

What is happening in America???

Trump signals he will send federal agents to major cities

Trump Vows to Send Federal Agents Into Cities Facing Violence
President names Chicago, Detroit, New York, Baltimore, Oakland, and Philadelphia

Trump Prepping Federal Invasion
The Trump administration is planning to send more militarized federal officers into U.S. cities.


@3: Another indication of the cavalier insincerity to the cause protesters have recently inadvertently displayed. Gone are the days of symmetrical protest, e.g, get out of Viet Nam, civil rights, where it defined by only one scenario: a coordinated protest with a coordinate message, and a result.

Now protests are discordioate asymmetrical protesting - protesters all acting independently on their own soapboxes, or just simply and selfishly indulging in gratuitous vulgarity (like this woman) or gratuitous vandalism.

This chips away at the whole BLM movement that really deserved a unified, concise and powerful message.


Portland police don't need to be defunded. They need to be disbanded and their union decertified. Some new form of "policing" needs to be put in place, but probably fewer than 25% of current Portland police should be rehired.


@5 Please, enough with the hypocritical posts about how serious protesting should be. That naked woman stopped the Trump gestapo in their tracks and they ran off. Cops are afraid of naked women and vaginas. Good to know. Stop acting like there are rules and only one way things can and should be done. Enough bullshit.

We've got a rogue federal government that is sending untrained fake cops to snatch people off the streets, tear gassing and beating people exercising their First Amendment rights, including pregnant women and military veterans.

This country has stood by and done basically nothing for centuries while Black people are murdered every single day by police officers and other white supremacist terrorists. Stop acting like you know how things should be done. Stop with the concern trolling. It's sad and pathetic and 100% insincere.

Instead of wringing your hands about how protesters are behaving or are not behaving, start taking some action about how the federal government and its homemade gestapo are being used by the president, how cops are doubling down in response to nationwide protests about violence and murder they commit, with more violence and murder, and refuse to just be someone who sits around saying stupid shit while history happens.

Even I, sitting on my ass, disabled and unable to walk or leave the house (thanks to COVID-19) have contributed to the protests and made my voice heard with my so-called representatives (local, state, and national).

The Black Lives Matter movement does have one concise and powerful message STOP KILLING BLACK PEOPLE!!!! Your fake concern about the movement and how people are or are not protesting is totally phony.


When this is all over, Alex Zielinski deserves a Pulitzer.

"Sunday night saw more of the same: Federal officers were met by a “wall of moms”—a long line of white mothers linking arms at the front lines in front of the federal courthouse without any protective gear.......
......And yet, they were met with a barrage of tear gas and rubber bullets."

Honest Question. Do the police select for the most worthless cowards they can find in our society, or do you train them to be that way after they arrive?

Asking for a friend......


@10 "Cops are afraid of naked women and vaginas."

They're not the only ones:

@3: "or just simply and selfishly indulging in gratuitous vulgarity (like this woman)"

Supporters of the police state are often pearl clutching pervs who find the female body "vulgar."

And you thought "The Scarlet Letter" 16th century sensibility about women was a thing of the past, didn't you?


"...showing up to defend Black lives from police violence..." oh is that what these folks are doing by destroying public and private property and attacking those charged with protecting it. And all this time my eyes and ears were assuming this crowd was attempting to destroy this country from within by taking advantage of the sensibilities and good nature of citizens living in Democrat run cities. How dare I trust my eyes and ears, my bad, thanks for explaining that to me, Alex, with your accurately aimed journalisming all over this paper.



So these 'Federal agents' (remember that is just one way to characterize them) were dispatched to Portland ostensibly to protect Federal property, correct?
And then there was mission creep and they became enthusiastic and started into 'crowd control' (remember this too is an arbitrary linguistic construct) as well as apprehending 'suspects' outside of the area of any Federal property.
So a question poses itself- will this mission creep extend into going into peoples (or we could characterize them as 'citizens') homes and arresting them without warrant, without identification?
If so, would it not be 100% accurate to characterize them as 'Secret Police' ?
Is that where we are America?


