

Don't worry, when they run out of food they'll just eat the rich.


Wow. I'm glad I made a donation to Northwest Harvest.


It was immoral to destroy the economy and starve a fourth of the population from an irrational hysterical fear and a desire to make President Trump look bad.
The American Left will soon displace Mao and Stalin as the greatest butchers of their own populations.


And yet farmers are destroying obscene amounts of crops and livestock, because if you can't make money on it, let the people starve! So fucking stupid and short sighted. 'Murica!!!

USDA let millions of pounds of food rot while food-bank demand soared
State officials and growers say Trump’s Agriculture Department has been woefully slow to respond to farm crisis caused by coronavirus.


@6 I guess 40 Million people (a significant portion of whom are children) going without food on a daily basis in this country is just fine by you, because fat people exist.

Note: there are more non true food items (soda, processed food items, food substitutions, and complete garbage) sold and ingested in this country than actual food (fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, meat): much of that due to the "food" industry in general and vast swaths of real food deserts throughout the entire country.

In 2017, 40 million people struggled with hunger in the United States. The USDA defines "food insecurity" as the lack of access, at times, to enough food for all household members. In 2017, an estimated 15 million households were food insecure.

Millions of working Americans don’t know where their next meal is coming from. One-sixth of Americans don’t have enough food to eat.


17% of Food Stamp disbursements are for carbonated sodas.
Another 9% for chips.
8% for ice cream and ice cream novelties.

The 'poor' are the fattest cohort in the population.


"I guess 40 Million people (a significant portion of whom are children) going without food on a daily basis in this country is just fine by you [dirtydave], because fat people exist." --xina

Sorta sums it up succinctly.

In this the richest country in the history of countries....

Gotta wonder if that's 'cause THREE PEOPLE have
as much Wealth as HALF THE CITIZENRY.
Bend Over for Billionaires?



@Deptof Misinformation/Propaganda/UdderBullshit

Didja pull that outta yur hat?
Or yur butt?


I lived off ramen for 3 months once.


If you can’t sell your crops, there’s very few storage options.

The same is true with livestock. So you plow your crops under or euthanize your stock and file a claim with crop insurance.


Our taxes pay for millions of gallons of carbonated suger water? Not if I were Gov. The toll those 'empty' calories take is GINORMOUS. We pay for that shit Many times, but diabetes is horrific and incredibly EXPENSIVE. Fuck that shit:

From NPR's "Food Stamps For Soda:
Time To End Billion-Dollar Subsidy For Sugary Drinks?"
by Allison Aubrey

"Credit incentives can work:

One pilot, carried out in Massachusetts several years ago, offers some evidence that financial incentives for healthy food purchases can shift habits. Here's how the pilot worked: SNAP recipients received a 30 cent incentive for every SNAP dollar they spent on fruits and vegetables.

This included canned and frozen products, which can be just as healthy as fresh. The incentive was credited back to their account, so they had more money to spend on other foods. About 7,500 households participated in the pilot.

What happened? Participants in the pilot consumed about 26 percent more fruits and vegetables. And they reported higher consumption of dark leafy greens, as well as nutrition-packed orange and red vegetables such as carrots and tomatoes.

About two-thirds of the participants reported buying larger amounts and a greater variety of fruits and vegetables. Nearly three-fourths said they felt that vegetables and fruits had become more affordable, thanks to the incentives."

More at:

See how EZ that is?


@14 why does it matter? SNAP is funded by taxpayers and that pool of taxpayer money goes to fund all sorts of programs, some of which you benefit directly from and some of which you don't. people who love to police the poor and their choices don't seem to care too much about the poor choices of the non-poor.

Soda is the second most-purchased commodity among people who aren’t on food stamps.

now if i had my way there would be no soda. period. but that would be decried as unamerican, amiright?

the poor have no power in this country.
the wealthy have all the power and are not only robbing the country blind (they just stole one trillion dollars in coronavirus aid), but are also doing everything they can do ensure the total and complete destruction of everyone and everything, so they can have the most money when the world ends.
makes total sense. /s


"the poor have no power in this country. "

What, they can't turn on the water tap and drink that instead of soda? You need a fancy college degree to figure that one out?

Damn girl, those poors sure are incompetent.


Not in Flint, MI they can't.


