

Right-wingers have made it a propaganda technique to show up in someone else's hood, talk shit, and flash guns... well. This was gonna happen eventually.


If you read much wingnut comment thread, it becomes obvious fast that the "civil war" these exurban shitheels imagine isn't some Red Dawn adventure. What they have in mind is rolling on to a college campus a murdering hippies in their sleep.


That's pretty mean of you to say that raindrop should be dead.


Still mean. Consider yourself chastened and my finger wagged at you.


Though I do commend you for your restraint in not calling for his property to be vandalized. Cheer up, raindrop, no one will damage your stuff!


@2 - They have more than that in mind.
I live in the midst of possibly the highest concentration of right-wing militia, white supremacist/nationalist groups in the entire United States. We've made the national news at least 4 times just this year because of them.

All their commentary revolves around the coming civil war and how they can trigger/exploit it. They cannot wait to start killing people like us; they're giddy at the prospect. They openly use terms such as "extermination' of "vermin." That's actual Nazi language from the Holocaust.

There are a hell of a lot more of them than people realize, and it seems as if their ranks are growing. That is why I tell everyone I can that the left needs to get over their visceral antipathy toward guns. They need to get over it and arm themselves. You don't need 50 guns like they have, just one high-quality, well-maintained firearm with a modest stock of ammunition will do nicely.

They often gleefully note that they have 80% of the firearms in the US, so crushing dissent in the upcoming civil war will be easy for them...especially with the support of the police and most of the combat arms specialties of the military. I seriously doubt a full-on civil war, but I would bet a lot of money on widespread sectarian violence in this country after November.

People on the left need to be prepared to counter that.


These people are the same people who got Jeremy Christian riled up, so much so that he murdered people on the MAX train. These people are not Pro-Trump supporters. They are white supremacist terrorists. And it is the WST that are the gun toting, shooting and killing contingent. Meanwhile the Portland Police actively assault and harm people protesting. Portland Police slash people's tires and smash their car windows, inflict bodily harm, and otherwise violate the rights of people engaged in exercising their First Amendment rights.

Nowhere does the Second Amendment of the Constitution say you get to go wherever you want, armed to the teeth, ready to incite violence, shoot and kill people, and pretend you are the victims. Enough of white males with guns killing people. Enough of the Police responding to people outraged and angry at the violence and murder committed by cops every single day against Black people with MORE VIOLENCE while white people who walk around armed and shoot people in the street are not even stopped! Kyle Rittenhouse is and all of his ilk are seriously disturbed and violent domestic terrorists.

The racist violence in this Oregon and nationwide is solely due to racist white people. And these racist white people are being egged on by Trump and his racist rhetoric (he doesn't have to shoot anyone in the middle of the street, there are so many people willing to do it for him). The Proud Boys, the Patriot Prayers, Joey Gibson, and all of their ilk need to be treated like the Black Lives Matter protesters. They need to be tear gassed and beaten and taken off the streets by any means necessary. Enough bullshit. Enough pretending. Enough domestic terrorism on the streets of Portland and everywhere else aided and abetted, encouraged and incited, and ignored by the police.

And people wonder why the police need to be defunded into oblivion.
Fuck the United States of White Supremacist Terrorism.

The ONLY people inciting violence and causing harm are the cops murdering Black people and the white supremacist terrorists running around playing militia man and shooting whoever they want. White supremacist ideology is a delusion. Trump and his minions and all of the gun toting white men with their guns are all like sick dogs. Too bad they can't all be put down like sick dogs. That would solve a major problem in this country. We would be rid of the toxic waste-like cancer of white supremacist terrorism and maybe, just maybe, this country could face itself, change, and survive.


I'm not a Trump supporter or any other flavor of idiot, and firmly believe that putrid smelly sausage is best thrown in the garbage incinerator, never to pollute the air again.


Thoughts and prayers.


@32 the people Rittenhouse MURDERED were the people who chased him down to subdue him after he shot someone in front of them! They ran down the street screaming that he had shot someone. The cops did nothing. He shot and killed two more people and then walked UP TO the police, who drove and walked right by him (throwing him a bottle of water and telling him how happy they were that he was there) and then his MOMMY who had driven him across the state line with the weapon he did not legally own, had no right to legally carry open or otherwise, with which he shot and then shot and killed people, so he could get a good night's sleep in his own bed before being arrested for six felony counts, two of which are first degree murder.

Funny how people on this forum justify all murder of Black people by blaming them for their own deaths, yet believe a white supremacist terrorist walking around hunting people was "defending himself." What fucking shit bags you all are.


@43 - it may be that Portland does not want to invite Trump's personal goons (at least he thinks they are his personal goons) into the city. And if you think for a second that the Feds are going to do anything to discourage the Proud Boys etc., there are about a million bridges in Portland I'd love to sell you. Beat up & jail protesters, sure. But they won't lay a brown-shirted finger on the right wing thugs.


It's a shame none of these pretend cops actually know you're not supposed to kill your friends with friendly fire.

But, given they believe Trump's lies, what do we expect?


Who was it that said "I will hire one half of the nation's poor to kill the other half?" It is kind of going on now. Query: what was the annual income of the man shot dead in Portland? What was the annual income of the kids shot dead by Rittenhouse? What was in store for Rittenhouse, job wise? Are they, perhaps, aimless youth cast adrift by an economy ruined (for all but the wealthy) by decades of austerity and neoliberalism? In simple economic terms, should they all have been on the same side? Should the posters on this board be, too?