13 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿


@19, Possible. What isn't possible is if anyone could have SEEN it! Harry Henderson never encountered a muff providing that much insulation! Has it been confirmed that there wasn't a female penis hiding in there???


All that white on white crime, man, why is that never addressed? 84% of white people murdered in America are murdered by white people. When white people are not murdering black people, white people are murdering white people. We really need to get on that. Law enforcement does not even solve 30% of the homicides in this country (and the murders of black people by cops, they just go ignored, with no consequences).

White people are violent, homicidal, deeply racist and misogynist terrorists. White people are a SERIOUS FUCKING PROBLEM IN THIS COUNTRY. If white people were managed better, violence in this country could be reduced by over 85%!!!! Perhaps white people should be rounded up and gotten rid of? It sure would solve so many problems - no more killing of people by white people based on them being Black (or Native American or whatever other skin color white people can't stand existing and therefore must kill) AND all of that white on white crime, well it would just cease to exist! Talk about a win-win.

It's been explained endlessly and repeatedly how Black people killed by Black people in this country:


And there ARE Black people who care about Black people killing Black people and are doing a lot of work to put a stop to it. Ignoring that, just like you ignore the above, does not change that fact either.

Troll, rinse, repeat. The real tragedy is that your act is boring and old.


@19: Way to tell us all that you too are afraid of vagina Jackie.....


@21: Ooooo you too little mad cadaver! Maybe you and Jackie should get together under the covers and tell each other scary stories


@24: Oh honey, think.
If it were all vIolEcE & GRaFfiTi why would white suburban moms leave the safety of their homes to put their bodies between the protesters and these federal agents? And keep coming back in greater numbers?

Why would privileged members of what the right likes to call the silent majority endure tear gas and police violence to protect criminals and looters?



@24: Also? I don't know about you, but where I come from graffiti is usually dealt with by the application of some solvent and a little elbow grease, not the violation of the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments of the Constitution


Xina likes to claim the mantle of being the most racially sensitive and progressive person you could ever meet. But as an intellectual exercise, let's take @22 and switch black with white and white with black.

The result illustrates a horrifying and fundamental misunderstanding of racial sensitivity given that her rage is essentially mirrored bigotry and prejudice of her own race.

= = =

All that black on black crime, man, why is that never addressed? 84% of black people murdered in America are murdered by black people. When black people are not murdering White people, black people are murdering black people. We really need to get on that. Law enforcement does not even solve 30% of the homicides in this country (and the murders of White people by cops, they just go ignored, with no consequences).
Black people are violent, homicidal, deeply racist and misogynist terrorists. Black people are a SERIOUS FUCKING PROBLEM IN THIS COUNTRY. If black people were managed better, violence in this country could be reduced by over 85%!!!! Perhaps black people should be rounded up and gotten rid of? It sure would solve so many problems - no more killing of people by black people based on them being White (or Native American or whatever other skin color black people can't stand existing and therefore must kill) AND all of that black on black crime, well it would just cease to exist! Talk about a win-win.
It's been explained endlessly and repeatedly how White people killed by White people in this country:
And there ARE White people who care about White people killing White people and are doing a lot of work to put a stop to it. Ignoring that, just like you ignore the above, does not change that fact either.
Troll, rinse, repeat. The real tragedy is that your act is boring and old.


@30: Yes, yes we have already established that you hate the constitution and hilariously labor under the delusion that only conservatives are armed.
Oh, and I do hope that you remembered to have enough Kleenex on hand to tidy yourself up after this little outburst.


@18 Yes that is where we are.

“The idea that there’s a threat to a federal courthouse and the federal authorities are going to swoop in and do whatever they want to do without any cooperation and coordination with state and local authorities is extraordinary outside the context of a civil war,” said Michael Dorf, a professor of constitutional law at Cornell University.

“It is a standard move of authoritarians to use the pretext of quelling violence to bring in force, thereby prompting a violent response and then bootstrapping the initial use of force in the first place,” Dorf said.


@33: Reality? One wonders what to make of trolling questions like "perhaps white people should be rounded up and gotten rid of?".

At best, it's creative license of illustrating absurdity. At worst, it's how she truly feels.


