The city should provide arm bands to the police for their "mourning." Maybe even put a cool design like a couple of rune-like bolts on it. That would be stylish.
Cops are so full of themselves it's pathetic. 'Cut us some slack for obscuring our identification badges... we lost one of our own and we're in mourning.'
Meanwhile, those same cops are beating the shit out of people who are holding public vigils of mourning... for someone who was murdered by another cop.
A cop covering their badge makes as much sense as anyone else driving around with a 'mourning badge' over their car's license plate. 'Sorry that red-light camera or 520 automated bridge toll can't identify me... I'm in mourning.'
They want to mourn, fine... find a way to do it that doesn't interefere with their ability to do their job.
Simple solution: add badge numbers to nametags. The font is larger and easier to read anyway, and then officers can wear mourning bands on their badges to their heart’s content.
Can The Stranger verify claims that mourning bands do indeed cover up badge numbers? I've seen pictures of cops with mourning bands on their lapel pins, which look like badges but are not. Lapel pins don't have badge numbers on them, so the mourning band couldn't be covering that up.
From what I can tell, Seattle PD badges always have badge numbers at the bottom of the badge, never where a band would cover it. So I reiterate: can The Stranger confirm any instance in which a mourning band covered a badge number?
7 - Good point. Mourning bands are only about an inch wide and are supposed to cross the badge at the midpoint, well above the actual badge number, which is at the very bottom of the badge. Most mourning bands are specially made fabric bands that are elastic. Officers can use electrical tape in a pinch, but placement is the same.
That said, I wouldn't put it past some officers to sloppily wrap the tape around the lower part of their badges and cynically claim it's for mourning. If so, supervisors should rip it off and order it be placed correctly or not worn. And initiate formal corrective action.
So... we're being spied on via our electronic devices and we could have a SWAT team break down our door at any moment for tweeting sensitive material aka posting a video of police brutality, but they are free to move completely anonymously throughout our city pepper spraying children and smashing windows. Yeah, maybe we should fix that.
Police also taped over their badge numbers during the WTO protests in 1999. An officer who I know told me that it was done to hide their identity. At that time the purported reasoning was that many of the officers on duty were from other jurisdictions so their badge numbers were not meaningful. I do not recall that they mentioned "mourning badges" during that time.
I am also a city employee. I am required to have my full photo ID and employee number visible at all times when I'm at work, no matter who died (eye roll). Granted, I am just a portly middle-aged utility employee, but the rocks come with the farm for all of us in government work. If they don't like it, they should find work as a mall cop.
@13, he just didn't have the stones to come out and tell you that hiding their identities gave the cops from all jurisdictions carte blanche to abuse protestors without fear of identification. That was his real, not purported, reasoning. Speaking of which, I read, possibly on this blog, that the goober cops from Tukwila were very much out of control during WTO.
As sponsor of the original police badge ordinance In 2000, I believe Every city in the country should have a visible police ID requirement, with name and ID clearly visible at all times on their uniforms.
neo-realist dear, at the time of the WTO, I was living in a now long-demolished apartment building at the corner of Belmont and Olive Street, and was working in Pioneer square. Every morning when I walked to work I was required to go through a police checkpoint at the corner of Pine & Boren, where I had to show the contents of my bag. It was always the same beligerent cop from some out-of-town force. I rather think he fancied me, for he would seek me out each morning to see what was in my bag.
The last morning of the checkpoints, I loaded up my bag with some choice pornography and a truly massive dildo that I had from a side gig where I showed people how to put a condom on. (that was the sort of thing we did back in the 90's), and I proudly opened my bag to show him what was in thre.
He gasped, then turned a very bright shade of red and told me to move along. I thanked him for his service. I like to think that he still thinks of me from time to time.
The time has come: Every city in the nation should have an enforceable police badge ID requirement at all times, needed now, Andy especially times of mass protest and civil unrest.
Was that the one on the SE corner that mirrored Centennial Arms (I lived here during the late '80's) on the NE corner? Loved those little courtyards and the teensy swimming pools!
And I'm sure he does think of you - every time he fondles his "baton"! ;)
The city should provide arm bands to the police for their "mourning." Maybe even put a cool design like a couple of rune-like bolts on it. That would be stylish.
Cops are so full of themselves it's pathetic. 'Cut us some slack for obscuring our identification badges... we lost one of our own and we're in mourning.'
Meanwhile, those same cops are beating the shit out of people who are holding public vigils of mourning... for someone who was murdered by another cop.