All the violence associated with these demonstrations just plays into Trump's hands. It energizes his base and increases his chances for re-election. It wouldn't surprise me at all if much of the violence, especially the serious stuff with gunfire, results from agents provocateurs from Trumpworld. They could even be working on both sides! The more violence, the better for Trump.


@26 - Agree with everything you said without reservation...except the part about him getting convicted. I'd bet my month's pension check he gets off. It only takes 1 juror, after all.


Flush the Turd November Third and Anyone Rootin' for Vladimir Putin!


Arrived to find the expected jizz soaked comment section.

Imagine living with an empty, soulless void within you which compelled you to wish for the death of another human being. Every joy that you would profess to experience would have that cloying smell of hate embedded somewhere. Nothing you could tell yourself would keep it from being eventually noticed.

I would only expect the only thing worse in that persons life would be the action(s) they endured that created the void.

It is something that needs to be heavily considered when interacting with such a person. They should actually be shown the compassion which doesn't exist within themselves.


@43 Rittenhouse shot the first victim in the head when all that person was even have alleged to have done was shoot a gun up into the affair. It was this first unprovoked shooting that brought the crowd towards Rittenhouse because he had already killed somebody.

And Rittenhouse had no justification for bringing the AR-15 across state lines in the first place.


What a show! GermanSausage has really gone off the deep end.

Even Garb, an established sensible liberal progressive, can't have a reasonable discussion without being stung by insults. GermanSausage says he's enjoying himself in @47, thus admitting his deep rooted sadism. These are the personality traits of actual racists and fascists.

He will write anything to claim the mantle of being the utmost anti-racist and anti-fascist on Slog, which only shows everyone how deeply insecure he really is. Reasonable people want to explore the topics of fascism and racism calmly and rationally, academically and historically. But GermanSausage sees these things as ammunition only to use against people without regard, or even an interest, in their actual dispositions.

So he want me dead. I don't return the sentiment. I'm not that kind of guy even on a blog where my pixels are anonymous.

Now, how will he respond to this comment? With his typical unhinged rabid insult spew? Or will he for once show a little maturity and know when to let things go.


@60. I agree that there is an excellent chance Rittenhouse will be acquitted at trial, at least of the murders. For one thing, far right groups will low-key hire him the best defense attorney team money can buy. For another, there is likely going to be more footage out there that the public has not seen yet, although the jury will. And folks have such strong feelings about the unrest/peaceful protest/lootings that it will be almost impossible to find a jury that is truly neutral. Now imagine if the shooter's name was Kwame and the dead kids were Ryder and Colin...different story.
This kid was 100% fomented to hate and told to do what he did, although not explicitly. Sad deal. The divide and conquer dodge the eljtes are employing to thwart working class unity is more effective, the more this type of stuff happens.


@63 The only thing you can be sure of is that GermanSausage is the enemy of everyone.



A young impressionable person has to get pretty riled up by someone or something to (illegally) AR up, cross state lines, and shoot people in the head for protesting and damaging property. It is easier to kill what we have been taught to view as an existential threat, when in reality they are all just mixed up kids who should be on the same side. I am going to go ahead and stick with the word hate. It suits.


@60 - the murder victim's past criminal history is of NO potential relevance to what Rittenhouse did (and do we even know exactly what he was convicted of? there are states where dating a girl 3 years younger than you are makes you a "child rapist").

Even if Rittenhouse knew about it, which seems very unlikely, it would not excuse him shooting the guy. None of us are allowed to just kill someone because he was, or allegedly was, a child molester.

The jury should not hear of it and will not hear of it. If a judge does let that in, any appellate court in the country would reverse the decision and send it back for a new trial. It's not even a close question under the evidentiary rules.


I love how his sister describes every ANTIFA member ever when she says:
"On the one hand, this whole thing surprises the daylights out of us, because we always thought he is a lot of bark, not a lot of bite,ā€ she said. ā€œBut heā€™s also been very impulsive and irrational.ā€


@44 "it may be that Portland does not want to invite Trump's personal goons (at least he thinks they are his personal goons) into the city."

Are you certain that they don't live there?


@70 They do not live in Portland. They make a point of leaving their racist enclaves and traveling to Portland. Joey Gibson doesn't even live in Oregon, he lives in Vancouver, WA. The caravan of Pro-Trumpers traveled from Clackamas County to Portland. It's near Portland (SE of Portland), but it's not in Portland (Multnomah County).


@49: I look forward to your spittle flecked ranting regarding the man killed in Portland and how his past misdeeds justify his death as well.
Finding out after the fact that a murder victim was anything less than a walks on water saint is not a justification for their murder. And neither is whomever they vote for. Maybe you should take page from the BLM street medic that tried to help the victim in Portland. She didn't care who he was, only that he needed help. It is a pity that the cops pulled her off and kicked away her supplies and wouldn't let her get back to him. Maybe he'd still be alive.


@71: Aaron J. Danielson (the victim) is a resident of Portland. Michael Reinoehl, under investigation, is not.

It really doesn't matter where the leadership of a movement resides. Antifa command and control isn't even in the USA. But we don't deny its followers the right to protest.


@60: If the first victim was guilty of that, do we have any way of knowing if Rittenhouse knew that? If he didn't know that-and we have no proof that he did or, again, if it is true at all- how would information he didn't have mitigate his actions at all? It's a crime to shoot someone in the head.


74: Antifa doesn't HAVE "command and control".

It isn't even an organization, so there's nothing TO control

What we know of as Antifa exists solely because those who identify as Antifa here choose to identify with it. And even Trump hasn't claimed it is a foreign conspiracy.

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