SARCASM. LOOK IT UP, FFS. The level of stupidity of some of the people commenting here is truly incomprehensible. Especially when they claim to be over the age of 12.


@6: Down, Muffy, down.
@5, @29, and @35: Gargling with high fructose corn syrup again, Rainy? You really ought to cut back on your sugar intake and over consumption of chemical preservatives.
@19, @24 & @26: Careful, lil incel. The bald spot under your MAGA cap is showing.

Lissa, xina, Kallipugos, and Garb Garbler for the WIN!


Speaking of trumpf
the Disappearing of Citizens
and Fascism
this, from the nyt::
One comment on the article:

"Trump’s Occupation of American Cities Has Begun

Protesters are being snatched from the streets without warrants. Can we call it fascism yet?" By Michelle Goldberg.

I live in downtown Portland, not far from the federal building where the protesters congregate. Our city is not "under siege" by radicals by any stretch of the imagination, as Trump and Fox News want people to believe.

You can walk anywhere today in downtown Portland and barely realize that protests are happening here.

The majority of protesters are peaceful advocates for the Black Lives Matter movement.

A handful of more radical activists (mostly white youngsters) stay near the federal building late at night, spraying graffiti and lobbing items such as water bottles at the police.

This is limited to fewer than 100 activists in a one square block radius and only after midnight. The protests were in fact winding down, until Trump decided to send in his federal thugs to commit violence and whip up hysteria for his base.

Like all authoritarians, Trump is the one trying to create an enemy for people to fear.
--Michael; Portland, OR 7/20/2020

And yep, Michelle, we CAN call it what it IS:

It's a damn fine Distraction from Fake "prez's"
criminally-negligent mishandling of the trumpf Pandemic.

He's gotta take it out on Somebody.
Why not Portland?


@39: My comment for @35 was meant for @36.
@30, @34 & @35: What are you senselessly babbling on about?
MAGA is truly your Downfall.


@40 kristofarian: Well quoted. Agreed and seconded. I add you to my list of nominees for the comment thread WIN, along with Lissa, xina, Garb Garbler, and kallipugos. Kudos to the five of you for ll being so spot ON.


@18 again:

It is important to understand the full implications of the government’s legal theory as it is playing out in Portland. It is the equivalent of declaring martial law for purposes of national security, based on the lie that military force is needed to keep the peace. Imposing martial law for national security is a tool of dictators...

Trump’s Legal Justification for the Abduction of Portland Protesters Is Absurd


@18: No Xina, it wasn't sarcasm at all. We know you better that you do.


@46 refers to 38.


While sending Feds to Portland is disgusting, it plays into Mayor Ted Wheeler's, the City Councils and the elected DAs hands. Despite their very public outcries to the contrary, they love that the Feds have shown up to take the heat off their corrupt relationship with their local police department.

Mayors, City Councils, DAs and many judges, be they blue or red love the patronage system they've established with local police departments and their unions. The Mayor and City Councils are the people who sign off on these offensive police contracts and it's the DAs and judges who fail to hold corrupt police accountable. Then they very publicly act offended and shocked when the public gets a momentary glance at the corruption driving the police departments that they enabled while no one was looking.

Despite the feigned offense and feigned calls for reforms that always amount to nothing, the Wheeler's and Durkan's love their corrupt police departments just as they are and are greatful fact the heat is now of them and instead focused on the Feds.

If you want to change the system of policing in your area, you need to fire your Mayor, your DAs, your uncooperative city council members and judges who keep this corrupt system in place.

If you want to fire Trump as well that's fine, but policing is local and it will do nothing to change your corrupt local policing and their corrupt unions. It's your local political representatives that are resisting any real change to the status quo while constantly telling the press they are "progressive reformers" by claiming the support a lot of changes that in practice they fight to keep in place. What a joke they may be, but the joke is on up and its not funny.


@5 I know it's hard to summon the energy for anything else when you're so deeply concerned about the merits of protesters' tactics in pursuit of their scattered, nebulous goals (Black People Alive? Police something something? I forget the phrases they keep chanting, it's all just so vague and ambiguous), but I'm worried that the Portland deployment of the President's Amalgamated Honor Guard might not be the most effective means available of achieving the federal government's single specific and clearly stated goal, which has slipped my mind for the moment but I'm sure I can just check the public Trump's Troops web site to refresh my memory?


