

Oh Trump is going to completely lose his shit now if Twitter starts tagging all of his lies (do they even have enough employees to keep up with that)? This might actually be better than them banning him outright. How many lies will they have to fact check and tag until he comes completely undone? Maybe this will cause him to stroke out. Imagine Trump having a massive stroke and being unable to speak or use his hands, but having to sit and listen to all of the people talk about him while he sits there, totally incapacitated. I had a great aunt that that happened to and it was horrific, far worse than death.


Deborah Birx has perfected the art of dodging yes/no questions by regurgitating data talking points we've all heard repeatedly just to protect her from possible White House blowback -- if she were to actually answer the question.


Meanwhile, in international news- it appears the US will not interfere with the shipment of Iranian gasoline to Venezuela, even as both countries are under strict US sanctions-
Curious. Perhaps a domestic US political calculation, perhaps an unwillingness to risk Iranian retaliation in the Gulf?


RE the Orlando video- There more than a few multi-millionaires who could afford to throw money from a car out to a crowd in Seattle. But - sigh- in our staid, pearl-clutching community, it will never happen.


Strange that people celebrate a day set aside to honor our nation's war dead, with beach parties, I guess those yellow ribbons were just for show after all.


Twitter's obviously to be commended for (finally) pushing back against his inanity. But then they did so with a link to a CNN article. Which he then (completely predictably) used as an opportunity to claim more biased reporting, "fake news," blah blah.

Couldn't they have found something similar from, fuck, CBS or ABC News or anyone else really, just to prevent this tired nonsense from playing out as it has? He'd have still whined like the tired, fat fuck that he is, and CNN is obviously sourced and factual. But CNN's reputation is tarnished and the buttswabs that follow him are all far too lazy and stupid to research said sourcing, so this all winds up having minimal, if any impact.

Also, I just spent a couple minutes on his twitter feed, which I hadn't done in a couple months. It's so mindlessly sad and stupid and not even funny like his press briefings, where he at least occasionally gets asked challenging question and then answers them by stringing together random right wing words that lack any sort of semantic relationship.


@2 -- perhaps after trump loses thru stroke and is pardoned on condition the trump crime fambly no longer use the internet nor ever sell ANY thing but are allowed solely to parade our once-Glorious 'Leader of the Free World' around in a little Amish cart charging admission to see the man and perhaps shake his hand and tell him how Proud they were when he OWNED the Libs on a daily basis.


@80% of delusional people'd
be Wrong.

Besides it's easy to tell if hair Furor's lying:

his lips
(or twitter fingers)
be Moving.



Not sure where you're pulling that 80% figure from, but if you're able to provide some credible scientific sourcing for your claim then I'd imagine it'd warrant having a conversation.


All Twitter really has to do is attach a note to ALL of his tweets saying "this is false."


@14: It never was meant to be "up to a vote of people's opinions" but simply a survey of what us mere morals think. And to contort that into a "trumptard" insult is really bizarre.


8 So weird! You asked, regarding your example, "is it fact" then went on to say people agree with a now all of a sudden fact.

Does not make sense.

But Q-Tips are shorter than swabs.

Actually they are also swabs.

Question to all: What cocktail are we drinking?
I reverted to my Teen years in Northern Canada and having Tomato Juice and Beer. Was popular in bars years ago.


@8 Who decides what constitutes fact? Seriously? FFS

Fact: a thing that is known or proved to be true.

I realize in the time of Trump no one understands facts anymore, but facts are facts and they are not up for debate. It is not a fact that god created the universe. It is a false belief made up by men. Science has literally proven otherwise.

Denial of fact or distortion of fact or selling snake oil (which is what religion is) as fact >>> none of these things equal facts.

Facts are facts.
Opinion is opinion.
Lies are lies.

There is absolutely no evidence that vote by mail is not secure (fact).
Some states have been doing it for a long time (fact).
Voter fraud is next to non-existent (more fact) and in the small amount of voter fraud that has been uncovered has been almost exclusively by Republicans (more facts).