A cop covering their badge makes as much sense as anyone else driving around with a 'mourning badge' over their car's license plate. 'Sorry that red-light camera or 520 automated bridge toll can't identify me... I'm in mourning.'
They want to mourn, fine... find a way to do it that doesn't interefere with their ability to do their job.
Simple solution: add badge numbers to nametags. The font is larger and easier to read anyway, and then officers can wear mourning bands on their badges to their heart’s content.
Can The Stranger verify claims that mourning bands do indeed cover up badge numbers? I've seen pictures of cops with mourning bands on their lapel pins, which look like badges but are not. Lapel pins don't have badge numbers on them, so the mourning band couldn't be covering that up.
From what I can tell, Seattle PD badges always have badge numbers at the bottom of the badge, never where a band would cover it. So I reiterate: can The Stranger confirm any instance in which a mourning band covered a badge number?
Saaaaaaay...i think you may be on to something... That's a genius idea!
7 - Good point. Mourning bands are only about an inch wide and are supposed to cross the badge at the midpoint, well above the actual badge number, which is at the very bottom of the badge. Most mourning bands are specially made fabric bands that are elastic. Officers can use electrical tape in a pinch, but placement is the same.
That said, I wouldn't put it past some officers to sloppily wrap the tape around the lower part of their badges and cynically claim it's for mourning. If so, supervisors should rip it off and order it be placed correctly or not worn. And initiate formal corrective action.
We can't go to funerals either but we don't get an out.
@9 for the win. Do it in public.
So... we're being spied on via our electronic devices and we could have a SWAT team break down our door at any moment for tweeting sensitive material aka posting a video of police brutality, but they are free to move completely anonymously throughout our city pepper spraying children and smashing windows. Yeah, maybe we should fix that.
Police also taped over their badge numbers during the WTO protests in 1999. An officer who I know told me that it was done to hide their identity. At that time the purported reasoning was that many of the officers on duty were from other jurisdictions so their badge numbers were not meaningful. I do not recall that they mentioned "mourning badges" during that time.
Make the police wear their ID number on multiple places on the uniform, like British police do. On their collars, hats, badges, etc. No exceptions.
I am also a city employee. I am required to have my full photo ID and employee number visible at all times when I'm at work, no matter who died (eye roll). Granted, I am just a portly middle-aged utility employee, but the rocks come with the farm for all of us in government work. If they don't like it, they should find work as a mall cop.
@13, he just didn't have the stones to come out and tell you that hiding their identities gave the cops from all jurisdictions carte blanche to abuse protestors without fear of identification. That was his real, not purported, reasoning. Speaking of which, I read, possibly on this blog, that the goober cops from Tukwila were very much out of control during WTO.
As sponsor of the original police badge ordinance In 2000, I believe Every city in the country should have a visible police ID requirement, with name and ID clearly visible at all times on their uniforms.
Peter Steinbrueck
Badge number should be six inches tall on their back, down both legs, on their helmet, on their gun.
Readable in cell phone video at short range and quality photo or video at long range is the goal.
neo-realist dear, at the time of the WTO, I was living in a now long-demolished apartment building at the corner of Belmont and Olive Street, and was working in Pioneer square. Every morning when I walked to work I was required to go through a police checkpoint at the corner of Pine & Boren, where I had to show the contents of my bag. It was always the same beligerent cop from some out-of-town force. I rather think he fancied me, for he would seek me out each morning to see what was in my bag.
The last morning of the checkpoints, I loaded up my bag with some choice pornography and a truly massive dildo that I had from a side gig where I showed people how to put a condom on. (that was the sort of thing we did back in the 90's), and I proudly opened my bag to show him what was in thre.
He gasped, then turned a very bright shade of red and told me to move along. I thanked him for his service. I like to think that he still thinks of me from time to time.
Poor, poor babaies having to live life ooh poor poor babies
@20- brilliant.
@20- thank you for your work in the 90's re safe sex. It's a shame germansausages' parents didn't attend one of your classes.
The time has come: Every city in the nation should have an enforceable police badge ID requirement at all times, needed now, Andy especially times of mass protest and civil unrest.
Was that the one on the SE corner that mirrored Centennial Arms (I lived here during the late '80's) on the NE corner? Loved those little courtyards and the teensy swimming pools!
And I'm sure he does think of you - every time he fondles his "baton"! ;)
I got an idea. If you can’t see the badge number, look on the other side of the chest where their name tag is.