@15 you don't have to store it if you give it to food banks who need it. world central kitchen is literally feeding the entire country right now. fairly certain they could use the food. and feeding america is a national network of 200 food banks. same.

they are both huge organizations that could even go and get the food, it would not require the farmers to do anything but not destroy it.


@19 Yeah. What about the other 99.999% of the country? Taps too hard to work, gotta have that soda instead?

There’s a reason COVID loves killing unhealthy people. It’s called evolution.


@18 this isn't about soda vs. water.

it's so easy and convenient to vilify the poor (and americans love to do that while simultaneously worshiping and being raped by the wealthy).

SNAP = 1.6% of the federal budget

pay people living wages (almost every SNAP recipient works or is a child of a working parent) and they won't need food stamps. then they could buy whatever they wanted with wages earned and no one would have to work so hard policing their grocery carts.


Hell for insecurity? Wouldn't that be a good thing?


“ this isn't about soda vs. water.”

Actually in the broader sense it is. It’s about making lifelong shitty decisions (who’s needs a daddy for a baby! Drugs are fun!) and then expecting others to clean up your mess.


@25 If by “shitty” you mean happily married, with plenty of savings, nice house, good jobs, good schools and paying close to $100K a year in taxes, I’m guilty!


@26, I find it very strange that someone with such a supposedly healthy lifestyle would spend so much time trolling on the internet.


@27 My lifestyle affords free time.


Every month my donation goes automatically to Northwest Harvest, a far better destination for donations than this sad rag.


@24 no, in the broader sense it is not. plenty of people with money make bad life decisions. pretending only poor people make bad decisions and deserve to be punished for them is bullshit. and pretending that poverty does not create an environment for bad decisions to be made is also bullshit. it doesn't matter how you spin it, your narrative is false.


@30 Thanks for the laff poster who’s name sounds like a pedophile’s handle.

@29 We buy stuff at Safeway every week and take to the local food bank. Although I’ve never tried, I’ll admit, Chef Boyardee looks quite yummy!


This is tragic, and how is it possible the richest country on earth has come to this. Fight those fuckers with all you’ve got, not each other.


@31 Even the Brookings Institute knows what it takes to avoid poverty:

"Finish high school, get a full-time job and wait until age 21 to get married and have children. Our research shows that of American adults who followed these three simple rules, only about 2  percent are in poverty and nearly 75  percent have joined the middle class."

Wow, a 98% success rate.


"it's so easy and convenient to vilify the poor (and americans love to do that while simultaneously worshiping and being raped by the wealthy)." --xina




@34 it is nearly absolutely impossible to pull oneself out of poverty in this country. spin your false narrative all you want, you will never be right. stories that you tell yourself to make yourself feel superior are just stories.


Xina, there’s no supply chain to route ag products to food banks, and many crops - and all meat - needs to be processed before a commercial kitchen can accept it. And even (vegetables have storage requirements that overwhelm the food bank system.

I’m sympathetic to what you are saying, I really am, but the infrastructure isn’t there.





Aw, how 'cute'
Cunty, projecting
projecting Projecting


@Disappearing Idiot

Where'd ya Go?
Your 'insight'
must be too
Much for



@17 xina: That is one reason I donated to NorthWest Harvest. I was on SNAP when I was marginally-to-unemployed. I am no longer eligible for the food stamp program. I had a little extra this month, and felt like giving something back, especially in these uncertain and frightening times.
You're right---the poor really have no voice in this country, especially now.
Now, if we could just educate the large number of the working poor who are still blindsided by the GOP to STOP VOTING REPUBLIKKKAN!


@50 troll on the internet says what?


@49: Don't you have some remedial 5th grade Math homework to catch up on? Does your mother know you're hacking her account? Life must be frightening for you down there in the basement with the canned peas, mice, and brown recluse spiders.....
And...and... Wal*Mart's out of Cocoa Puffs, Kool Aid, and toilet paper----SHIT!!


Trump's USDA allows millions of pounds of food to rot while Americans line up at food banks

Millions of pounds of fresh produce have been dumped or allowed to rot in open fields, even as hundreds of thousands of Americans have been lining up at food banks, and even as farmers begged Trump’s Department of Agriculture (USDA) to initiate emergency purchasing and distribution actions. As a result, both the farmers and the struggling American families they could be feeding during this COVID-19 pandemic are suffering, thanks to USDA’s mismanagement and disregard.


Colorado dairys were able to donate tens of thousands of gallons of milk recently. Oh, the humanity!

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