

I wonder who the Green Party is running this year?


damn I wish Obama would speak up more often and more forcefully.
Your country needs you man.
Show the knuckle-draggers how a real President acts during a crisis.


@2 #nailedit


Republicans got a taste of how well their bullshit is going to play with voters. Wisconsin voters chose to risk sickness and death to exercise their right to vote because Republicans made them vote in person.

A blue tsunami is coming and there is going to be a backlash like never before for this shit show. The stupid racist fucks hated the black President so much and refused to put a woman in the WH, well look where we are now. They may believe it's worth it, the total destruction of the entire country, but they are going to have their asses handed to them. Wisconsin blue? Wait for Michigan, since Trump can't help but say nasty things about their governor, a woman. Wait for Florida because so many people will have died the people left will be terrified of dying (they will still be stupid and racist as fuck, but they'll want a semblance of a government that isn't hell bent on murdering them).

Trump won by, what, 44,000 - 45,000 votes that gave him the Electoral College? The belief that he will not go down in the most epic defeat in the history of this country is sheer fantasy. I only hope there's a country left by the time he's gone. And I hope he lives out his pathetic, hate filled, demented and deranged life in prison, suffering every second he is unable to tweet or get any attention from anyone.


Wonderful Comment.

Thank you.

Oh, and now trump's threatening
'Democrat' Governors with Torture.

I give him a week, tops.
We'll either be at War or
they'll be carting him off
in one of those suits
you cannot take off


This is the weirdest year ever. Cartoon-villian "presidents". Cataclysmic pandemics. Psycho-voter suppression not seen since the 50s-60s. Secession-impulses driven directly by Federal antagonisms. And probably the first and greatest drop in CO2 emissions since we started emitting. Totally bonkers. And that's just America. WTF else is happening? Two volcanos? 30-40 Tornadoes? Chinese revolution fomenting undercover? The world's Greatest Depression? Just amazing.


Not to mention the National fucking Review, yes you read that right, William F. Fucking Buckley's rag published an article in favor of the Jones Act, (good that they're right for once)


So O'Bummer just endorsed a sexual predator?? Well that confirms to me that 44 has poor judgement, but then we already knew that.


@9- okay, you caused me to google the Jones Act. Fascinating stuff.
Named for a congressman from our fair state, Wesley Jones, passed in 1920.
Old Wesley was a piece of work, a mixed bag like a lot of people from the era.
Along with a lot of far-reaching progressive legislation he at one time tried to strip the Yakama people of their tribal lands if they wanted any irrigation water.
Plus he was an active Prohibitionist, which probably contributed to his election loss in 1933, along with the Great Depression which was tough on Republicans.
I enjoyed the fact he lost that race to the felicitously-named Homer Bone.
Hard to compete against a guy named Homer Bone.


Back in the day Democraps thought JFK was the Greatest. Ever.
having a 'Press' that actually is the propaganda arm of your political party makes it easy to get away with all kind of shit.
And paper over massive failures in your presidency.

Obama was a huge cipher as president.
No backbone.
never worked to move public opinion or congressional votes toward issues he claimed to favor.
Didn't accomplish anything positive;
issued some Executive Orders that were easily and promptly reversed;
gutted the health care system in the nation;
didn't prepare for the inevitable Pandemic EVERYONE saw coming;
opposed homosexual marriage on moral/religious grounds until it became politically advantageous to support it;
didn't groom a successor and in fact laid the groundwork for Trump to be elected;
never had The Talk* about race (wtf from our first half-black president?) and in fact presided over a serious deterioration in race relations;

All style,
no substance.

However his endorsement of Biden, at this point;
(after every other public figure of note in the Democrap Party has already endorsed,
after there is literally no one else running,
after Joe's dementia is apparent and weekly becoming more glaringly so)
even for No Drama Obama; is Pretty. Fucking. Feckless.

we are impressed.


*. The Talk (about Race):
No, not telling White America they are Evil
(Lord we've had that talk a million times...);
The Talk on Race telling Black America it is time to move on;
time to quit wallowing in imagined victimhood,
time to stop blaming all your problems on someone else,
time to recognize that wave after wave of terribly oppressed and disadvantaged people from every corner of the planet have come to America and overcome and realized the Dream while Black Americans still whine for reparations,

The Talk (about Race) would especially tell Black Men to marry their children's mothers and be fathers to their children.
The nation's first (half) Black President;
raised by white mother and grandparents after being abandoned by his father, would have been in a unique and once-in-a-generation position to have The Talk.
he never did.

History; clear eyed, unsentimental; will recognize Obama as one of the shittiest missed-opportunity Presidents we were ever afflicted with;
the James Buchanan of modern American history.


Obama was the best president in our lifetimes, no question. That said, just during my life the nation has been afflicted by Reagun, Bush 1, Caligubush, and now Prezirapist AntiChrist. Nixon was before my time, but jeezus christ that sweaty, hateful, sinister creep was elected TWICE. Our "democracy"--a corrupt 18th century racist kleptocracy--usually produces despicable disasters.