@53 Yes in this age of polarization and bubbles the only sources one can rely on for unbiased fact news are the Constitution, the Holy Bible, and your Dungeons and Dragons Second Edition Player's Handbook.


@34: Oh sweetheart! You don’t get to clutch your pearls about scary armed leftists supposedly marching around CHOP and then sneer that scary armed leftists should show up to exacerbate a volatile situation in Portland. I mean can you try to keep track of your frothings? For your own sake? Maybe a spreadsheet? You could also use it to keep track of your favored insults (“libstastic” "cultist" etc) so you don’t get too repetitive.
Oh, and since you brought up strawmen, can I ask where you get the fodder you use to build that Marxist you keep so tightly held to your heaving bosom? And about how many bales do you go through in a week would you say?


Shorter SB/Raindrip:

"I've never been to a protest and don't know the first thing about them or how they're conducted. So, let me edumacate all y'all on how to do it correctly."


@60 He's a Log Cabin Republican, he's been to a couple of protests. Been a while, though, and there was never a whole lot of flavor in 'em, as they used to say.


Pretty sure it thinks it's Patton, reborn yet again, to bitchslap the Pacifists back into their Proper Place. Along with the Negro element. Not to forget the womenfolk. Long as it's already Here.

Ya don't gotta be a Fascist to Fight back.

But yonder cometh trumpfy
and the yahoo too
to take america back again.


@63: "Concern trolling" is such a convenient dismissal of a point of view that you don't want to bother thinking about because you don't have logic or facts to rebut it.

Shorter raindrop: you hide behind your straw.


Portland Police are investigating nearly 100 fires in the Portland area over a 10 day period. Portland Police is asking for help, tips and witnesses to these fires that costs thousands to contain.— Spread the word! Facebook Like, Tweet, Link and Email this very article.— Contribute online at .— We’ve been protecting you for 21 years. There are lots of Videos and comments all over from People in Portland saying how bad it is and that for the past 2 months they have been afraid and hoping the chaos would stop, but the Mayor is not doing anything about stopping it.


God bless Dr. Abolo for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES since 2016 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about Dr. Abolo, how he cured HERPES with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 14 days later i was cured from HERPES you can reach him through his


God bless Dr. Abolo for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES since 2016 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about Dr. Abolo, how he cured HERPES with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 14 days later i was cured from HERPES you can reach him through his


What a great joy in my heart to share this to the entire public on how Dr Oyoma cured me from herpes with his herbs, I never believed it would work because the doctors keep saying there is no cure but I was desperate and needed to get this thing out of my body. I saw a comment online testifying how Dr Oyoma cured her from herpes and hpv and I contacted Dr Oyoma and explained my problem to him and he prepared the cure and sent it to me through UPS, which I used just the way He instructed me to, and  I went to my doctor for checkup after 11 days of taking the herbs and i was tested Herpes negative and my doctor told me that the virus is completely gone from my system. So I will tell you all who are looking for a cure to his/her diseases such as HIV/AIDS, HERPES, DIABETES, COLD SORE etc that Dr Oyoma is the final solution to the problem and a lot of people are also benefiting from him right now. He also cured my Uncle and his wife from HPV. Dr Oyoma uses his pure natural herbs and roots to treat and heal all kinds of deadly diseases. Please I urge anybody suffering from any ailment to contact him now through his email address: or WhatsApp/Call  him on +2347041851286. I assure you that he will be of great help to you
Dr Oyoma is capable of curing HIV/AIDS, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, COLD SORE, CANCER DIABETES and so many other infections. 
His website is ::  
You  can reach me on my mail :: or whatsapp or call me on +1 (856)661-7665




