

Just so's I can get to Costco on Payday
I may yet Survive.

But what about all those laid off
the Fuck THEY all gonna Do?

Will they close everything?


Maybe buy extra...


It's weird how the Stranger is so aggressively anti nearly everything capitalistic, except for restaurants. Restaurants are elitist. The masses barely ever have the expendable cash to spend on them, and the wealthy use them to make a sort of display hobby out of the essentially simple act of putting food in your mouth. And they are arch-capitalistic, making a game of cutthroat empire building and one upsmanship.

When the Stranger focuses on failing restaurants, it makes arguments that it mocks in other situations. The Stranger crows went hard times fall on Boeing or boat rental businesses or anything else they associate with people not like them. But when hard times hit restaurants we hear about how much the employees and local economies rely on these businesses, how much of their owners' sweat and tears in hopes and dreams have gone into them. The Stranger says, just like George W Bush, get out there and spend, or, hell, stay home and spend!

I'm sure the Stranger would try to quibble around distinctions, but it's weird and hypocritical how they fawn and toady to the restaurant capitalists, and shit on most of the others.


First comment is a pretty good example of this, Costco is a company that treats its workers very well, but The first poster mocks Costco as too day-class-say for school. Stop fucking over the restaurant capitalists by patronizing that other business you squares! Join the cool crowd dumping 70 bucks into a single meal and Instagramming the fuck out of it!


No lines at all the breakfast places in Fremont and the U Dist. Picked up some veggies at the H&K Market in the U Dist, no wait.

It's a great time to go shopping or eat out.


Bart Evans is a Seattle slumlord. What a great guy for offering hand sanitizer at his restaurant... maybe take a look at who he really is in his community.

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