We had a handful of years of relative peace and prosperity under Clinton and Obama; other than that we've wildly careened from self-induced crisis to self-induced crisis as American "democracy" means that our worst citizens are always in charge, even when they lose elections.

My generation graduated from college just in time for the Dot Com Bubble to implode, got back on our feet only to be blown out of the water by the 2008 Financial Crisis, from which it took five long years to recover from the subsequent Great Recession. Now, with the Coronavirus Crisis and the kleptocratic billionaire sociopaths stealing everything they can on the eve of the Second Great Depression, we're way past the point where we're going to get a fourth try at having some kind of semblance economic and financial security. It doesn't matter how many degrees you earn or how hard you've worked to start your own business; you're gonna be poor and there's not a gawdamn thing you can do about it.

That's what it means to live in America today.

Our system of government and economic swindles are just illegitimate. In fact, they're both vivid examples of what happens when government and organized crime become two sides of the same coin. We've got to start thinking and planning for what comes next, because the Tr666p/RepubliKKKans are now openly pushing for a dictatorship with Tr666p anointed by their cruel, sadistic base to rule over our ruined, poisoned realm.


@12: Hey, remember a few days ago when I reminded you that what a pissy tantrum baby you were for the entire Obama administration? Seems like you still haven't gotten that out of your system...


"I wonder who the Green Party is running this year?"

Ask Putin if he's found some more useful idiots.



What are you smoking?

Obama was GREAT for The Right.
Gave us the congress.
A buttload of Supreme court justices who will be on the bench 50 years from now.
Spared us Romney.

If we were a Leftist we would be pretty disappointed and pissed at Obama but he was Solid Gold for conservatives.


Suppose all the allegations about Biden are true. Now, what? Are you gonna vote for Trump?


Oh 404.....weren't you also going on last week or the week before about how tHe DakoTAs didN'T neEd to ImplEMEnt StAy aT hoMe OrdeRs herp derp?

Guess that was a bad call on your part wasn't it


@17: Uh huh.
Please remember to follow all safety recommendations when attempting gas-lighting punkin, lest you burn your chubby little fingers.


I hate End-of-Empire politics.... so compromised when really what we need it a full reset. Fuck it, let's start our own Cascadian Currency and tell the Feds to fuck off.


@21: If you're on twitter, check out David (Goldy) Goldstein, he had a thread on that very subject yesterday.



"Largest Outbreak"!
Oh My...

Less than 900 cases statewide;
less than 1 of a thousand state residents;
a third of the state's cases in one meat plant,
(an essential facility that would have been open even with a Shelter-in-Place);

Kristi is a Real American and fetching to boot;
we'd follow her anywhere.

Now Red, when you get your 'news' from Leftists propagandists it will shrink your brain...


I think it's time the USA no longer has a president. We should also abolish both political parties as they have destroyed America.

Put Obama in Jail next to Trump and I will start voting again because the Democrats don't give two fucks about the little person (or even small businesses or me). All they care about is their donations and pleasing their donors. Screw trying to play their game, let's just Chop off their heads en masse and start over. The first law I want to be updated is Treason; it should be treasonous to take money from a company (foreign or local) and let it sway your vote in any way what so ever.


Funny thing is, an Obama endorsement is pretty much worthless in getting BIden the support from the people he needs to work on. Give us a break. We remember that the main reason Obama picked Biden was because he has support from the right-wing of the party, and the GOP. Biden needs to put a lot of work on the left, because ordering us to vote for Wall Street owned Centrists worked so well the last time. And no, cutting he Medicaid age to 60 is more of an insult than an overture.


@5 xina FOR THE WIN!!!! Bravo, well done, you nailed it, and I have absolutely no more to add.
@6 kristofarian: Oh please oh please oh please--can it be the latter and not a war? I'd so love to see Trumpty Dumpty fitted in an extra fat Goodyear Blimp straitjacket--kicking, screaming, and wailing. Film at 11!
@12 WOW. That's one helluva word salad hate novel you got there that nobody's going to bother to read, lil 404. I sure won't.
@13 Original Andrew: Agreed and seconded on many points. Nixon was indeed, horrible. I was born shortly after LBJ took office after John Fitzgerald Kennedy was brutally assassinated in Dallas. I cast my first eligible vote for Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro in 1984, have voted Big D ever since and have never regretted it.
@20 Llssa: The 404s are already dying of MAGAvirus.
@25 blip: I know, right?


@22 - Nice! thanks for the tip, I'll check his thread out.
@24 - You're looking at the wrong detail, S.D. doesn't even ~have~ a curve to flatten, they're still straight-lining at a 45deg angle on the logarithmic Cases-per-Day chart. That's very, very bad. Every state but them has a curve that's starting to flatten.
@25 - Turns out their pro-MONEY-life. Let money live & be free!
@26 - Agreed, the USA has no president at this point. We're on our own!


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