All Thanks to Dr Agbonifo I was suffering from Herpes for over 3 years, i was hopeless until one of my friend directed me to a man called Dr Agbonifo, she said he cures cancer,herpes,Diabetes e.t.c,i never believed her but had to give it a try, just few days ago i contacted him and he told me what to do which i did and he prepared a herbal medicine and sent to me with prescriptions on how i will take it.After taking the treatment i went for medical check up and i was surprised to see that i am negative,I am proud to tell you the i am the most happiest person on earth. i will forever be grateful to God Almighty, today i am a happy Man Big thanks to Dr Agbonifo If you have any problem and you need help, You can contact his WhatsAPP + 234 903 474 9874 or Dragbonifo @ outlook. com


Hello everyone, I’m so happy because I am free from (HERPES) I have been suffering from HERPES since the past three years now, and I have passed through many different processes in getting cured from herpes but nothing was working out. A friend of mine introduced me to a man called Dr.Balogun who sent me a herbal medicine which he prepared for me and told me to use the herbal medicine for 21 days which i did, and my life get transformed and everything is fine and okay with me. Till now I have been going for check up and it is now going to four months and I am still negative.Thanks once again Dr.Balogun may God bless your good works. so contact him today via email you can also call or WhatsApp him on +2349064881054.


Hello everyone, I’m so happy because I am free from (HERPES) I have been suffering from HERPES since the past three years now, and I have passed through many different processes in getting cured from herpes but nothing was working out. A friend of mine introduced me to a man called Dr.Balogun who sent me a herbal medicine which he prepared for me and told me to use the herbal medicine for 21 days which i did, and my life get transformed and everything is fine and okay with me. Till now I have been going for check up and it is now going to four months and I am still negative.Thanks once again Dr.Balogun may God bless your good works. so contact him today via email you can also call or WhatsApp him on +2349064881054.


Does anyone still doubt natural herbs? I've seen the great importance of natural supplements and the wonderful work they have done in people's lives. I wonder why people still spend their money on surgery, injections and drugs each time they are sick. Natural herbs can cure all kinds of illness.  My Herpes virus was totally reversed with natural herbs this year. Earlier this year my sister who lives in New Delhi India Purchased HSV herbal remedy from Dr Omola and he told her that his HSV herbal remedy only takes five weeks to reverse HSV completely, which she didn’t’ believe, but she had no choice than to purchase, because she knew COLD SORES was killing me slowly. When I received the herbal remedy, I only used it for five weeks, it was so shocking to see the outcome, all my cold sore disappeared and my HERPES VIRUS was fully reversed. I know it is hard to believe but am a living testimony, There is no harm in trying natural herbs supplements. Contact Dr Omola for his herbal remedy today... Email; Call/Whatsapp +2348118116254 for more information  Thanks


I have used Dr Okolo herbal Medicine cure remedy for 2 WEEKS now. So far, it has cured my HERPES, eliminated my COLD SORE, improved energy and metabolism, in the morning I feel recharged and I no longer feel sleepy after a meal. As for the scent, it does smell like motor oil but I chase it down with 100% Herbal medicine from Dr Okolo twice a day AFTER a meal. I also experienced vivid dreams for about 5 days now it’s diminishing to during the first 2 or 3 hours of sleep . contact Dr Okolo: EMAIL: or whatsapp +2347031895935 and He also have herbs medicine.
Some other areas of your health you may need Dr Okolo help to get cured.
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I’m Blessing by name, i was diagnosed with Herpes virus for 3 years, i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn’t going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of money but my condition never got better i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw Mr Brown post on how Dr Akuza saved him from the VIRUS with herbal medicine i contacted Dr Akuza on his email address  (  we spoke on the issue i told him all that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me through courier service and told me how to use it, after 14 days of usage I went to see the doctor for test, then the result was negative, am the happiest woman on earth now. This testimony is real. thanks to Dr Akuza God bless you. you can also reach him on his whatsApp number +2348072437003


Am testifying of the miraculous work of a great traditional doctor called Dr Oje Abacha . I have been suffering from herpes since last 2 years with my Husband but today I am happy that am cure from it with the herbal medicine made by Dr Oje Abacha the great healer, I was browsing the Internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr Oje Abacha cure her from Herpes Disease. I quickly contacted him to get the cure and today i am now free from the Virus, Email him now for help at you can also call him on +2348159734766


