

No more rookies in the WH. Sorry Stacey, Biden will probably pick someone who has made it beyond being a state rep.


Boy oh boy if it Bleeds it Leads.

"By the way please donate to the Stranger: I have been told that we must continue receiving donations at a regular clip or else we will go under."

But what about your Troll Problem?

Why must We subsidize Them?


ahhh, america. where the left party gives us a geriatric sexual assaulter who promises 'business as usual' to his big moneyed supporters, while picking a woman for VP who will continue his abominable policies. gee, i wonder how we ended up where we are (a society slowly dying in a ditch)?

the problem in america is the democrats. and biden is the perfect example. the republicans can't go full lunatic right-winger, wo/ a completely failed democratic party that represents no-one and nothing but the (utterly miserable) status quo. THAT is who the democrats are. THAT is why america is going over the cliff.

but yeah! get excited to vote for biden! he'll maintain the miserable status quo! and in 4 years, we'll get trump 2.0. good job liberals.


Didn't want Biden as the nominee. Don't care for him at all in any way.
He is in no way Trump 2.0. See, Biden will surround himself with intelligent people who will help him do his job.

Trump has never staffed his administration fully, has had a never ending coming and going of incompetents around him, has not done his job from day one, and is a total and complete psychopath.

Biden sucks, but Biden is no Trump 2.0.


It was a nice democracy while it lasted!
As long as the Billionaires have lots and lots more Billionaire Dollars everything will be just great!



3 didn't say Biden will be trump 2, he said the guy that gets elected AFTER Biden would be trump 2.

They are two very different things.


@6 You're right, my bad. I personally believe the GOP are done and there will be no Trump 2.0. There will be no GOP 2.0. Trump has destroyed them and they know it.


As for Stacey Abrams, she wasn't interested in being Biden's VP pick when he started his campaign.
If Biden picks her now, after she turned him down, it will just be another example of his weakness.


John Hickenlooper and Steve Bullock got hammered for not being team players for running for the presidency instead of for their respective senate seats in CO and MT. Oh, and now they're both running for the Senate.

Now there are TWO open Senate seats in Georgia, and Stacey Abrams is too good to run for either of them. And yet you never hear anything in the media about Abrams not being a team player.



"There will be no GOP 2.0. Trump has destroyed them and they know it."

Never underestimate the power of cheating.


@10 Plenty of prominent Democrats have been loud critics of Abrams for being too good to run for Senate.


@12, good to know.


It will be interesting to see how this Presidential election campaign shapes up.
By tradition they are very big on exactly the kinds of events and behaviors that are now verboten under Covid 19 etiquette.
No kissing babies, no corn dogs at the Iowa State fair, no mass rallies.
I assume people will still be dying in August and September - would the Trump campaign dare to recreate the 2016 model rallies?
If not, what is the media strategy beyond saturating FOX and Sinclair media with shitty ads?


@8 Xina, sincerely, given the last 50 year track record of politics in the US, what in the world gives you any faith that Trump/GOP are "done"? If anything, it's just gotten worse and worse and worse.

By all the evidence I see, our political system is so broken that it is doomed to this downward spiral. It will be a mini-miracle if Biden wins, and as @3 suggests, even if he does, in 4 - 8 years he'll be replaced by a Republican even more stupid/corrupt/evil than Trump. Nixon -> Reagan -> (GHB - the least of the worst) -> GWB -> Trump -> ...


@15 I guess I am not capable of comprehending anyone worse than Trump.


The silver lining about Donald Trump is his own indiscipline, lack of intellectual curiosity, stream-of-last-advice-wins, forever running scared, etc. It would even drive Hitler crazy. Just imagine the horror if Donald Trump was indeed crazy like a fox.


@20 who says Trump is not crazy like a fox?

Trump’s COVID-19 failure was not simple dysfunction, not simple negligence, but an intended, malicious cover-up of the actual facts, all to create a false sense of assurance in American people while the administration grappled to find an acceptable political escape—a way to salvage the impending disaster from the electoral fallout to Trump that was sure to follow.

Ultimately, of course, there was no escape, and here we are: facing an administration that has already lied to us, over and over again, and can’t stop, won’t stop, and didn’t stop, even when the truth could have made the difference between life and death.

How Trump and His Team Covered Up the Coronavirus in Five Days
The president and senior officials manipulated Americans and played down the severity of the pandemic.


if they shove biden aside
does that mean bernie's Eligible?

@17 -- trumpfy jr
take your pick
include jared
caligula II
III IV and


@23: But Trump is not even foresighted enough to have taken the advice of his aids 100% in his camp, like Peter Navarro's internal memos sounding the alarm in January. His advisors know that his base could have taken the bad news well because it would have been interpreted as being realistic and he could still blame China.

Trump is not only a day trader, but an hour trader. His aids are exasperated. Successful dictators don't operate this way.


"'News' paper companies need support? Adapt, or enjoy the death many 'news' papers have earned." --@trans...

Great advice.

This is why We, the people cannot have Nice Things, like a Fourth Estate (subsidized! Constitutionally!), taxpayer-subsidized to keep the fucking Electorate IN-fucking-Formed with an especially keen eye on the electeds and their backdoor Dealings.