Trump's lies about voting by mail are ? not sure, definitely not facts - his opinion (doubtful since he voted by mail himself)? - more like lies he knows will rile up his base and the GOP because they know that they cannot win without suppressing the vote (fact, see gutting of voting rights, gerrymandering, and the electoral college) and if everyone in this country were to be able to vote the would not be able to suppress the vote (fact) and more people would participate (again, fact).


I read the "fact" in OWG's sentence to refer to the 80% thinking that it was a fact, not to whether or not it is a fact that God created the universe. Subtle difference.

Given that confusion people are having, sorry GS, I was too hard on you in @16.


@8 You state: "The belief in God easily assumes the fact of God."

No, actually it does not.

Facts, Truths, Beliefs, Opinions, and "Alternative Facts"
"Truths" and opinions change. Facts don't, because they're based on reality.

Proving God’s Existence is Impossible So Stop Trying

Faith vs. Fact: Why religion and science are mutually incompatible


And yet Twitter does not seem to give a shit about fact checking this lie:

If You’re Trump, You Can Tweet False Murder Allegations And Twitter Is Just ‘Sorry’

Trump has repeatedly and without a shred of evidence suggested that MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough might have killed 28-year-old intern Lori Klausutis, who died in 2001 after she hit her head on a table. She had an undiagnosed heart condition and her tragic death was ruled an accident.


Stephen Hawking's Final Book Says There's 'No Possibility' of God in Our Universe

Can Science Rule Out God?

Scientist provides evidence that God does not exist

According to Science, God Does Not Exist


For the folks who want to believe that God created the universe, the atheists shouldn't mind - and vice versa.

Faith and science are two orthogonal things, they don't have to be reconciled with each other.


"Occam's Razor, the scientific method, critical thinking, chains of causation... everything — gone. Back to the dark ages of who ever has the biggest sticks decides the facts."

Bingo. If that ain't a Fact
I'll eat my hat.


I think probably we can come to some conclusions about mail-in voting without first resolving ancient questions of metaphysics.


@34 -- Let us not be distracted
by arguments made of straw?

Sounds Good to me.



Maybe because that one particular individual is single-handedly responsible for disseminating more lies, falsehoods, and prevarications than almost all of the others combined? And in case you missed the memo, privately-owned social media platforms aren't in the business of being an "open forum for free speech", they're in the business of generating revenue, just like any other business. That said, your open forum is, and always has been available to you - although I grant, finding a good, sturdy apple crate to plop down on a street corner is a bit more challenging these days, as no doubt is convincing the few passersby to stop long enough to listen to your ranting.


19,000 (NINETEEN THOUSAND) Lies and counting.
Not too bad for a reality teevee 'star.'

My concern is they let this mendacious son of a bitch go for 3.5 YEARS before finally calling him on it. His Sense of Entitlement may Never recover! Will WE?



@39: Devoid of any spirituality, they'll never understand. They just get angrier and more resentful of the peace of mind we're blessed with. Quite tragic, actually.


“Jack Dorsey created a very interesting tool for social communication, however, that tool has been hijacked by Trump and other politicians to the point that if Mr. Dorsey does not take action to deal with the abuse of this platform and its subsequent political and social disinformation, he effectively forfeits responsibility for his own product and invites Federal oversight and intervention.

Twitter has unwittingly been turned into a political tool that is harmful to society in a political and social sense.

More effort is needed to put an end to this harm and an effort to evaluate what is true and what is not would be a healthy step in the right direction.”

--Ronn from Seoul

Oh and kindly Fuck Off, rainy.


"Twitter and Facebook, etc., cannot be considered fully private platforms subject to the choices of their leaders.

They are far past a tipping point where they should be responsible to public oversight.

They must be regulated like utilities. Same for Google, Amazon, Ebay, and several others.

Do we let electricity sellers do whatever they want this way? These platforms have so successfully woven themselves into our national life that they should be subject to democratically elected officials who are answerable to us.”