I’m so happy to testify of the good work of Dr CHO-CHA I Suffer from Herpes virus since 2007 and i had frequent symptoms in my private area, after some time it will go away after using acyclovir drugs, then come back after some months. it was disheartening since i have been diagnosed, but after finding Dr CHO-CHA and his reviews i was convinced that he will definitely cure me and so i contacted and he told me how to get his medicine and using it for just 14 days and i will go and check up and first i said how can that be possible but i used his herbal medicine after making purchase and truly i used it and went for the test again, and my result came back negative. so i made it a task to share this good testimony in the internet so that those sick can benefit and get cured.Email:(


Believe me or not Herbal Medication will remain the only best way to get rid of many disease and virus that said to have no cure, i had herpes virus and my Dad was diagnosed of diabetes for 9 years, I never gave up in doing research on how to get my self cure of genital herpes because it was really terrible for me that i cry when ever i think about my past herpes life, The good news was when i accidentally came across a blog on you tube about Dr JOE (A NATURAL HERBALIST) on how he has been curing many disease and virus with his herbal remedies that are natural liquid herbs, i immediately copied out his contact mail ( dr.joeblessed@ gmail . com) and ordered his herbs for both me and my dad, to my greatest surprise ever DR JOE got me and my Father CURED in the space of 1 month after using his herbs for three complete weeks and my dad blood sugar was normal 4.0 to 5.4 mmol/L (72 to 99 mg/dL) Once again all thanks to Dr Joe for curing and restoring health back to my family, Till date Dr JOE and my dad are best of friends for curing him, to whom it may concern should kindly mail him too on ( dr.joebleesed @ gmail . com ) ( )   CALL +234 (903) 4258471 WHATSAPP +234 (903) 4258471


I do not normally like giving my views about certain matters, but the Herpes treatment solution that i ordered from Dr Olori is simply too great not to share due to its fast and effective outcomes. I saw a massive development right after just a couple weeks. This morning I tested negative, email


Natural herbs have cured so many illness that drugs and injection can’t cure. I've seen the great importance of natural herbs and the wonderful work they have done in people's lives. i read people's testimonies online on how they were cured of HERPES, HIV, diabetics etc by Dr Edes herbal medicine, so i decided to contact the doctor because i know nature has the power to heal anything. I was diagnosed with Herpes for the past 3 years but Dr Edes cured me with his herbs and i referred my aunt and her husband to him immediately because they were both suffering from Herpes but to God be the glory, they were cured too .I know is hard to believe but am a living testimony. There is no harm trying herbs, Thanks. Write him on WhatsApp on +2348151937428. @dr_edes_remedies deals with
(1)Alzheimer virus
(5)Genital warts
(7)Virginal infection
Email him on


I can’t believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all HERPES patient in the world, i never believed that their could be a complete cure for HERPES or any cure for HERPES,i saw people’s testimony on blog sites and comment section about Dr.Apala a herbal doctor and the efficiency of his herbal medicine.I had to give him a try because i my self have been suffering from the same virus, and i was not disappointed. It took just few weeks i started using it i started noticing changes. I was cured . You can also contact him on his or Whats App number+2348114047176
He can also cure so many sickness
4. ALS
9. LUPUS (Lupus Vulgaris or Lupus


Hello everyone, I’m so happy because I am free from (HERPES) I have been suffering from HERPES since the past three years now, and I have passed through many different processes in getting cured from herpes but nothing was working out. A friend of mine introduced me to a man called Dr.Balogun who sent me a herbal medicine which he prepared for me and told me to use the herbal medicine for 21 days which i did, and my life get transformed and everything is fine and okay with me. Till now I have been going for check up and it is now going to four months and I am still negative.Thanks once again Dr.Balogun may God bless your good works. so contact him today via email you can also call or WhatsApp him on +2349064881054.