So, now we have the right wing propaganda arm of trumpfy -- facts-Free FOX (WE'RE UBIQUITOUS!) and Fiends -- in co-charge of the presidency.

If you're a Fan of Fascism --
corporate Governance --
this guy -- and FOX --
really Fills the Bill.


Or perhaps I'm still naive to think that chaos cannot be used as a Machiavellian strategy.


Don the con is good at one thing only , fool the rubes. I want Maxine Waters for VP , just to watch heads explode



I was certain the Repubs were done after the unmitigated disaster of the George W administration. Obama should've driven a (figurative) stake through their hearts, but chose to lift them back up. Sigh.

I'll remain hopeful that you're right though.


Biden should have gone on Access Hollywood with Billy Bush to talk about how he sexually assaults women. Then this would be a non-issue.


You forgot Ford in between Nixon and Reagan, though admittedly Ford's an odd one; never elected, took over from a resigning president and a bitter end to the Vietnam war. Pardoning Nixon was unforgivable, but it's really hard to tell what would have happened had Nixon had to go to trial. The country was already in a shambles. Ford's pardon may have been like the US dropping the atomic bombs in Japan; faced with two horrible decisions, the person in charge picks what they feel will end things with the least suffering?

In any case, I don't think I'd call Ford evil or corrupt, but certainly in way over his head and probably in a no-win situation.


I suggest The Stranger (Index Newspapers LLC) apply for a small business loan. Donald and Ivanka rolled out the next phase of the program at the White House today.


I will crawl over glass to vote for Biden, presuming he survives to October, when we vote by mail. If not, I'll crawl over glass to vote for Bernie.

Hope both name Warren or Harris as VP noms. That way if both don't make it, we get the best of both worlds. They can name some unqualified man to be their VP.


@ 39,

Ford’s pardon of Nixon laid the groundwork for the criminally insane and openly corrupt rule of Reagun, Bush 1, CaliguBush, and now Prezirapist AntiChrist.

The fact that RepubliKKKans can repeatedly betray the country and steal everything they can get their hands on without consequences is a direct reason why America is rapidly collapsing today. Failure is Victory.

Corrupt empires collapse little by little, and then suddenly all at once.


@18: Wow, who knew that Kennyanne Conway had been a shameless grifter for YEARS before she met Trump.

@35: Agreed. GOP policies - and their effects - were on full display after GWB's tenure, and with America in a tailspin when Obama took over, it was shocking to me that ANYONE could be convinced to vote for someone with "(R)" after their name. But as we've seen so clearly over the last 4 years, some people just want to be fooled.

@37: Again, GOP playbook on full display, and yet people choose to believe the GOP isn't completely corrupt and actively working against their best interests. It's almost like they're fucking imbeciles, but surely that can't be the reason.


@42: What you want is not on the take out menu. Either a Trump Filet Mignon or a Biden Filet of Soul. That's it.

But May Day is coming so the (empty) restaurant might get burned down.


@ 46,

White people vote for Tr666p/RepubliKKKans against their own interests out of sheer spiteful hatred. They don’t care if the GOPnazis destroy America, so long as they’re sticking it to the Messicans, blacks, wimminz, and homos.


Trump and Biden are both creepy, gropey old men who have no business in politics. No argument there.

But at least Biden will staff his cabinet with people who have actual expertise in their fields of authority, and will appoint judges who (while likely more pro-corporate than Bernie's would be) at least aren't misogynist theocratic homophobes. That's about all we can hope for, and given the alternative, I'll take it.


@56. Hahahahahah. Sure did! Guess we all know who wears the pants in that family. It is absurd to think that the senile geriatric Joe can run this country. Lol. And Pocahontas is going to be his VP, to boot.

Trump is going to knock his ass on the floor the moment the debate starts. It won't be a "landslide". But a fucking avalanche! :)


@59. For the win! Agreed and seconded! Bless your heart! :D.


I don't understand democrats. Biden was the VP of their most famous progressive president, but it seems that even Obama is considered too "establishment" by them (or deep state by Trumpists).


They erase, I repost. :)

Who's that touching little boys,
Raping women he employs?
Lights are on, but no one's home
Here comes Rapey Pedo Joe!

Senile pedophile,
Senile pedophile,
Senile pedophile!
Here comes Pedo Joe!

"There's a process that is due!"
Shriek the grifters of #Metoo.
But you can still play "grabbing cat"
As long as you're a Pedocrat!

Senile pedophile,
Senile pedophile,
Senile pedophile,
Here comes Rapey Joe!

Hardly walks, and hardly laughs
Makes excuses for his gaffes
"Beating women does make sense,
As long as it's for self-defense."

Senile pedophile,
Senile pedophile,
Senile pedophile,
Here comes Brainless Joe!



The only people who thought about was progressive were conservatives.


about = Obama

thanks autocorrect


Maybe Nikkita Oliver and her “no youth jail” cronies can volunteer to let this murderous 13-year-old sleep on their futon instead of serving time. Maybe they could even hold a peace circle with the loved ones of the innocent murder victim. Everyone will benefit.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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