Why would anyone want doctors-it would be doctors doing this, no nurse would be this evil-to be able to deny medical care to one of their fellow human beings because of their freaking gender identity? Why should that have anything whatsoever to do with the services a doctor is supposed to provide a patient? And why would any physician put their issues with trans/non-binary identity ahead of their obligation to follow the Hippocratic Oath?
I'll second GermanSausage - my mother was a nurse AND she was an anti-racist, albeit in a relatively low-key way since she wasn't willing to risk her career over it. Nonetheless I have several happy memories of my mother exercising her evil streak against racists and homophobes, "laying landmines and lobbing hand grenades" she called it, although I assure you it was all verbal. She just really really really enjoyed a good smackdown, and was really good at delivering one.
Do not imagine for a moment that her targets were all doctors. Do you think nurses live in a different universe and only pop into this one for their shifts? They have just as broad a range of idiocies and prejudices as any other group of middle-class people - and they are predominantly white, to boot, so they have the handicap of their privilege both economically and socially. Oh, American nurses tend to be poorly paid and overworked, even in comparison to their overworked and underpaid colleagues in Canada, so you might /think/ they have more in common with the less economically advantaged. But, you'd be wrong. Again.
A 6-3 ruling, you could read that two ways-
A clever feint towards moderation to pave the way for acceptance of overturning Roe v Wade and ACA.
The right has basically conceded on these major battles, accepted their inevitability and wants to move on. These issues are losers for them individually they no longer even believe their own rhetoric on the subjects.
They will save their fire for issues where they consider they have a popular mandate such as Second Amendment cases, affirmative action, labor rights.
@5 - no way the Right has given up on Roe. From what I have read acceptance of gay rights is not as hard-core a position for a lot of them as the abortion issue. This may be a genuine shift to more moderation in some things but no way are they willing to give up on abortion and guns.
@1: Some doctors are "religious" (read: bigots) and want the 'right' to their 'religious beliefs' that prevent them from having to deal with icky trans people.
@6 dvs99: Thank you. Agreed and seconded. I rest my case. Neil Gorsuch is not my friend. I'll believe him when RepubliKKKans are no longer hellbent on universally banning abortion rights. Our bodies, our choices. But I'm all for the universal castration of RepubliKKKan penises.
@7 kristofarian: Yep. You're once again spot on, as usual, kris.
In this case, is "denying health care" a codeword for turning down gender reassignment surgery? And not covering it under the ACA/Medicaid/employer-provided insurance? Because I can see a slippery slope ahead.
Please wait...
and remember to be decent to everyone all of the time.
Why would anyone want doctors-it would be doctors doing this, no nurse would be this evil-to be able to deny medical care to one of their fellow human beings because of their freaking gender identity? Why should that have anything whatsoever to do with the services a doctor is supposed to provide a patient? And why would any physician put their issues with trans/non-binary identity ahead of their obligation to follow the Hippocratic Oath?
I'll second GermanSausage - my mother was a nurse AND she was an anti-racist, albeit in a relatively low-key way since she wasn't willing to risk her career over it. Nonetheless I have several happy memories of my mother exercising her evil streak against racists and homophobes, "laying landmines and lobbing hand grenades" she called it, although I assure you it was all verbal. She just really really really enjoyed a good smackdown, and was really good at delivering one.
Do not imagine for a moment that her targets were all doctors. Do you think nurses live in a different universe and only pop into this one for their shifts? They have just as broad a range of idiocies and prejudices as any other group of middle-class people - and they are predominantly white, to boot, so they have the handicap of their privilege both economically and socially. Oh, American nurses tend to be poorly paid and overworked, even in comparison to their overworked and underpaid colleagues in Canada, so you might /think/ they have more in common with the less economically advantaged. But, you'd be wrong. Again.
The Gors is still not your friend.
A 6-3 ruling, you could read that two ways-
A clever feint towards moderation to pave the way for acceptance of overturning Roe v Wade and ACA.
The right has basically conceded on these major battles, accepted their inevitability and wants to move on. These issues are losers for them individually they no longer even believe their own rhetoric on the subjects.
They will save their fire for issues where they consider they have a popular mandate such as Second Amendment cases, affirmative action, labor rights.
@5 - no way the Right has given up on Roe. From what I have read acceptance of gay rights is not as hard-core a position for a lot of them as the abortion issue. This may be a genuine shift to more moderation in some things but no way are they willing to give up on abortion and guns.
Fake feint to the Left
to smooth the way for
stopping any Vote Count
come November. But they
seemed so dang Reasonable!
Kavanaughtiest Maximus's got
Designs on Chief 'Justice' Roberts'
Chair. He's a real Tim Eyeman, that guy.
@1: Some doctors are "religious" (read: bigots) and want the 'right' to their 'religious beliefs' that prevent them from having to deal with icky trans people.
I stand corrected on what some health care professionals are capable of.
@6 dvs99: Thank you. Agreed and seconded. I rest my case. Neil Gorsuch is not my friend. I'll believe him when RepubliKKKans are no longer hellbent on universally banning abortion rights. Our bodies, our choices. But I'm all for the universal castration of RepubliKKKan penises.
@7 kristofarian: Yep. You're once again spot on, as usual, kris.
In this case, is "denying health care" a codeword for turning down gender reassignment surgery? And not covering it under the ACA/Medicaid/employer-provided insurance? Because I can see a slippery slope ahead.