Thank God for using Dr Ojamo to get me cured from Herpes virus
The disease appeared at the age of 38, with no hope of a cure from the hospitals i have went to, I thought my life have come to an end, until a friend of mine told me about Dr, Ojamo who treats all Kinds of
diseases including Herpes, I contacted him via his email: and purchased the Herpes drug which is in a form of liquid after preparation, I received the medicine
through airwingexpressdelivery and immediately commenced usage as prescribed, i used the medicine within 3weeks that i was instructed and to my greatest surprise my result became negative I am Herpes free, and I won't stop rejoicing and giving thanks to God for using Dr ojamo to cure me, you can contact him for your cure or any kinds of drugs, contact his Whatsapp number +2349077406037 or email


I can’t believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all HERPES patient in the world, i never believed that their could be a complete cure for HERPES or any cure for HERPES,i saw people’s testimony on blog sites and comment section about Dr.Apala a herbal doctor and the efficiency of his herbal medicine.I had to give him a try because i my self have been suffering from the same virus, and i was not disappointed. It took just few weeks i started using it i started noticing changes. I was cured . You can also contact him on his or Whats App number+2348114047176
He can also cure so many sickness
4. ALS
9. LUPUS (Lupus Vulgaris or Lupus


What a great joy in my heart to share this to the entire public on how Dr Oyoma cured me from herpes with his herbs, I never believed it would work because the doctors keep saying there is no cure but I was desperate and needed to get this thing out of my body. I saw a comment online testifying how Dr Oyoma cured her from herpes and hpv and I contacted Dr Oyoma and explained my problem to him and he prepared the cure and sent it to me through UPS, which I used just the way He instructed me to, and  I went to my doctor for checkup after 11 days of taking the herbs and i was tested Herpes negative and my doctor told me that the virus is completely gone from my system. So I will tell you all who are looking for a cure to his/her diseases such as HIV/AIDS, HERPES, DIABETES, COLD SORE etc that Dr Oyoma is the final solution to the problem and a lot of people are also benefiting from him right now. He also cured my Uncle and his wife from HPV. Dr Oyoma uses his pure natural herbs and roots to treat and heal all kinds of deadly diseases. Please I urge anybody suffering from any ailment to contact him now through his email address: or WhatsApp/Call  him on +2347041851286. I assure you that he will be of great help to you
Dr Oyoma is capable of curing HIV/AIDS, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, COLD SORE, CANCER DIABETES and so many other infections. 
His website is ::  
His Facebook Page: 
You  can reach me on my mail :: or whatsapp or call me on +1 (856)661-7665


What a great joy in my heart to share this to the entire public on how Dr Oyoma cured me from herpes with his herbs, I never believed it would work because the doctors keep saying there is no cure but I was desperate and needed to get this thing out of my body. I saw a comment online testifying how Dr Oyoma cured her from herpes and hpv and I contacted Dr Oyoma and explained my problem to him and he prepared the cure and sent it to me through UPS, which I used just the way He instructed me to, and  I went to my doctor for checkup after 11 days of taking the herbs and i was tested Herpes negative and my doctor told me that the virus is completely gone from my system. So I will tell you all who are looking for a cure to his/her diseases such as HIV/AIDS, HERPES, DIABETES, COLD SORE etc that Dr Oyoma is the final solution to the problem and a lot of people are also benefiting from him right now. He also cured my Uncle and his wife from HPV. Dr Oyoma uses his pure natural herbs and roots to treat and heal all kinds of deadly diseases. Please I urge anybody suffering from any ailment to contact him now through his email address: or WhatsApp/Call  him on +2347041851286. I assure you that he will be of great help to you
Dr Oyoma is capable of curing HIV/AIDS, HERPES, HPV, HSV1&2, COLD SORE, CANCER DIABETES and so many other infections. 
His website is ::  
His Facebook Page: 
You  can reach me on my mail :: or whatsapp or call me on +1 (856)661-7665


