Good morning.
It's Thursday, June 4, and today's message was recorded in the dark of early morning, with the lights off, by the one and only Kimya Dawson.
Put on your headphones.
Kimya is a celebrated writer and singer of songs and an all-purpose force for good in the world.
First making her artistic mark as half of the antifolk duo the Moldy Peaches, Kimya soon turned to solo work, where the twisted punchline poetry of the Peaches was deployed in the service of Dawson's gem-like personal narratives, creating such singular works as I’m Sorry That Sometimes I’m Mean (2002), My Cute Fiend Sweet Princess (2004), Hidden Vagenda (2004), Remember That I Love You (2006), and Thunder Thighs (2011), and earning her a 2009 Grammy for her work on the soundtrack for the film Juno. More recently, she joined forces with hiphop artist Aesop Rock to form the Uncluded, whose debut record Hokey Fright was released to critical acclaim in 2013.
She frequently tours the world, often with her kid Panda by her side.
Thank you, Kimya. Thank you so much.
#attheseams #resigndurkantheslimeball #blacklivesmatter #ahmaudarbery #breonnataylor #georgefloyd #saytheirnames
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Previously in this series: