh to never apologize for his vicious homophobic rants. YOU gotta be kidding ME.


@2: You and me both. And thank you for saying so. I feel seen.


Biden: "I don't endorse Republicans... I only voted with them, pushed their agenda for 45 years and carried their water on the Sunday shows week in and week out."

That said, a double digit showing ought to keep him in for another few weeks.


Why do people assume that taxes have to be raised to pay for new spending? Republicans routinely increase spending (to fight two wars, for example) but then cut taxes. I don't see why a Democrat should worry about the deficit until we have double digit inflation.


@24: Too bad you were never mayor of Seattle. Your Stop and Fist policy would have really helped.


The top 20% of US citizens consume 50% of the wealth and resources.
That leaves the bottom 80% of Americans to live off 50%.

With numbers like that l'm sure that the top 20% will have no problems paying for everyone's healthcare.


@20 No mate, we create our wealth. No one consumes wealth. Economies are not a pizza where everyone grabs a slice. Wealth is the business that creates the pizzas by building more and more ovens to make more and more pizzas. More pizzas for everyone when run correctly (see Venezuela or France for the opposite).

Besides Bernie already said everyone making over $29k a year will be paying. Pay better attention.


The rich should be taxed for being alive - Dorothy Parker.

In addition, they should be subject to an onerous death tax and birth tax, for inherited wealth makes people into idiots and sociopaths.


@32 So sorry your parents were fuckups who left you nothing.


Au Contraire, Dear @33. My parents paid for four years of college for my sister and I, and gave us a good upbringing, which is the best sort of inheritance. Dad was an attorney, and mom was a homemaker. They did leave us a house and a modest amount of cash, but they raised us to be self-sufficient, productive, members of society - not effete, intellectually and morally challenged parasites like the trump family.


@34 Well, why shouldn’t the government have had your modest amount of cash and the house when they died? Fucking parasite.


Speaking of Parasites, in the US,
THREE people have more Wealth
than ONE-HALF of the US population.

We don't need Tapeworms
sapping this Country
we already Got 'em.


@32: I never understood why people find that Dorothy Parker quote so profound given that the implication is that the rich should be dead, and how dare they have the gall to be alive. But then, there would be no tax revenue.

Her nasty and sharp wit was never challenged as she was a formidable presence in New York literary society.


@37 you're hilarious! you think tax revenue comes from the rich! LOL. that's a good one. wow.

most tax falls only on wage income — exempting interests, dividends, capital gains, and other forms of income that are earned primarily by the wealthy. rich people, in other words, pay a much lower share of their income in taxes than do working-class people.



Workers create wealth.

Without workers, there is no pizza to be eaten.


@40 if corporations actually paid taxes there would be no problem. the tax cuts enacted by the GOP congress under Trump (and prior to that under GW Bush) are responsible for the gutting of social security revenue. pretending entitlements are the problem and not the bloated military budget and tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations is 100% bullshit. trump has already spent nearly 350 years' worth of presidential salary on GOLFING. ENOUGH with the false narrative that social security and other EARNED BENEFITS are the problem. it's a false narrative. it's a flat out lie. it's 100% bullshit. and the people who are going to end up paying (literally and figuratively) for all of this fiscal irresponsibility will not be the wealthy or any of the soulless fucks who have enacted the legislation to gut the revenue to the bone.


@38: Two things can be true at the same time.

The rich pay a much lower share of their income in taxes than do working-class people.
Top 3% of U.S. taxpayers paid majority of income tax.

Go ahead and finish your LOL'ing.


Corps used to pay one-third of US taxes.
Now it's in the teens.

Now they can (thanks, Supreme Court!) purchase
Elections that free them from the tyranny of
(even Corporate) Responsibility.


35 dear, I don’t think you understand how the world actually works, which is not unusual for a Slog troll. If Mother Vel-DuRay had needed to go to a rest home, the government would have taken the house and the cash, which is covered by Medicaid. Instead, she rapidly declined, and went into hospice, which is covered by Medicare.

Father Vel-DuRay, being an attorney, could have put the house and cash into a trust or something to protect the assets (he’d done that for several relatives) but we made the decision as a family to not do that because of the property tax implications. We decided to roll the dice and let mom and dad have more money to enjoy during retirement.

I have no idea why anyone who is not actually one of the top 3% would be so eager to defend them. They don’t care about you, and you will never be one of them. I dare say that no one who reads Slog - and in particular the trolls - will ever be one of them. They play you, but you seem to enjoy it.


@44: From the wealth of the 3%, comes great results: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


Oh raindrop, don’t be such a simp. The Gate’s are first generation wealth, from a family that valued philanthropy. Just like the Buffett’s.

But we can’t depend on the largess of the wealthy to fund society. We have to take it from them, before the become trumps or Hiltons, or Waltons, or Kochs.


@Catalina Vel-DuRay:

"I have no idea why anyone who is not actually one of the top 3% would be so eager to defend them. They don’t care about you, and you will never be one of them. I dare say that no one who reads Slog - and in particular the trolls - will ever be one of them. They play you, but you seem to enjoy it." --Gold Star Comment

'Spose they do it pro bono?
Some are wasting their Talent.


"But we can’t depend on the largess of the wealthy to fund society.

We have to take it from them, before they
become trumps or Hiltons, or Waltons, or Kochs."

Double Bingo.


"But we can’t depend on the largess of the wealthy to fund society.

We have to take it from them, before they
become trumps or Hiltons, or Waltons, or Kochs."

Nor Addledsons abitches
I meant to say.

Double Bingo.

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