Now I understand everyone has to know the plain Truth, Dr Ise is good, great and much respected, I have seen lot of publication about Him, telling more testimony and praising him, Dr Ise is extraordinary, man of great value, who care more on healthy living, I never trusted Him, I saw a testimonial about HIV and Herpes Cured by Dr. Ise, Herbal therapeutic medicinal, All information I  saw were published on June 2020. I went straight to write to Him via Email, he responded 48 hours , I told him I am HIV/ Aids  carrier, and also have Cancer it said , I should calm down, I was nervous, calm down? What do you mean? He said I should explain everything in detail. All my illnesses, age, What medication I'm currently using, How is my immunity?. I replied to Him Immediately.He said am going to use Powerful Curing Herbal therapeutic medicine, Which He explained and told me about usage, treatment and prescription... I followed simple Instruction and Health tips from Dr.Ise, He sent all Herbal medication to me , In My provided House Address and into I sent him.I finally finished up using all the medications He sent to me! Today I'm 100% Cured by Dr .Ise and his powerful Herbal therapeutic medicine, When I say I'm cured ,I'm cured from HIV/ AIDS and Cancer. It is a thing of Joy, Please Dr .ISE keep up with your natural Herbal Cure ,The world need you like never before, Herbal are natural, pure and more effectively than any kind of medications, especially curing Viral Illnesses, Protozoa, Bacteria, Fungal infection and Inflammatory....Here is the following treatment he told me and Cure , I will also like to share it, same way I saw all Illnesses and Information They published on the Internet, Acadia Avent is my Name.Here is the following I saw that made me contact Dr.ISE:The unusual, wonderful Herbal cure! Thank you Dr. Ise only Good will speak for you! 
Always known to seek right Doctor, I was like you? Am totally HIV Negative,Also cured from Cancer by Dr.Ise.

Cancer disease and Allergy Responds

Herpes Virus 

5.  Genital warts 


7.HPV Viral infection

8.Fungal Infections

9 Asthma / Pneumatic

10.Hepatitis A, B , C and ---

12.Deadly CoronaVirus,( COVID 19).

13 Insomnia and all Fungal Infections.

His medications has become number one recognized worldwide with CDC and WHO 

The only Herbal Doctor  granted licensed to treat and cure patients worldwide.

His contact are;      




Now I understand everyone has to know the plain Truth, Dr Ise is good, great and much respected, I have seen lot of publication about Him, telling more testimony and praising him, Dr Ise is extraordinary, man of great value, who care more on healthy living, I never trusted Him, I saw a testimonial about HIV and Herpes Cured by Dr. Ise, Herbal therapeutic medicinal, All information I  saw were published on June 2020. I went straight to write to Him via Email, he responded 48 hours , I told him I am HIV/ Aids  carrier, and also have Cancer it said , I should calm down, I was nervous, calm down? What do you mean? He said I should explain everything in detail. All my illnesses, age, What medication I'm currently using, How is my immunity?. I replied to Him Immediately.He said am going to use Powerful Curing Herbal therapeutic medicine, Which He explained and told me about usage, treatment and prescription... I followed simple Instruction and Health tips from Dr.Ise, He sent all Herbal medication to me , In My provided House Address and into I sent him.I finally finished up using all the medications He sent to me! Today I'm 100% Cured by Dr .Ise and his powerful Herbal therapeutic medicine, When I say I'm cured ,I'm cured from HIV/ AIDS and Cancer. It is a thing of Joy, Please Dr .ISE keep up with your natural Herbal Cure ,The world need you like never before, Herbal are natural, pure and more effectively than any kind of medications, especially curing Viral Illnesses, Protozoa, Bacteria, Fungal infection and Inflammatory....Here is the following treatment he told me and Cure , I will also like to share it, same way I saw all Illnesses and Information They published on the Internet, Acadia Avent is my Name.Here is the following I saw that made me contact Dr.ISE:The unusual, wonderful Herbal cure! Thank you Dr. Ise only Good will speak for you! 
Always known to seek right Doctor, I was like you? Am totally HIV Negative,Also cured from Cancer by Dr.Ise.

Cancer disease and Allergy Responds

Herpes Virus 

5.  Genital warts 


7.HPV Viral infection

8.Fungal Infections

9 Asthma / Pneumatic

10.Hepatitis A, B , C and ---

12.Deadly CoronaVirus,( COVID 19).

13 Insomnia and all Fungal Infections.

His medications has become number one recognized worldwide with CDC and WHO 

The only Herbal Doctor  granted licensed to treat and cure patients worldwide.

His contact are;      



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