--Daniel Mozes, NYC


"How are we supposed to function as a society if we are expected to tolerate the president outright lying for his own personal gain... "

Great question, blip. Reality teevee 'stars' (and their psychopants) wish to create a facts-free society ruled by Emotions -- especially where fear and loathing, lust, greed and hate will all trump "science" and reason.

See: Hitler and his (Spirited!) Nurmeberg Rallies
See also: FOX, Rupert Murdoch, trump and our god bless their icy hearts trolls.


@33 if half of scientists BELIEVE there is a god and half of scientists DO NOT BELIEVE there is a god, that still does not prove there is a god. there is no fact involved. A BELIEF is NOT a fact. FACTS are indisputable. This has nothing to do with my opinion or anyone agreeing with me. FACTS are irrefutable truths that exist outside of opinion or belief.


@36 Twitter, based on their own term of service rules and regulations should have banned Trump from Twitter when he led the birther movement against Obama (if not before). You are very concerned about them flagging his lie about vote by mail and yet completely ignore all of his lies and attacks on other people. Trump is not a victim like you (and he) are claiming he is. Twitter chose to do what they do to millions of other users and you (and Trump) act like this is a politically motivated move. It is not.


You young people are just more susceptible to group think and hyperbole. Not sure you ever were taught how to think independently. According to the CDC plus many other worldwide sources like Canadian Health Ministry, 98% of deaths from Covid 19 are those aged 60 and older, with 69% of deaths age 85 and older. Those dying had more than one comorbidity factor. Those below age 60 who died had two or more comorbidity factors like undiagnosed pre-diabetes, etc. For the overwhelming majority of the population on this planet, Covid19 is less severe than the common cold. Do your own research. Don't give into fear or group think.

And btw, just because someone has opinions that differ from the woke crowd doesn't make them a MAGA. Anyone who is analytically inclined that uses data to guide their judgement would come to the same conclusions. The reaction from the governments to cost 30 million people their jobs just doesn't jive with the severity of Covid19. Show me data that says otherwise.

Mr. Burns, Ms. Graham, I challenge you to go do independent research on this subject and post a story about Covid19 victims and their demographic backgrounds that is based on the data collected so far, not from your 'feels'.


Over 100,000 people and their families in this country alone would disagree with your "opinion", but sure bury your head, I know you're scared.


owg says in @33: "Some scientists are of the opinion that God doesn't exit. Some are of the opinion that He does. You're simply citing the opinions of those that agree with you."

xina says in @47 "If half of scientists BELIEVE there is a god and half of scientists DO NOT BELIEVE there is a god, that still does not prove there is a god. there is no fact involved. A BELIEF is NOT a fact"

Earth to xina: A belief is not required to proven as fact in order for it to be believed.

Example: It is practically impossible for the earth to stop rotating. Still it theoretically could. It is not a fact that the earth will continue to rotate, yet the belief that it will is perfectly valid.


@51 the adults are talking and this conversation started out with the other party's comment as to who gets to decide what facts are. please drive through.


Does a Twitter account prove there is a God?

Donald Trump's lies are so outrageous that now God is calling him out

Donald Trump killed his personal assistant, Carolyn Gombell, in October 2000. He strangled her because he'd gotten her pregnant and was threatening to tell the press. Then he bribed NYPD Police Chief Bernie Kierik to cover it up. IT'S TIME TO INVESTIGATE. #JusticeForCarolyn
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) May 26, 2020

So far, Twitter has not censored God’s tweets about Trump and the “demise” of his former “personal assistant.”


@52: Oh yes, feeling the slightest bit cornered you take a cheap out. Fine with me.


@57: The validity of a belief is immaterial, if people believe it anyway. So other means of persuasion or influence will have to come into play to affect a change in racism, fringe politics, etc.


95% of people believe that God wouldn't vote by mail.


God ALWAYS votes-by-mail.

I Know this cause I always see
Him chatting up the USPS driver
who always tries to run Him over
but God's too damn Quick for him.

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