

trump's America
looks pretty damn
Crazy from here

yet he blames it all
on some Future President.

has trump EVER
admitted Culpablity?

Four more years?
I doubt we'll have two.

he's Gotta Go.


The barbarians are at the city gates--these Tr666pnazi white trash are revolting!

(Tell us something we don't know!)


From the linked NYT article about creeps w/ an axe to grind, "In a concentrated predawn burst, the president posted or reposted 89 messages between 5:49 a.m. and 8:04 a.m. on Sunday on top of 18 the night before..."

I know this isn't especially groundbreaking news or anything, but Donald Trump's a freaking ass and a nutjob.


Don't we have our own rioters to feed here? Why go to Wisconsin? Pretty sure they have food there too.


Even a teenage girl would be embarrassed at 89 tweets in that span of time and at that time of the morning.


@4 I believe I read that they were headed to DC for the march on Washington but then this happened in route and decided to stop at Kenosha instead. Don't quote me on it but I think that is what I read.


only a massive Duck Fart could
Appreciate rioting cops like ours.


That nut dispenser for squirrels made my day.


Same here, that thing's hilarious!


@11 And here I thought the failed impeachment was going to do that.


medical emergency being code for "drunk off his ass" I'm presuming?


@19 - Or an actual medical emergency. Probably have to wait on this one. Was it really a medical emergency, or did he just claim that when he was actually typing on his MDT or texting someone...or intoxicated? If an actual medical emergency, what kind? A sudden sneeze or a heart attack?

Legit medical emergencies do cause a surprising number of wrecks in the US, but we’ll see.


The dead prayer patriot dork was probably a case of friendly fire. They’re all morons, and they infight like the little bitches they are.


Predictions of emergent behavior from vaguely defined groups has got to be the most useless thing that happens on the internet. One can forgive David Brooks or Maureen Dowd for engaging in these superstitious antics - they've got column inches to fill for their paycheck. But amateurs? wtf.


@27: Don't be bitter now.


Wait and watch, it's going to start happening all over. People need to study history. The Nazis did this. They sowed chaos and violence in "left-wing" areas of Germany, holding rallies and saying only THEY could stop the "violent communists."

Trump has already praised Jay Bishop, the white supremacist pro-Trumper shot and killed in Portland. Trump is going to Kenosha to soothe his white supremacist base (and probably privately tell Kyle Rittenhouse he's a hero) DESPITE THE FACT THAT LEADERS IN WISCONSIN HAVE TOLD HIM TO STAY AWAY!

Forget all of the Black people that have been and continue to be murdered. We're going to see pro-Trump white supremacists getting shot and killed and in turn shooting and killing and Trump is going to reign over the chaos he's sowing, lying to his base and fearmongering the racists into believing he is their savior.


@25: To illustrate how the Trump campaign will foster that violence blaming, here's a video that Donald Trump Jr. tweeted compiling unfortunate commentary from some of our most popular politicians, pundits, and celebrities:


It is far more plausible that pro-Trump supporters would be killed by people who hate pro-Trump supporters, rather than "group-sacrifice" murders to steer the narrative for blaming antifa. Of course, conspiracy junkies will always maintain that if it's possible, it's true.


@35 You also claimed that the Bothell police officer was killed by a "member of BLM", and then it turned out that his own partner accidentally shot him. So you might want to keep your bogeyman conspiracy theories in check and let the professionals sort out the facts.


@39 Nothing has moved the polls re: Trump in four-plus years, it's doubtful anything will now. Forty percent of the country would still support him if he personally broke into their house and murdered their own children. ("I don't support everything he does, but dammit WE'VE GOT TO OWN THOSE LIBS!") November is all about turnout. I don't even look at polls or polling stories.


@27 - Right-wing extremists are indeed notorious for shooting each other, but I suspect this was not such a case. At least it shows people on the left are starting to arm themselves, too. Let's see what the gun nuts say about that!


@29 - Whereabouts? Born in Midland with family still in Gladwin, Alpena, Traverse City, Bay City and Detroit area.


"Murdered in the streets by Antifa Scum"

Oh David dear, what fanciful notions you conjure up! Something tells me that somebody plays a lot of video games! But what else is there to do in Shoreline?


I once went to North Bend.

it was Terrifying.


Trump must have needed assistance getting off the toilet after that Twitter binge. That's a long time to be sitting on the can.


@48 - With the exception of 2018, I thought that historically, rural voter turnout outpaces urban turnout. Both trail suburban voters. 2018 was unusual in that people in cities were super motivated for a change, and rural voters less so...because Trump himself wasn't on the ballot.

I've lived in the heart of Trump country, small-town N. Idaho, for a decade now. Most people here are Trumpers, but they don't care as much about down-ballot or non-Presidential elections. Trump supporters are a cult of personality, and they'll turn out in droves for him specifically. Take his name off the ballot, and they're as apathetic or as engaged as usual.

@46 - Stunning country up there. My aunt and uncle had a getaway cottage outside Naubinway. Sold it a couple of years ago.

@51 - If you really want to be terrified, come to Coeur d'Alene-Hayden-Sandpoint area of North Idaho, ground zero for white supremacist/nationalists and associated militias in the US. They call it their "American Redoubt." Pretty lakes and mountains, tho!


How come this thread is turning into who has a more correct opinion of what people in the Midwest or Idaho are doing when this article, and comments thread, has mentioned plenty of our own fun crackerass places to dwell on like San Juans, Westport, Forks and a little place called Seattle.


Hey, David in Shoreline - it is ANTI FASCIST scum, nazi. Guess that makes you a fascist.


Thank you toe tag. Your intelligence was of prime importance my dear.


Sorry, I meant Toe Tag.

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all of the time.

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